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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2011 Reepmeyer, Christian Provenance and technology of lithic artifacts from the Teouma Lapita site, Vanuatu Asian Perspectives (2010) [Reepmeyer, 2011 #28602]
Journal Article 2011 Bar-Yosef, Ofer Were bamboo tools made in prehistoric Southeast Asia? An experimental view from South China Quaternary International [Bar-Yosef, 2011 #28700]
Journal Article 1956 Sieveking, G. de G. The distribution of stone bark cloth beaters in prehistoric times Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Sieveking, 1956 #28787]
Journal Article 2007 West, Jolee A. Differentiating bamboo from stone tool cut marks in the zooarchaeological record, with a discussion on the use of bamboo knives Journal of Archaeological Science [West, 2007 #28849]
Journal Article 2008 Petraglia, Michael D. Large cutting tool variation west and east of the Movius Line Journal of Human Evolution [Petraglia, 2008 #28922]
Journal Article 2007 Marwick, Ben Approaches to flaked stone artefact archaeology in Thailand: a historical review Silpakorn University International Journal [Marwick, 2007 #28925]
Journal Article 2007 Forestier, Hubert Les éclats du passé préhistorique de Sumatra : une très longue histoire des techniques Archipel [Forestier, 2007 #28926]
Journal Article 1848 Noggerath, Herrn Die kunst, onyx, carneole, chalcedone, und andere verwandte steinarten zu farben, zur erlauterung einer stelle des Plinius Secundus Archiv für Mineralogie, Geognosie, Bergbau und Hüttenkunde [Noggerath, 1848 #29060]
Journal Article 2009 Mahirta Stone technology and the chronology of human occupation on Rote, Sawu and Timor, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Mahirta 2009 #29079]
Journal Article 2009 Haidle, Miriam Noël Shouldered adzes, bifaces, and chert prisms: a characterization of Mimotien stone tool assemblages from later Cambodian prehistory Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Haidle, 2009 #29090]
Journal Article 1997 Ray, Ranjana Stone tools from the Jamara site, Malaygiri foothills, Orissa Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Ray, 1997 #29110]
Journal Article 1992 Oda, Shizuo The origin and early development of axe-like and edge-ground stone tools in the Japanese Palaeolithic Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Oda, 1992 #29121]
Journal Article 1982 White, Peter J. Notes on some stone tools from Passismanua, New Britain Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [White, 1982 #29184]
Journal Article 2009 Torrence, Robin Mid-Holocene social interaction in Melanesia: new evidence from hammer-dressed obsidian stemmed tools Asian Perspectives (2009) [Torrence, 2009 #29220]
Journal Article 2007 Webb, John Influences on selection of lithic raw material sources at Huizui, a neolithic/early bronze age site in northern China Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Webb, 2007 #29344]
Journal Article 1987 Adi Haji Taha Recent archaeological discoveries in peninsular Malaysia (1983-1985) Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Adi 1987 #29361]
Journal Article 2008 Marwick, Ben What attributes are important for the measurement of assemblage reduction intensity? Results from an experimental stone artefact assemblage with relevance to the Hoabinhian of mainland Southeast Asia Journal of Archaeological Science [Marwick, 2008 #29416]
Journal Article 1907 Hildburgh, W. L. Chinese methods of cutting hard stones Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland [Hildburgh, 1907 #29547]
Journal Article 1992 Bowdler, Sandra The earliest Australian stone tools and implications for Southeast Asia Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Bowdler, 1992 #29934]
Journal Article 2006 Blench, Roger From Vietnamese lithophones to Balinese gamelans: a history of tuned percussion in the Indo-Pacific region Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Blench, 2006 #30038]
Journal Article 2005 Nakazawa, Yuichi Toward an understanding of technological variability in microblade assemblages in Hokkaido, Japan Asian Perspectives (2005) [Nakazawa, 2005 #30364]
Journal Article 1980 Trinh Nang Chung, Buoc dau nghien cuu thuc nghiem ky thuat che tac cong cu da (da cuoi va da goc) [ Preliminary tests on the fashion-technique for lithic implements (from pebble and core as well] Khao Co Hoc [Trinh 1980 #31320]
Journal Article 1960 Heider, Karl G. A pebble-tool complex in Thailand Asian Perspectives (1958) [Heider, 1960 #31645]
Journal Article 1959 Esaka, Teruya Ancient sites and some artifacts found during a survey trip along the Mekong River Japanese Journal of Ethnology (民族學 硏究) [Esaka, 1959 #31660]
Journal Article 1963 Malleret, Louis Notes archéologiques: II. Pierres gravées et chacets de dives pays du Sud-Est de l'Asie Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Malleret, 1963 #32143]
Journal Article 1957 Saurin, Edmond Outillage hoabinhien à Giáp Kliâu, Port-Courbet (Nord Việt-Nam) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Saurin, 1957 #32156]
Journal Article 2001 Goebel, Ted Masterov Kliuch and the Early Upper Palaeolithic of the Transbaikal, Siberia Asian Perspectives (2000) [Goebel, 2001 #32746]
Journal Article 1998 Seong, Chuntaek Microblade technology in Korea and adjacent northeast Asia Asian Perspectives (1998) [Seong, 1998 #32790]
Journal Article 1983 Ray, Ranjana Type-classes of the blade-bladelet element in India Asian Perspectives (1980) [Ray, 1983 #33088]
Journal Article 1982 Rambo, A. Terry A note on stone tool use by the Orang Asli (Aborigines) of Peninsular Malaysia Asian Perspectives (1979) [Rambo, 1982 #33099]