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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1933 Colani, M. Briquets en fer Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Colani, 1933 #27099]
Journal Article 2016 Évrard, Olivier Of myths and metallurgy: archaeological and ethnological approaches to upland iron production in 9th century CE northwest Laos Journal of Southeast Asian Studies [Évrard, 2016 #27474]
Journal Article 2011 Naizatul Akma Mokhtar, The ancient iron smelting in Sg. Batu, Bujang Valley, Kedah Postgraduate Student Forum: Current Asian Anthropology [Naizatul 2011 #27738]
Journal Article 2008 Gallon, M. D. The political economy of iron in late prehistoric South India Antiquity [Gallon, 2008 #27849]
Journal Article 2015 Jianjun Mei, Archaeometallurgical studies in China: some recent developments and challenging issues Journal of Archaeological Science [Jianjun 2015 #28009]
Journal Article 2001 Wagner, Donald B. The administration of the iron industry in eleventh-century China Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient [Wagner, 2001 #28073]
Journal Article 1979 Hedges, R. E. M. The heavy mineral separation of ancient ceramics by centrifugation: a preliminary report Archaeometry [Hedges, 1979 #28076]
Journal Article 2014 Pryce, Thomas Oliver The iron kuay of cambodia: tracing the role of peripheral populations in Angkorian to colonial Cambodia via a 1200 year old industrial landscape Journal of Archaeological Science [Pryce, 2014 #28140]
Journal Article 2013 Biggs, Lynn Prehistoric iron production technologies in the Upper Thai-Malay Peninsula: metallography and slag inclusion analyses of iron artefacts from Khao Sam Kaeo and Phu Khao Thong Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Biggs, 2013 #28200]
Journal Article 1882 Moura, J. Fabrication du fer chez les Cuois du Compong-Soai Revue d'Ethnographie [Moura, 1882 #28235]
Journal Article 2013 Hendrickson, Mitch Using in-slag charcoal as an indicator of "terminal" iron production within the Angkorian period (10th-13th centuries AD) center of Preah Khan of Kompang Svay, Cambodia Radiocarbon [Hendrickson, 2013 #28240]
Journal Article 2010 Cawte, Hayden James Laterite nodules: a credible source of iron ore in iron age northeast Thailand? Geoarchaeology [Cawte, 2010 #28348]
Journal Article 2009 Juleff, G. Technology and evolution: a root and branch view of Asian iron from first-millennium BC Sri Lanka to Japanese steel World Archaeology [Juleff, 2009 #28410]
Journal Article 2010 Pryce, T. O. Smelting iron from laterite: technical possiblility or ethnographic aberration? Asian Perspectives (2009) [Pryce, 2010 #28463]
Journal Article 2003 Veldhuijzen, Harald Alexander 'Slag_Fun' - a new tool for archaeometallurgy: development of an analytical (P)ED-XRF method for iron-rich materials Papers from the Institute of Archaeology [Veldhuijzen, 2003 #28541]
Journal Article 1981 Subbarayappa, B. V. Cultural contours of iron in ancient India Science Today [Subbarayappa, 1981 #28714]
Journal Article 1978 Henan Provincial Museum The iron and steel making techniques of the Han dynasty in Henan Kaogu Xuebao [Henan 1978 #29535]
Journal Article 1971 Tylecote, R. F. The mechanism of the bloomery process in shaft furnaces Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute [Tylecote, 1971 #29701]
Journal Article 1987 Rostoker, William White cast iron as a weapon and tool material Archeomaterials [Rostoker, 1987 #29729]
Journal Article 1995 Reid, Andrew Symbolism and the social contexts of iron production in Karagwe World Archaeology [Reid, 1995 #29730]
Journal Article 2001 Kim, Jangsuk Elite strategies and the spread of technological innovation: the spread of iron in the bronze age societies of Denmark and Southern Korea Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Kim, 2001 #29780]
Journal Article 1987 Craddock, Paul T. Iron in ancient copper Archaeometry [Craddock, 1987 #29787]
Journal Article 1991 Cresswell, R. G. The radiocarbon dating of iron using accelerator mass spectometry Journal of Historical Metallurgy [Cresswell, 1991 #29817]
Journal Article 1975 Cooke, S. R. B. The occurrence of metallic iron in ancient copper Journal of Field Archaeology [Cooke, 1975 #29837]
Journal Article 1978 Cheng, Shih-po An iron and steel works of 2000 years ago China Reconstructs [Cheng, 1978 #29887]
Journal Article 1964 Wertime, T. A. Man's first encounters with metallurgy Science [Wertime, 1964 #33755]
Journal Article 1996 Yamada, M. An improved method for estimating original mineral contents in excavated bone using sulfur Biological Trace Element Research [Yamada, 1996 #34424]
Journal Article 1986 Schneider, K. N. Dental caries, enamel composition, and subsistence among prehistoric Amerindians of Ohio American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Schneider, 1986 #34531]
Journal Article 1994 Sandford, M. K. Multivariate analyses of elemental hair concentrations from a medieval Nubian population American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Sandford, 1994 #34538]
Journal Article 1989 Hisanaga, A. Variation of trace metals in ancient and contemporary Japanese bones Biological Trace Element Research [Hisanaga, 1989 #34663]