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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1995 Reid, Andrew Symbolism and the social contexts of iron production in Karagwe World Archaeology [Reid, 1995 #29730]
Journal Article 1993 Childs, S. T. Indigenous African metallurgy: nature and culture Annual Review of Anthropology [Childs, 1993 #29877]
Journal Article 1980 Casson, Lionel Rome's trade with the east: the sea voyage to Africa and India Transactions of the American Philological Society [Casson, 1980 #29905]
Journal Article 1997 Bar-Yosef Mayer, D. E. Neolithic shell bead production in Sinai Journal of Archaeological Science [Bar-Yosef 1997 #29967]
Journal Article 1965 Batistini, R. L'importance de l'homme dans les transformations protohistoriques du milieu naturel à Madagascar Taloha [Batistini, 1965 #29969]
Journal Article 1983 Allibert, Claude Le site de Bagamoyo (Mayotte, archipel des Comores) Études Océan Indien [Allibert, 1983 #30002]
Journal Article 1993 Aiello, Leslie C. The fossil evidence for modern human origins in Africa: a revised review American Anthropologist [Aiello, 1993 #30016]
Journal Article 2005 Dlamini, N. An investigation of the frequency of squatting facets in later stone age foragers from South Africa International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Dlamini, 2005 #30145]
Journal Article 2004 Wu, Xinzhi On the origin of modern humans in China Quaternary International [Wu, 2004 #30693]
Journal Article 2004 Pietrusewsky, Michael Review of "Genetic, linguistic, and archaeological perspectives on human diversity in Southeast Asia," by Li Jin, Mark Seielstad, and Chunjie Xiao, eds. Asian Perspectives (2004) [Pietrusewsky, 2004 #31157]
Journal Article 1963 Vérin, Pierre Michel Rétrospective et problèmes de l’archéologie à Madagascar Asian Perspectives (1962) [Vérin, 1963 #31196]
Journal Article 1986 Horton, Mark Asiatic colonization of the East African coast: the Manda evidence Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland [Horton, 1986 #31498]
Journal Article 2001 Kramer, Andrew Out of Africa and into the Levant: replacement or admixture in Western Asia Quaternary International [Kramer, 2001 #31795]
Journal Article 2001 Hawks, John D. The four faces of Eves: hypothesis compatibility and human origins Quaternary International [Hawks, 2001 #31796]
Journal Article 1998 Deakin, W. J. Amplification and sequencing of DNA from preserved sorghum of up to 2800 years antiquity found at Qasr Ibrim Ancient Biomolecules [Deakin, 1998 #32416]
Journal Article 1998 Deakin, William J. The Sorghum of Qasr Ibrim: reconstructing DNA templates from ancient seeds Ancient Biomolecules [Deakin, 1998 #32431]
Journal Article 2001 Graver, Alison M. Mitochondrial DNA research in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt: a preliminary report Ancient Biomolecules [Graver, 2001 #32454]
Journal Article 1973 Kahlke, H. D. A review of the Pleistocene history of the Orang-Utan (Pongo Lacépède 1799) Asian Perspectives (1972) [Kahlke, 1973 #33266]
Journal Article 1964 Vérin, Pierre Madagascar Asian Perspectives (1963) [Vérin, 1964 #33480]
Journal Article 1963 Vérin, Pierre Madagascar Asian Perspectives (1962) [Vérin, 1963 #33519]
Journal Article 2000 Sealy, Judith Diet, Body Size, and Landscape Use among Holocene People in the Southern Cape, South Africa Current Anthropology [Sealy, 2000 #34330]
Journal Article 1998 Iacumin, P. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes as dietary indicators of ancient Nubian populations (Northern Sudan) Journal of Archaeological Science [Iacumin, 1998 #34364]
Journal Article 2001 Dupras, Tosha L. Infant feeding and weaning practices in Roman Egypt American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Dupras, 2001 #34380]
Journal Article 1994 White, Christine D. Temporal trends in stable isotopes for Nubian mummy tissues American Journal of Physical Anthropology [White, 1994 #34439]
Journal Article 1997 White, Christine D. Osteopenia and stable isotope ratios in bone collagen of Nubian female mummies American Journal of Physical Anthropology [White, 1997 #34440]
Journal Article 1991 Sillen, Andrew Solubility profiles of synthetic apatites and of modern and fossil bones Journal of Archaeological Science [Sillen, 1991 #34502]
Journal Article 1992 Sillen, Andrew Strontium-calcium ratios (Sr/Ca) of <i>Australopithecus robustus</i> and associated fauna from Swartkrans Journal of Human Evolution [Sillen, 1992 #34503]
Journal Article 1985 Sealy, Judith C. Isotope assessment of Holocene human diets in the southwestern Cape South Africa Nature [Sealy, 1985 #34508]
Journal Article 1992 Sealy, Judith C. On "approaches to dietary reconstruction in the Western Cape: are you what you have eaten?" - A reply to Parkington Journal of Archaeological Science [Sealy, 1992 #34509]
Journal Article 1997 Sealy, Judith C. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios and coastal diets in the later stone age of South Africa: a comparison and critical analysis of two data sets Ancient Biomolecules [Sealy, 1997 #34511]