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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2001 Zhou, Weijian Climate changes in northern China since the late Pleistocene and its response to global change Quaternary International [Zhou, 2001 #28573]
Journal Article 1995 Semal, Patrick Collagen extraction from recent and fossil bones: quantitative and qualitative aspects Journal of Archaeological Science [Semal, 1995 #34329]
Journal Article 1991 Dorozynski, A. Collagen: a new probe into prehistoric diet [news] Science [Dorozynski, 1991 #34728]
Journal Article 1998 Gröcke, Darren R. Collagenic and carbonate hydroxylapatite spacing in prehistoric humans: possible relationship with dietary protein Lethaia [Gröcke, 1998 #34685]
Journal Article 1997 Bocherens, Hervé Comments on: diet, physiology and ecology of fossil mammals as inferred from stable carbon and nitrogen isotope biogeochemistry: implications for Pleistocene bear by Bocherens et al Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Bocherens, 1997 #34780]
Journal Article 2009 Bentley, R. Alexander Community diversity at Ban Lum Khao, Thailand: isotopic evidence from the skeletons Asian Perspectives (2009) [Bentley, 2009 #29222]
Journal Article 1988 Roksandic, Zarko Comparative analysis of dietary habits between Jomon and Ainu hunter-gatherers from stable carbon isotopes of human bone Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon (人類學雜誌) [Roksandic, 1988 #33726]
Journal Article 2006 Lee-Thorp, Julia Contributions of biogeochemistry to understanding hominin dietary ecology American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Lee-Thorp, 2006 #30104]
Journal Article 1999 Wright, Lori E. Correspondence between stable carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen isotopes in human tooth enamel and dentine: infant diet at Kaminaljuyú Journal of Archaeological Science [Wright, 1999 #34310]
Journal Article 1996 Stott, Andrew W. delta<sup>13</sup>C analysis of cholesterol preserved in archaeological bones and teeth Analytical Chemistry [Stott, 1996 #34322]
Book Section 1989 Fry, B. delta<sup>13</sup>C measurements as indicators of carbon flow in marine and freshwater ecosystems Stable isotopes in ecological research [Fry, 1989 #24456]
Journal Article 1984 Fry, B. delta<sup>13</sup>C measurements as indicators of carbon flow in marine and freshwater ecosystems Contributions to Marine Science [Fry, 1984 #33740]
Journal Article 2000 Edwards, T. W. D. delta<sup>13</sup>C response surface resolves humidity and temperature signals in trees Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta [Edwards, 2000 #34379]
Journal Article 1990 Metges, C. Dependence of the carbon-isotope contents of breath carbon dioxide, milk, serum and rumen fermentation products on the delta 13C value of food in dairy cows British Journal of Nutrition [Metges, 1990 #34588]
Journal Article 2006 Fuller, B. T. Detection of breastfeeding and weaning in modern human infants with carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Fuller, 2006 #30134]
Journal Article 2001 Balasse, Marie Detection of dietary changes by intra-tooth carbon and nitrogen isotopic analysis: an experimental study of dentine collagen of cattle (<i>Bos taurus<i>) Journal of Archaeological Science [Balasse, 2001 #34397]
Journal Article 2017 Castillo, Cristina Cobo Development of cereal agriculture in prehistoric mainland Southeast Asia Man in India [Castillo, 2017 #26671]
Journal Article 2016 Lee, Cheng-Yi Diet and subsistence mode of Neolithic Yuan-Shan people in Taiwan: Perspective from carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses of bone collagen Archaeological Research in Asia [Lee, 2016 #27027]
Journal Article 2006 Jay, Mandy Diet in the Iron Age cemetery population at Wetwang Slack, East Yorkshire, UK: carbon and nitrogen stable isotope evidence Journal of Archaeological Science [Jay, 2006 #30122]
Journal Article 1994 Lee-Thorp, Julia A. Diet of <i>Australopithecus robustus</i> at Swartkrans from stable carbon isotope analysis Journal of Human Evolution [Lee-Thorp, 1994 #34607]
Journal Article 2005 Noe-Nygaard, N. Diet of aurochs and early cattle in southern Scandinavia: evidence from {\super 15}N and {\super 13}C stable isotopes Journal of Archaeological Science [Noe-Nygaard, 2005 #30091]
Journal Article 2000 Sealy, Judith Diet, Body Size, and Landscape Use among Holocene People in the Southern Cape, South Africa Current Anthropology [Sealy, 2000 #34330]
Journal Article 1994 Bocherens, Hervé Diet, physiology and ecology of fossil mammals as inferred from stable carbon and nitrogen isotope biogeochemistry: implications for Pleistocene bears Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Bocherens, 1994 #34783]
Journal Article 1999 Schutkowski, Holger Diet, status and decomposition at Weingarten: trace element and isotope analysis on early mediaeval skeletal material Journal of Archaeological Science [Schutkowski, 1999 #34332]
Journal Article 1997 Cerling, Thure E. Dietary and environmental reconstruction with stable isotope analyses of herbivore tooth enamel from the Miocene locality of Fort Ternan, Kenya Journal of Human Evolution [Cerling, 1997 #34762]
Journal Article 2006 Valentin, F. Dietary patterns during the late prehistoric/historic period in Cikobia island : insights from stable isotopes and dental pathologies Journal of Archaeological Science [Valentin, 2006 #30147]
Book Section 1992 Minagawa, Masao Dietary patterns of Japanese Jomon hunter-gatherers: stable nitrogen and carbon isotope analyses of human bones Pacific Northeast Asia in prehistory: hunter-fisher-gatherers, farmers, and sociopolitical elites [Minagawa, 1992 #24725]
Book Section 1994 Bourque, Bruce J. Dietary reconstruction from human bone for five coastal New England populations Paleonutrition: the diet and health of prehistoric Americans [Bourque, 1994 #24601]
Journal Article 2017 Lee, Cheng-Yi Dietary reconstruction of the Iron Age population at the Fantzuyuan site, Taiwan, revealed by isotopic analysis on human and faunal bone collagen Archaeological Research in Asia [Lee, 2017 #27028]
Journal Article 2001 Clementz, Mark T. Differentiating aquatic mammal habitat and foraging ecology with stable isotopes in tooth enamel Oecologia [Clementz, 2001 #34301]