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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1950 Hooijer, Dirk Albert Fossil evidence of Austromelanesian migrations in Malaysia Southwestern Journal of Anthropology [Hooijer, 1950 #35282]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1968 Takimoto, Kiyoshi Geology and mineral resources in Thailand and Malaya [Takimoto, 1968 #22048]
Journal Article 2014 Makoundi, Charles Geology, geochemistry and metallogenesis of the Selinsing gold deposit, central Malaysia Gondwana Research [Makoundi, 2014 #28057]
Journal Article 1993 Hutchison, Charles S. Gondwana and Cathaysian blocks, Palaeotethys sutures and cenozoic tectonics in South-east Asia Geologische Rundschau [Hutchison, 1993 #28416]
Journal Article 1991 Taha, Adi Haji Gua Cha and the archaeology of the Orang Asli Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Taha, 1991 #29359]
Book Section 2018 Chaw Yeh Saw, Gua Tambun prehistoric rock art: a social perspective Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2016 [Chaw 2018 #22242]
Book 1991 Roseman, Marina Healing sounds from the Malaysian rainforest: Teminar music and medicine Comparative Studies of Health Systems and Medical Care [Roseman, 1991 #19881]
Book Section 1998 Wüst, Raphael A. J. Holocene peat accumulation in a tropical intermontane mire system, Tasik Bera, West Malaysia: implication for coal formation Ninth Regional Congress on Geology, Mineral and Energy Resources of Southeast Asia- GEOSEA 98 [Wüst, 1998 #22983]
Book 1943 Firth, Rosemary Housekeeping among Malay peasants Monographs on Social Anthropology [Firth, 1943 #19817]
Journal Article 1934 Duckworth, W. L. H. Human remains from rock-shelters and caves in Perak, Pahang and Perlis and from Selinsing Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Duckworth, 1934 #33983]
Book Section 2005 Abdullah, Jeffrey Human teeth of the palaeolithic period from Gua Balambangan, Sabah The Perak man and other prehistoric skeletons of Malaysia [Abdullah, 2005 #22601]
Book Section in a Series 2006 Bulbeck, David Human variation and evolution in Holocene Peninsular Malaysia Bioarchaeology of Southeast Asia [Bulbeck, 2006 #25929]
Book 1973 Rotary Club of Malacca Illustrated historical guide to Melaka [Rotary 1973 #20826]
Book 1964 Wheatley, Paul Impressions of the Malay Peninsula in ancient times [Wheatley, 1964 #19854]
Journal Article 2000 Allen, S. Jane In support of trade: coastal site location and environmental transformation in early historical-period Malaysia and Thailand Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Allen, 2000 #35202]
Journal Article 2006 Dierenfeld, Ellen S. Intake, utilization, and composition of browses consumed by the Sumatran rhinoceros (<i>Dicerorhinus sumatrensis harissoni</i>) in captivity in Sabah, Malaysia Zoo Biology [Dierenfeld, 2006 #26608]
Journal Article 1961 Steenis, C. G. G. J. van Introduction Reinwardtia [Steenis, 1961 #30415]
Journal Article 2012 Buckley, Christopher D. Investigating cultural evolution using phylogenetic analysis: the origins and descent of the Southeast Asian tradition of wrap ikat weaving PLOS One [Buckley, 2012 #27967]
Journal Article 2020 Rahman, Nazrin Iron smelting industry of Kedah Hua: a geophysical mapping for buried furnace Archaeologies [Rahman, 2020 #36825]
Book (Edited) 1983 Hooker, M. B. Islam in South-East Asia [Hooker, 1983 #21356]
Book Section 2011 Mokhtar Saidin, Issues and problems of previous studies in the Bujang Valley and the discovery of Sungai Batu Bujang Valley and early civilisations in Southeast Asia [Mokhtar 2011 #22602]
Journal Article 1955 Gibson-Hill, C. A. Johore Lama and other ancient sites on the Johore River Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Gibson-Hill, 1955 #33986]
Journal Article 2010 Jeffrey Abdullah, Kajian Geofizik di Lembah Mansuli, Sabah: Sumbangannya Kepada Arkeologi Jurnal Arkeologi Malaysia [Jeffrey 2010 #27964]
Book 1936 Gardner, G. B. Keris and other Malay weapons [Gardner, 1936 #20568]
Book Section 1991 Jacq-Hergoulac'h, M. L'armée de Campa au début du XIII siècle Le Campa et le monde malais: actes de la Conférence internationale sur le Campa et le monde malais [Jacq-Hergoulac'h, 1991 #23732]
Book 1992 Jacq-Hergoulac'h, M. La civilisation de ports-entrepôts du Sud Kedah [Jacq-Hergoulac'h, 1992 #20499]
Book Section 2011 Burenhult, Niclas Language history and culture groups amon Austroasiatic-speaking foragers of the Malay Peninsula Dynamics of human diversity [Burenhult, 2011 #22990]
Journal Article 1933 Majumdar, R. C. Les rois Šailendra de Suvarnadvîpa Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Majumdar, 1933 #27106]
Journal Article 1998 Baer, Adela S. Malaria vs. genes in the Malayo-Bornean arc Borneo Research Bulletin [Baer, 1998 #30023]
Book 1946 Firth, Raymond Malay fishermen: their peasant economy International Library of Sociology and Social Reconstruction [Firth, 1946 #19818]