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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1994 Ezzo, Joseph A. Zinc as a paleodietary indicator: an issue of theoretical validity in bone-chemistry analysis American Antiquity [Ezzo, 1994 #34717]
Journal Article 1994 Chisholm, Brian S. Carbon and nitrogen isotopic evidence of Basketmaker II diet at Cedar Mesa, Utah Kiva [Chisholm, 1994 #34757]
Journal Article 1994 Bocherens, Hervé Diet, physiology and ecology of fossil mammals as inferred from stable carbon and nitrogen isotope biogeochemistry: implications for Pleistocene bears Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Bocherens, 1994 #34783]
Journal Article 1995 Larsen, Clark Spencer Biological changes in human populations with agriculture Annual Review of Anthropology [Larsen, 1995 #33635]
Journal Article 1995 Ubelaker, Douglas H. Status and diet in precontact highland Ecuador American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Ubelaker, 1995 #34462]
Journal Article 1995 Katzenberg, M. Anne Stable isotope evidence for maize horticulture and paleodiet in southern Ontario, Canada American Antiquity [Katzenberg, 1995 #34642]
Journal Article 1995 Fizet, Marc Effect of diet, physiology and climate on carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of collagen in a Late Pleistocene anthropic palaeoecosystem: Marillac, Charente, France Journal of Archaeological Science [Fizet, 1995 #34712]
Journal Article 1995 Ezzo, Joseph A. Elemental signatures of human diets from the Georgia Bight American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Ezzo, 1995 #34714]
Journal Article 1996 McGovern-Wilson, Richard Stable isotope analysis of ten individuals from Afetna, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands Journal of Archaeological Science [McGovern-Wilson, 1996 #34349]
Journal Article 1996 Wright, Lori E. Human biology in the classic Maya collapse: evidence from paleopathology and paleodiet Journal of World Prehistory [Wright, 1996 #34425]
Book Section 1997 Lukacs, John R. New frontiers in dental anthropology: creative approaches to diet and stress in prehistory Biological anthropology: the state of the science [Lukacs, 1997 #24716]
Journal Article 1997 Macnaughton, Sarah J. Rapid extraction of lipid biomarkers from pure culture and environmental samples using pressurized accelerated hot solvent extraction Journal of Microbiological Methods [Macnaughton, 1997 #31237]
Journal Article 1997 Pate, F. Donald Bone chemistry and paleodiet: reconstructing prehistoric subsistence-settlement systems in Australia Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Pate, 1997 #34342]
Journal Article 1997 Fogel, Marilyn Tuross, Noreen Biogeochemical record of ancient humans Organic Geochemistry [Fogel, 1997 #34374]
Journal Article 1997 Cerling, Thure E. Dietary and environmental reconstruction with stable isotope analyses of herbivore tooth enamel from the Miocene locality of Fort Ternan, Kenya Journal of Human Evolution [Cerling, 1997 #34762]
Journal Article 1997 Cachel, Susan Dietary shifts and the European Upper Paleolithic transition Current Anthropology [Cachel, 1997 #34766]
Journal Article 1997 Bocherens, Hervé Comments on: diet, physiology and ecology of fossil mammals as inferred from stable carbon and nitrogen isotope biogeochemistry: implications for Pleistocene bear by Bocherens et al Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Bocherens, 1997 #34780]
Journal Article 1997 Bocherens, Hervé Isotopic biogeochemistry as a marker of Neandertal diet Anthropologischer Anzeiger [Bocherens, 1997 #34784]
Journal Article 1997 Baschetti, R. Paleolithic nutrition European Journal of Clinical Nutrition [Baschetti, 1997 #34794]
Thesis-PhD 1997 Takamiya, Hiroto Subsistence adaptation processes in the prehistory of Okinawa [Takamiya, 1997 #36616]
Journal Article 1998 Wright, Lori E. Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in human tooth enamel: identifying breastfeeding and weaning in prehistory American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Wright, 1998 #34309]
Journal Article 1999 Danforth, Marie Elaine Nutrition and politics in prehistory Annual Review of Anthropology [Danforth, 1999 #32535]
Journal Article 1999 Wright, Lori E. Correspondence between stable carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen isotopes in human tooth enamel and dentine: infant diet at Kaminaljuyú Journal of Archaeological Science [Wright, 1999 #34310]
Journal Article 1999 Sponheimer, Matt Isotopic evidence for the diet of an early hominid, <i>Australopithecus africanus<i> Science [Sponheimer, 1999 #34326]
Journal Article 1999 Schutkowski, Holger Diet, status and decomposition at Weingarten: trace element and isotope analysis on early mediaeval skeletal material Journal of Archaeological Science [Schutkowski, 1999 #34332]
Journal Article 1999 Schoeninger, Margaret J. Subsistence strategies of two "savanna" chimpanzee populations: the stable isotope evidence American Journal of Primatology [Schoeninger, 1999 #34333]
Journal Article 1999 Richards, M. P. Stable isotope evidence for similarities in the types of marine foods used by Late Mesolithic humans at sites along the atlantic coast of Europe Journal of Archaeological Science [Richards, 1999 #34339]
Journal Article 1999 O'Connell, T. C. Isotopic comparison of hair and bone: archaeological analyses Journal of Archaeological Science [O'Connell, 1999 #34344]
Journal Article 1999 Cannon, Aubrey Marine-based subsistence trends and the stable isotope analysis of dog bones from Namu, British Columbia Journal of Archaeological Science [Cannon, 1999 #34388]
Journal Article 1999 Burton, James H. Evaluation of bone strontium as a measure of seafood consumption International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Burton, 1999 #34391]