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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1989 Tieszen, L. L. Stable carbon isotopes in terrestrial ecosystem research Stable isotopes in ecological research [Tieszen, 1989 #24458]
Book Section 1989 Farquhar, G. D. Carbon isotope fractionation and plant water-use efficiency Stable isotopes in ecological research [Farquhar, 1989 #24459]
Book Section 1989 Chisholm, Brian S. Variation in diet reconstruction based on stable carbon isotopic evidence The Chemistry of Prehistoric Human Bone [Chisholm, 1989 #24632]
Journal Article 1989 Farquhar, Graham D. Carbon isotope discrimination and photosynthesis Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology [Farquhar, 1989 #30138]
Journal Article 1989 Lee-Thorp, Julia A. Isotopic evidence for dietary differences between two extinct baboon species from Swartkrans Journal of Human Evolution [Lee-Thorp, 1989 #34610]
Journal Article 1989 Lee-Thorp, Julia A. Stable carbon isotope ratio differences between bone collagen and bone apatite, and their relationship to diet Journal of Archaeological Science [Lee-Thorp, 1989 #34611]
Journal Article 1989 Grupe, Giseka Note on microbial influence on stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in bone Applied Geochemistry [Grupe, 1989 #34688]
Journal Article 1989 Ambrose, Stanley H. Climate and habitat reconstruction using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of collagen in prehistoric herbivore teeth from Kenya Quaternary Research [Ambrose, 1989 #34805]
Thesis 1989 Lee-Thorp, Julia A. Stable carbon isotopes in deep time: The diets of fossil fauna and hominids Archaeology [Lee-Thorp, 1989 #36412]
Journal Article 1990 Metges, C. Dependence of the carbon-isotope contents of breath carbon dioxide, milk, serum and rumen fermentation products on the delta 13C value of food in dairy cows British Journal of Nutrition [Metges, 1990 #34588]
Journal Article 1991 van der Merwe, Nikolaas, J. The canopy effect, carbon isotope ratios and foodwebs in Amazonia Journal of Archaeological Science [van 1991 #34413]
Journal Article 1991 Wada, E. The use of stable isotopes for food web analysis Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition [Wada, 1991 #34449]
Journal Article 1991 Schwarcz, Henry P. Stable isotope analyses in human nutritional ecology Yearbook of Physical Anthropology [Schwarcz, 1991 #34513]
Journal Article 1991 Nelson, Dwight E. A new method for carbon isotopic analysis of protein Science [Nelson, 1991 #34579]
Journal Article 1991 Matson, R. G. Basketmaker II subsistence: carbon isotopes and other dietary indicators from Cedar Mesa, Utah American Antiquity [Matson, 1991 #34594]
Journal Article 1991 Lee-Thorp, Julia A. Aspects of the chemistry of modern and fossil biological apatites Journal of Archaeological Science [Lee-Thorp, 1991 #34609]
Journal Article 1991 Krueger, Harold W. Exchange of carbon with biological apatite Journal of Archaeological Science [Krueger, 1991 #34623]
Journal Article 1991 Hare, P. Edgar The isotopic compostion of carbon and nitrogen in individual amino acids isolated from modern and fossil proteins Journal of Archaeological Science [Hare, 1991 #34682]
Journal Article 1991 Dorozynski, A. Collagen: a new probe into prehistoric diet [news] Science [Dorozynski, 1991 #34728]
Journal Article 1991 Buikstra, Jane E. Isotopic and archaeological interpretations of diet in the central Mississippi valley Journal of Archaeological Science [Buikstra, 1991 #34772]
Journal Article 1991 Boutton, T. W. Stable carbon isotopes and the study of prehistoric human diet Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition [Boutton, 1991 #34777]
Thesis-PhD 1991 Norr, Lynette Caryl Nutritional consequences of prehistoric subsistence strategies in lower Central America [Norr, 1991 #36519]
Thesis-PhD 1991 Norr, Lynette Cary Nutritional consequences of prehistoric subsistence strategies in lower Central America [Norr, 1991 #36618]
Book Section 1992 Chisholm, Brian S. Carbon isotopic determination of paleodiet in Japan: marine versus terrestrial sources Pacific Northeast Asia in prehistory: hunter-fisher-gatherers, farmers, and sociopolitical elites [Chisholm, 1992 #24631]
Book Section 1992 Klepinger, Linda L. Innovative approaches to the study of past human health and subsistence strategies Skeletal biology of past peoples: research methods [Klepinger, 1992 #24705]
Book Section 1992 Minagawa, Masao Dietary patterns of Japanese Jomon hunter-gatherers: stable nitrogen and carbon isotope analyses of human bones Pacific Northeast Asia in prehistory: hunter-fisher-gatherers, farmers, and sociopolitical elites [Minagawa, 1992 #24725]
Journal Article 1992 Larsen, C. S. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic signatures of human dietary change in the Georgia Bight American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Larsen, 1992 #34614]
Journal Article 1992 Blake, Michael Prehistoric subsistence in the Soconusco region Current Anthropology [Blake, 1992 #34787]
Book (Edited) 1993 Sandford, Mary K. Investigations of ancient human tissue: chemical analyses in anthropology [Sandford, 1993 #21594]
Book in a Series 1993 Ehleringer, James R. Stable isotopes and plant carbon - water relations [Ehleringer, 1993 #21893]