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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2017 Cheung, Christina Examining social and cultural differentiation in early Bronze Age China using stable isotope analysis and mortuary patterning of human remains at Xin'anzhuang, <i> Yinxu </i> Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Cheung, 2017 #26805]
Journal Article 2017 Zhang, Naimeng Diet reconstructed from an analysis of plant microfossils in human dental calculus from the Bronze Age site of Shilinggang, southwestern China Journal of Archaeological Science [Zhang, 2017 #26828]
Journal Article 2017 Hein, Anke Early cultural developments on the eastern rim of the Tibetan Plateau: establishing a new chronological scheme for the Liangshan region Asian Perspectives [Hein, 2017 #26977]
Book Section in a Series 2018 Chiou-Peng, TzeHuey Early copper-base metals in western Yunnan How objects tell stories: essays in honor of Emma C. Bunker [Chiou-Peng, 2018 #25292]
Journal Article 2020 Yao, Alice Bridging the time gap in the Bronze Age of Southeast Asia and Southwest China Archaeological Research in Asia [Yao, 2020 #19612]
Journal Article 2020 Xiao, Xiayun Vegetation, climate and human impact since 20 ka in central Yunnan Province based on high-resolution pollen and charcoal records from Dianchi, southwestern China Quaternary Science Reviews [Xiao, 2020 #36653]
Journal Article 2020 Yun, Yali Characteristic features of metal artifacts excavated in western Yunnan in the Bronze Age Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Yun, 2020 #36659]
Journal Article 2020 Zhou, Yuduan Tangzigou open-air site: a unique lithic assemblage during the Early Holocene in Yunnan Province, Southwest China Quaternary International [Zhou, 2020 #36863]
Journal Article 2021 Liu, Ruiliang Two sides of the same coin: a combination of archaeometallurgy and environmental archaeology to re-examine the hypothesis of Yunnan as the source of highly radiogenic lead in early dynastic China Frontiers in Earth Science [Liu, 2021 #37124]
Journal Article 2022 Zhang, Xiaoming A Late Pleistocene human genome from Southwest China Current Biology [Zhang, 2022 #36995]
Journal Article 2022 Dal Martello, Rita The origins of multi-cropping agriculture in Southwestern China: Archaeobotanical insights from third to first millennium B.C. Yunnan Asian Archaeology [Dal 2022 #37005]
Journal Article 2022 Pryce, T.O. A late 2nd/early 1st millennium BC interaction arc between Mainland Southeast Asia and Southwest China: Archaeometallurgical data from Hebosuo and Shangxihe, Yunnan Journal of Archaeological Science [Pryce, 2022 #37007]
Book Section 2022 Chiou-Peng, Tzehuey The Dian Culture in Southwest China The Oxford Handbook of Early Southeast Asia [Chiou-Peng, 2022 #37039]
Journal Article 2022 Wang, Tingting Microfossil analysis of dental calculus and isotopic measurements reveal the complexity of human-plant dietary relationships in Late Bronze Age Yunnan Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Wang, 2022 #37068]
Journal Article 2022 Xue, Yining Post-Neolithic broadening of agriculture in Yunnan, China: Archaeobotanical evidence from Haimenkou Archaeological Research in Asia [Xue, 2022 #37079]
Journal Article 2022 Ma, Minmin Understanding the transport networks complex between South Asia, Southeast Asia and China during the late Neolithic and Bronze Age Sage Journals [Ma, 2022 #37195]
Journal Article 2023 Jiao, Yanuo New evidence of early Holocene naturalistic rock art in Jinsha River valley, southwestern China Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Jiao, 2023 #37214]
Journal Article 2023 Ma, Minmin Forager-farmer transition at the crossroads of East and Southeast Asia 4900 years ago Science Bulletin [Ma, 2023 #37258]
Journal Article 2024 Elias, Hajni The Southwest Silk Road: artistic exchange and transmission in early China Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies [Elias, 2024 #37290]
Journal Article 2024 Wu, Yun The Hoabinhian technocomplex in southwest China: Preliminary report on new discoveries in recent decades L'Anthropologie [Wu, 2024 #37293]