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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2000 Fredericksen, Clayton Points of discussion. obsidian blade technology in the Admiralty Islands, 2100 BP to 50 BP Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Fredericksen, 2000 #35185]
Journal Article 2000 Summerhayes, Glenn R. Recent archaeological investigations in the Bismarck Archipelago, Anir - New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Summerhayes, 2000 #35635]
Journal Article 2001 Haberle, Simon G. Biomass burning in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea: natural and human induced fire events in the fossil record Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Haberle, 2001 #32477]
Journal Article 2002 Stewart, Pamela J. Transformations of monetary symbols: in the highlands of Papua New Guinea L'Homme [Stewart, 2002 #26659]
Journal Article 2002 Torrence, Robin Cultural landscapes on Garua Island, Papua New Guinea Antiquity [Torrence, 2002 #26781]
Journal Article 2002 Yanagihara, Richard JC virus genotypes in the Western Pacific suggest Asian mainland relationships and virus association with early population movements Human Biology [Yanagihara, 2002 #33722]
Journal Article 2002 Schurr, Theodore G. Mitochondrial DNA diversity in Southeast Asian populations Human Biology [Schurr, 2002 #33725]
Book Section 2003 Winter, Olaf Was there a Kula ring before the Kula ring? Fishbones and glittering emblems: Southeast Asian archaeology 2002 [Winter, 2003 #24343]
Journal Article 2003 Sillitoe, Paul Living lithics: ethnoarchaeology in highland Papua New Guinea Antiquity [Sillitoe, 2003 #26783]
Journal Article 2003 McGregor, Helen V. Diagenesis and geochemistry of <i>Porites</i> corals from Papua New Guinea: implications for paleoclimate reconstruction Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta [McGregor, 2003 #28586]
Journal Article 2004 O'Connell, J. F. Dating the colonization of Sahul (Pleistocene Australia-New Guinea): a review of recent research Journal of Archaeological Science [O'Connell, 2004 #28493]
Journal Article 2005 Leavesley, Matthew G. Prehistoric hunting strategies in New Ireland, Papua New Guinea: the evidence of the Cuscus (Phalanger orientalis) remains from Buang Merabak Cave Asian Perspectives (2005) [Leavesley, 2005 #30556]
Journal Article 2006 Specht, Jim Type X pottery, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea: petrography and possible Micronesian relationships Asian Perspectives (2006) [Specht, 2006 #30272]
Book Section 2007 Tommasea-Ponzetta, M. Mitochondrial DNA M and N haplogroups in West New Guinea populations Recent Advances on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology and Archaeology: Proceedings International Seminar on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology [Tommasea-Ponzetta, 2007 #23742]
Book Section 2007 Sofwanhadi, Rio Cephalometric survey of Papuan populations Recent Advances on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology and Archaeology: Proceedings International Seminar on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology [Sofwanhadi, 2007 #23743]
Journal Article 2007 Kononenko, Nina The contribution of use-wear/residue studies of obsidian artefacts for understanding changes in settlement and subsistence patterns in West New Britain, Papua New Guinea Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Kononenko, 2007 #29565]
Journal Article 2009 Denham, Tim Agricultural emergence and transformation in the Upper Wahgi valley, Papua New Guinea, during the Holocene: theory, method and practice Holocene [Denham, 2009 #28596]
Journal Article 2013 Kinaston, Rebecca Exploring subsistence and cultural complexes on the south coast of Papua New Guinea using palaeodietary analyses Journal of Archaeological Science [Kinaston, 2013 #28149]
Journal Article 2014 Skelly, Robert Tracking ancient beach-lines inland: 2600-year-old dentate-stamped ceramics at Hopo, Vailala River region, Papua New Guinea Antiquity [Skelly, 2014 #26775]
Journal Article 2014 Pietrusewsky, Michael Polynesian origins: a biodistance study of mandibles from the late Lapita site of Reberrakival (SAC), Watom Island, Bismarck Archipelago Journal of Pacific Archaeology [Pietrusewsky, 2014 #28148]
Journal Article 2016 Vilgalys, Gabrielius Do hiccups echo? Late Holocene interaction and ceramic production in southern Papua New Guinea Asian Perspectives [Vilgalys, 2016 #27585]
Journal Article 2016 Petchey, Peter The 2008-2009 excavations at the SAC locality, Reber-Rakival Lapita site, Watom island, Papua New Guinea Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Petchey, 2016 #27637]
Journal Article 2017 O'Connor, Sue Cave stratigraphies and cave breccias: implications for sediment acculumation and removal models and interpreting the record of human occupation Journal of Archaeological Science [O'Connor, 2017 #26905]
Journal Article 2017 Denham, Tim Sediments or soils? Multi-scale geoarchaeological investigations of stratigraphy and early cultivation practices at Kuk Swamp, highlands of Papua New Guinea Journal of Archaeological Science [Denham, 2017 #27588]
Journal Article 2020 Cole, J. David Modeling past and present in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Cole, 2020 #36902]
Book Section in a Series 2020 Forestier, H. 30 years after P. Gorecki and D. S. Gillieson in Papua New Guinea: new data on the Holocene settlement of East Sepik, Upper Karawari-Arafundi region Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2019: selected papers from the Third SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology, Bangkok, Thailand 2019 [Forestier, 2020 #36945]
Book 2022 Urwin, Chris Building and Remembering: An Archaeology of Place-Making on Papua New Guinea’s South Coast [Urwin, 2022 #37187]