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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1991 Hastorf, Christine A. Gender, space, and food in prehistory Engendering archaeology: women and prehistory [Hastorf, 1991 #24608]
Book Section 1988 Hastorf, Christine A. The use of paleoethnobotanical data in prehistoric studies of crop production, processing, and consumption Current paleoethnobotany: analytical methods and cultural interpretations of archaeological plant remains [Hastorf, 1988 #24609]
Journal Article 1985 Hatch, J. W. Status-specific dietary variation in two world cultures Journal of Human Evolution [Hatch, 1985 #34680]
Journal Article 2003 Hockett, Bryan Nutritional ecology and diachronic trends in Paleolithic diet and health Evolutionary Anthropology [Hockett, 2003 #31253]
Journal Article 2006 Hu, Yaowu Stable isotopic analysis of human bones from Jianhu site, Henan, China: implications for the transition of agriculture Journal of Archaeological Science [Hu, 2006 #30127]
Journal Article 2006 Hutchinson, Dale L. Nutrition and health at contact in late prehistoric central Gulf Coast Florida American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Hutchinson, 2006 #30125]
Journal Article 2017 Ikehara-Quebral, Rona M. Biocultural practices during the transition to history at the Vat Komnou Cemetery, Angkor Borei, Cambodia Asian Perspectives [Ikehara-Quebral, 2017 #26927]
Journal Article 2006 Jay, Mandy Diet in the Iron Age cemetery population at Wetwang Slack, East Yorkshire, UK: carbon and nitrogen stable isotope evidence Journal of Archaeological Science [Jay, 2006 #30122]
Journal Article 2009 Jones, Sharyn Prehistoric Fijian diet and subsistence: integration of faunal, ethnographic, and stable isotopic evidence from the Lau Island Group Journal of Archaeological Science [Jones, 2009 #26980]
Journal Article 2015 Jones, Sharyn R. Eating identity: an exploration of Fijian foodways in the archaeological past Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Jones, 2015 #26952]
Journal Article 1995 Katzenberg, M. Anne Stable isotope evidence for maize horticulture and paleodiet in southern Ontario, Canada American Antiquity [Katzenberg, 1995 #34642]
Journal Article 2006 Keenleyside, Anne Stable isotopic evidence of diet in a Greek colonial population from the Black Sea Journal of Archaeological Science [Keenleyside, 2006 #30118]
Journal Article 2017 Kinaston, Rebecca L. Isotopic insights into diet and health at the site of Namu, Taumako Island, Southeast Solomon Islands Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Kinaston, 2017 #26807]
BAR Book 2008 King, Christopher A. Stable isotopic analysis of carbon and nitrogen as an indicator of paleodietary change among pre-state metal age societies in northeast Thailand [King, 2008 #19630]
Book Section in a Series 2006 King, Christopher A. Palaeodietary change among pre-state metal age societies in northeast Thailand: a study using bone stable isotopes Bioarchaeology of Southeast Asia [King, 2006 #25927]
Thesis 2006 King, Christopher A. Paleodietary change among Pre-State Metal Age societies in Northeast Thailand: A stable isotope approach Department of Anthropology [King, 2006 #36394]
Book Section 1994 Koch, P. L. Tracing the diets of fossil animals using stable isotopes Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science [Koch, 1994 #24453]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Krigbaum, John Prehistoric dietary transitions in tropical Southeast Asia : stable isotope and dental caries evidence from two sites in Malaysia Ancient health: skeletal indicators of agricultural and economic intensification [Krigbaum, 2007 #25687]
Journal Article 2005 Krigbaum, John Reconstructing human subsistence in the West Mouth (Niah Cave, Sarawak) burial series using stable isotopes of carbon Asian Perspectives (2005) [Krigbaum, 2005 #30564]
Journal Article 2000 Krigbaum, John S. Human paleodiet, carbon isotopes, and the canopy effect: documenting the Neolithic in tropical Southeast Asia using tooth enamel apatite American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Krigbaum, 2000 #34355]
Journal Article 1991 Krueger, Harold W. Exchange of carbon with biological apatite Journal of Archaeological Science [Krueger, 1991 #34623]
Journal Article 2002 Kuzmin, Yaroslave Palaeodietary patterning and radiocarbon dating of Neolithic populations in the Primorye Province, Russian Far East Ancient Biomolecules [Kuzmin, 2002 #32464]
Journal Article 1993 Lambert, Joseph B. Health in prehistoric populations of the Santa Barbara Channel Islands American Antiquity [Lambert, 1993 #34620]
Journal Article 1992 Larsen, C. S. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic signatures of human dietary change in the Georgia Bight American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Larsen, 1992 #34614]
Journal Article 1995 Larsen, Clark Spencer Biological changes in human populations with agriculture Annual Review of Anthropology [Larsen, 1995 #33635]
Journal Article 2006 Lee-Thorp, Julia Contributions of biogeochemistry to understanding hominin dietary ecology American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Lee-Thorp, 2006 #30104]
Book Section 1993 Lee-Thorp, Julia A. Isotopic evidence for diets of prehistoric farmers in South Africa Prehistoric human bone: archaeology at the molecular level [Lee-Thorp, 1993 #24717]
Journal Article 1994 Lee-Thorp, Julia A. Diet of <i>Australopithecus robustus</i> at Swartkrans from stable carbon isotope analysis Journal of Human Evolution [Lee-Thorp, 1994 #34607]
Thesis 1989 Lee-Thorp, Julia A. Stable carbon isotopes in deep time: The diets of fossil fauna and hominids Archaeology [Lee-Thorp, 1989 #36412]
Journal Article 1992 Leonard, William R. Nutritional requirements and human evolution American Journal of Human Biology [Leonard, 1992 #34605]