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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2007 Fuller, Dorian Q. Presumed domestication? Evidence for wild rice cultivation and domestication in the fifth millennium BC of the lower Yangtze region Antiquity [Fuller, 2007 #28642]
Journal Article 1991 Ghosh, Asok K. Changing situation from hunting-gathering to food production: two selected tribal groups of India Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Ghosh, 1991 #35626]
Journal Article 2010 Gilligan, Ian Agriculture in aboriginal Australia: why not? Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Gilligan, 2010 #28675]
Journal Article 2007 Gilligan, Ian Clothing and farming origins: the Indo-Pacific evidence Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Gilligan, 2007 #29575]
Book Section 1996 Glover, Ian C. New evidence for early rice cultivation in South, Southeast and East Asia The origins and spread of agriculture and pastoralism in Eurasia [Glover, 1996 #24825]
Book Section 1980 Glover, Ian C. Agricultural origins in East Asia Cambridge encyclopedia of archaeology [Glover, 1980 #24923]
Book Section 1979 Glover, Ian C. Prehistoric plant remains from Southeast Asia, with special reference to rice South Asian Archaeology 1977. Papers from the Fourth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, Held in the Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples [Glover, 1979 #25090]
Book Section 1985 Golson, Jack Agricultural origins in Southeast Asia: a view from the east Recent Advances in Indo-Pacific Prehistory: Proceedings of the International Symposium Held at Poona, December 19-21, 1978 [Golson, 1985 #25081]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Golson, Jack The origins and development of New Guinea agriculture Foraging and farming: the evolution of plant exploitation [Golson, 1989 #26275]
Journal Article 1991 Golson, Jack The New Guinea highlands on the eve of agriculture Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Golson, 1991 #35584]
Journal Article 1991 Golson, Jack Introduction: transitions to agriculture in the Pacific region Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Golson, 1991 #35585]
Book Section 1977 Gorman, Chester Francis A priori models and Thai prehistory: a reconsideration of agriculture in southeastern Asia Origins of agriculture [Gorman, 1977 #25080]
Journal Article 1974 Gorman, Chester Francis Modèles a priori et préhistoire de la Thailande: a propos des débuts de l'agriculture en Asie du Sud-Est Études Rurales [Gorman, 1974 #35244]
Book Section 2002 Guo Ruihai, The Nanzhuangtou and Hutouliang sites: exploring the beginnings of agriculture and pottery in north China The origins of pottery and agriculture [Guo 2002 #24433]
Journal Article 1980 Ha Van Tan, Ve mo hinh Tre-xto Gooc-man va nien dai xuat hien nong nghiep trong lua o Dong Nam A [ On the Chester gorman's models and the appearance date of rice-cultivation in Southeast Asia ] Khao Co Hoc [Ha 1980 #31328]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Harlan, Jack R. Wild-grass seed harvesting in the Sahara and Sub-Sahara of Africa Foraging and farming: the evolution of plant exploitation [Harlan, 1989 #26295]
Journal Article 1971 Harlan, Jack R. Agricultural origins: centers and non-centers Science Magazine [Harlan, 1971 #29587]
Journal Article 1971 Harlan, Jack R. Agriculture origins: centers and noncenters Science [Harlan, 1971 #35241]
Journal Article 1973 Harlan, Jack R. On the quality of evidence for the origin and dispersal of cultivated plants Current Anthropology [Harlan, 1973 #35915]
BAR Book (Edited) 1989 Harris, David R. Foraging and farming [Harris, 1989 #19654]
Book Section 1969 Harris, David R. Agricultural systems, ecosystems and the origins of agriculture The domestication and exploitation of plants and animals [Harris, 1969 #24797]
Book Section 1977 Harris, David R. Subsistence strategies across Torres Strait Sunda and Sahul: prehistoric studies in Southeast Asia, Melanesia and Australia [Harris, 1977 #25127]
Book Section 1977 Harris, David R. Alternative pathways toward agriculture Origins of agriculture [Harris, 1977 #25156]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Harris, David R. An evolutionary continuum of people-plant interaction Foraging and farming: the evolution of plant exploitation [Harris, 1989 #26299]
Journal Article 1972 Harris, David R. The origins of agriculture in the tropics American Scientist [Harris, 1972 #35917]
Book Section 2002 Hassan, Fekri A. Holocene environmental change and the transition to agriculture in Southwest Asia and Northeast Africa The origins of pottery and agriculture [Hassan, 2002 #23187]
Book Section 1988 Hastorf, Christine A. The use of paleoethnobotanical data in prehistoric studies of crop production, processing, and consumption Current paleoethnobotany: analytical methods and cultural interpretations of archaeological plant remains [Hastorf, 1988 #24609]
Journal Article 2006 Hazarika, Manjil Neolithic culture of northeast India: a recent perspective on the origins of pottery and agriculture Ancient Asia [Hazarika, 2006 #28638]
Journal Article 1991 Helliwell, Christine Evolution and ethnicity: a note on rice cultivation practices in Borneo Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Helliwell, 1991 #35621]
Book 1989 Henry, D. From foraging to agriculture: the Levant at the end of the Ice Age [Henry, 1989 #21238]