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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book 2009 Degroot, Véronique Candi, space and landscape: a study on the distribution, orientation and spatial organization of central Javanese temple remains Mededelingen van het Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde [Degroot, 2009 #19808]
Journal Article 2014 Njoto, Hélène À propos des origines de la mosquée javanaise Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Njoto, 2014 #27788]
Journal Article 2015 Leroy, Stéphanie First direct dating for the construction and modification of the Baphuon Temple Mountain in Angkor, Cambodia PLOS One [Leroy, 2015 #27807]
Conference Paper 2012 Baty, P. Homes, fields and temples: excavations at the airport in Siem Reap 14th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeology, Dublin [Baty, 2012 #26415]
Book Section 2015 Vet, Kou Archaeological survey for restoration of the Angkor monuments inside the Angkor Thom City: case study on the excavation survey around the outside of the outer gallery in Bayon Complex, Siem Reap, Cambodia Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2013: selected papers from the First SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology [Vet, 2015 #22523]
Book Section 2015 Eka Asih Putrina Taim Ancient settlement of Muaro Jambi and its related sites Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2013: selected papers from the First SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology [Eka 2015 #22518]
Journal Article 2013 Degroot, Véronique Les pierres cylindriques inscrites du Candi Gunung Sari (Java Centre, Indonésie) et les noms des directions de l'espace en vieux javanais Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Degroot, 2013 #27979]
Journal Article 2014 Daw Kyan Copper plaques of the great Shwedagon Pagoda Journal of Burma Studies [Daw 2014 #28061]
Book Section in a Series 2006 Moore, Elizabeth Howard Unexpected spaces at the Shwedagon Asian Art [Moore, 2006 #25478]
Journal Article 2011 Ślączka, Anna Aleksandra The brick structures of Go Thap — tombs or temples? Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Ślączka, 2011 #28302]
Book Section 2013 Moore, Elizabeth Howard Pagoda desecration and Myanmar archaeology, 1853-86 Materializing Southeast Asia's past: selected papers from the 12th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Moore, 2013 #22787]
Book Section 2013 Cunin, Olivier A study of wooden structures: a contribution to the architectural history of the Bayon style monuments Materializing Southeast Asia's past: selected papers from the 12th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Cunin, 2013 #22800]
Book Section 2012 Moore, Elizabeth Ta Mok Shwe-gu-gyi temple: local art in upper Myanmar 11th-17th centuries AD Connecting empires and states: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Moore, 2012 #22825]
Book Section 2012 Sonnemann, Till F. Discovery and interpretation of a buried temple in the Angkor Wat enclosure Connecting empires and states: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Sonnemann, 2012 #22820]
Book Section 2012 Gail, Adalbert J. The face towers of the Bayon period in Angkor Connecting empires and states: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Gail, 2012 #22819]
Book Section 2012 Southworth, Kirsten The lintel of Vat Eng Khna, Cambodia: image, text and precedent Connecting empires and states: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Southworth, 2012 #22817]
Book Section 2012 Runkel, Susanne Interior polychromy and wall paintings in Khmer brick temples of the 9th and 10th century in Cambodia Connecting empires and states: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Runkel, 2012 #22815]
Book Section 2012 Kimmet, Natasha Sharing sacred space: a comparative study of Tabo and Borobudur Connecting empires and states: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Kimmet, 2012 #22829]
Book Section 2011 Slaczka, Anna A. 'The depositing of the embryo' - temple consecration rituals in the Hundu tradition of South and Southeast Asia: a study of the textual and archaeological evidence Early interactions between South and Southeast Asia: reflections on cross-cultural exchange [Slaczka, 2011 #23006]
Book Section 1990 Hakemi, A. Are the models of buildings discovered at Shahdad, models of the temples of the 3rd millennium BC? South Asian Archaeology 1987. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, held in the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice [Hakemi, 1990 #23273]
Book Section 1986 Worsley, Peter Narrative bas-reliefs at Candi Surawana Southeast Asia in the 9th to 14th centuries [Worsley, 1986 #23297]
Book Section in a Series 1976 Nyberg, Tore Position of temples in Chiang Mai and Lampang - a contribution to the interpretation of city plans The Lampang Field Station: a Scandinavian research center in Thailand. 1969-1974 reports [Nyberg, 1976 #25575]
Book 1976 Soekmono, Dr. Chandi Borobudur: a monument of mankind [Soekmono, 1976 #20154]
Book Section 1984 Franz, Heinrich Gerhard The origins of the tower-temple in India South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Franz, 1984 #23337]
Book Section 1984 Dumarcay, Jacques Perspective effects in the Airavatesvara temple, Darasuram South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Dumarcay, 1984 #23335]
Book Section 1984 Filliozat, Vasundhara The history, social and economic conditions of the Vithala temple at Hampi South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Filliozat, 1984 #23333]
Journal Article 1993 Parke, Aubrey Investigations of Vatanitawake: a ceremonial mound on the island of Bau, Fiji Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Parke, 1993 #29114]
Journal Article 1995 Morrison, Kathleen D. Trade, urbanism, and agricultural expansion: Buddhist monastic institutions and the state in the early historic Western Deccan World Archaeology [Morrison, 1995 #29197]
Book 1992 Siribhadra, Smitthi Palaces of the gods: Khmer art and architecture in Thailand [Siribhadra, 1992 #20365]
Book 2006 Jacques, Claude Angkor: cities and temples [Jacques, 2006 #20376]