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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2002 Privat, Karen L. Stable isoptope analysis of human and faunal remains from the Anglo-Saxon cemetary at Berinsfield, Oxfordshire: Dietary and social implications Journal of Archaeological Science [Privat, 2002 #31830]
Journal Article 1997 Sealy, J. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope rations and coastal diets in the later stone age of South Africa: a comparison and critical analysis of two data sets Ancient Biomolecules [Sealy, 1997 #32401]
Thesis 2001 Carter, Melinda Lee Sensitivity of stable isotopes (<sup> 13</sup>C, <sup> 15</sup>N, and <sup> 18</sup>O) in bone to dietary specialization and niche separation among sympatric primates in Kibale National Park, Uganda Department of Anthropology [Carter, 2001 #36405]
Journal Article 2002 Tykot, Robert H. The importance of early maize agriculture in coastal Ecuador: new data from La Emerenciana Current Anthropology [Tykot, 2002 #32529]
Journal Article 2003 Bocherens, H. Trophic level isotopic enrichment of carbon and nitrogen in bone collagen: case studies from recent and ancient terrestrial ecosystems International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Bocherens, 2003 #32518]
Book Section in a Series 2002 Eriksson, Gunilla Do dogs like to eat humans? Marine stable isotope signals in dog teeth from inland Zvejnieki Proceeding of the 6th International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe [Eriksson, 2002 #26021]
Book in a Series (Edited) 2000 Ambrose, Stanley H. Biogeochemical approaches to paleodietary analysis [Ambrose, 2000 #22098]
Book Section 1989 Virgina, R. A. The use of variation in the natural abundance of <sup>15</sup>N to assess symbiotic nitrogen fixation by woody plants Stable isotopes in ecological research [Virgina, 1989 #24457]
Book Section 1994 Nadelhoffer, K. J. Nitrogen isotope studies in forest ecosystems Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science [Nadelhoffer, 1994 #24454]
Book Section 1994 Yoshinari, T. The use of stable isotopes for the study of gaseous nitrogen species in marine environments Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science [Yoshinari, 1994 #24452]
Thesis-MA 2001 Webster, Monica Prehistoric diet and human adaptation in West Central Chihuahua, Mexico [Webster, 2001 #36461]
Journal Article 2002 Coltrain, Joan Brenner Climate and diet in Fremont prehistory: Economic variability and abandonment of maize agriculture in the Great Salt Lake Basin American Antiquity [Coltrain, 2002 #33736]
Journal Article 1996 Cormie, A. B. Effects of climate on deer bone delta<sup>15</sup>N and delta<sup>13</sup>C: Lack of precipitation effects on delta<sup>15</sup>N for animals consuming low amounts of C<sub>4</sub> plants Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta [Cormie, 1996 #33735]
Journal Article 1998 Hutchinson, Dale L. Regional variation in the pattern of maize adoption and use in Florida and Georgia American Antiquity [Hutchinson, 1998 #33734]
Journal Article 1995 Little, Elizabeth A. The Late Woodland diet on Nantucket Island and the problem of maize in coastal New England American Antiquity [Little, 1995 #33733]
Journal Article 2002 Phillips, Donald L. Incorporating concentration dependence in stable isotope mixing models Oecologia [Phillips, 2002 #33731]
Journal Article 1998 Richards, M. P. Stable isotopes and the seasonality of the Oronsay middens Antiquity [Richards, 1998 #33730]
Journal Article 1994 Tuross, Noreen Subsistence in the Florida archaic: the stable-isotope and archaeobotanical evidence from the Windover site American Antiquity [Tuross, 1994 #33729]
Journal Article 1987 Peterson, B. J. Stable isotopes in ecosystem studies Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics [Peterson, 1987 #33738]
Journal Article 1984 Minagawa, Masao Stepwise enrichment of <sup>15</sup>N along food chains: further evidence and the relation between delta <sup>15</sup>N and animal age Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta [Minagawa, 1984 #34151]
Journal Article 1983 DeNiro, Michael J. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of bone collagen: variations within individuals, between sexes, and within populations raised on monotonous diets Journal of Archaeological Science [DeNiro, 1983 #34150]
Journal Article 1999 Balasse, Marie Intra-bone variability of collagen and apatite isotopic composition used as evidence of a change of diet Journal of Archaeological Science [Balasse, 1999 #34398]
Journal Article 2001 Balasse, Marie Detection of dietary changes by intra-tooth carbon and nitrogen isotopic analysis: an experimental study of dentine collagen of cattle (<i>Bos taurus<i>) Journal of Archaeological Science [Balasse, 2001 #34397]
Journal Article 1999 Bocherens, Hervé Palaeoenvironmental and palaeodietary implications of isotopic biogeochemistry of last interglacial neanderthal and mammal bones in Scladina Cave (Belgium) Journal of Archaeological Science [Bocherens, 1999 #34394]
Journal Article 2000 Boontanon, Narin Intramolecular stable isotope ratios of N<sub>2</sub>O in the tropical swamp forest in Thailand Naturwissenschaften [Boontanon, 2000 #34392]
Journal Article 1999 Burton, Robert K. Isotopic tracking of foraging and long-distance migration in northeastern Pacific pinnipeds Oecologia [Burton, 1999 #34389]
Journal Article 1998 Cocks, M. P. On the uptake of ornithogenic products by plants on the inland mountains of Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, using stable isotopes Polar Biology [Cocks, 1998 #34384]
Journal Article 1999 Dufour, Elise Palaeodietary implications of isotopic variability in Eurasian lacustrine fish Journal of Archaeological Science [Dufour, 1999 #34381]
Journal Article 2001 Dupras, Tosha L. Infant feeding and weaning practices in Roman Egypt American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Dupras, 2001 #34380]
Journal Article 1998 Evenepoel, Pieter Digestibility of cooked and raw egg protein in humans as assessed by stable isotope techniques American Society for Nutritional Sciences [Evenepoel, 1998 #34377]