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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1988 Şengör, A. M. Celâl Origin and assembly of the Tethyside orogenic collage at the expense of Gondwana land Gondwana and Tethys [Şengör, 1988 #22976]
Thesis 1997 Vuong, Nguyen Van Étude structurale de la chaîne de Truong Son (Viêt-Nam Central): étude tectonique d'une zone de cisaillement polyphasée [Vuong, 1997 #36343]
Journal Article 1971 Ridd, M. F. South-East Asia as a part of Gondwanaland Nature [Ridd, 1971 #28397]
Book 1989 Hutchison, Charles S. Geological Evolution of South-East Asia Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics [Hutchison, 1989 #20049]
Journal Article 1988 Metcalfe, I. Origin and assembly of South-East Asian continental terranes Geological Society, London, Special Publications [Metcalfe, 1988 #28406]
Journal Article 1990 Metcalfe, I. Allochthonous terrane processes in Southeast Asia [and discussion] Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences [Metcalfe, 1990 #28405]
Journal Article 1996 Metcalfe, I. Pre-Cretaceous evolution of Southeast Asian terranes Geological Society, London, Special Publications [Metcalfe, 1996 #28404]
Journal Article 1996 Metcalfe, I. Gondwanaland dispersion, Asian accretion and evolution of eastern Tethys Australian Journal of Earth Sciences [Metcalfe, 1996 #28403]
Journal Article 2000 Metcalfe, I. The Bentong-Raub Suture Zone Journal of Asian Earth Sciences [Metcalfe, 2000 #28402]
Journal Article 1970 Morgunov, Y. G. Basic features of tectonics of North Viet Nam International Geology Review [Morgunov, 1970 #28400]
Journal Article 2000 Nagy, E. A. Oligo-Miocene granitic magmatism in central Vietnam and implications for continental deformation in Indochina Terra Nova [Nagy, 2000 #28399]
Journal Article 2001 Nagy, E. A. Geodynamic significance of the Kontum Massif in Central Vietnam: composite Ar/Ar and U‐Pb ages from Paleozoic to Triassic Journal of Geology [Nagy, 2001 #28398]
Journal Article 1986 Metcalfe, I. Late Palaeozoic palaeogeography of Southeast Asia: some stratigraphical, palaeontological and palaeomagnetic constraints Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia [Metcalfe, 1986 #28407]
Conference Paper 1999 Lo, C. Thermochronological study of the Kontum Massif, central Vietnam and its implication to tectonothermal events in Indochina American Geophysical Union 1999 Fall Meeting [Lo, 1999 #26425]
Conference Paper 1998 Maluski, H. Overprinting Metamorphisms in Vietnam American Geophysical Union 1998 Fall Meeting [Maluski, 1998 #26424]
Journal Article 1997 Lepvrier, Claude Indosinian NW-trending shear zones within the Truong Son belt (Vietnam) 40Ar-39Ar Triassic ages and Cretaceous to Cenozoic overprints Tectonophysics [Lepvrier, 1997 #28409]
Journal Article 2000 Lan, Ching-Yin Geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics of granite rocks from northern Vietnam Journal of Asian Earth Sciences [Lan, 2000 #28411]
Book Section 1987 Klimetz, M. P. The Mesozoic tectonostratigraphic terranes and accretionary heritage of south-eastern mainland Asia Terrane accretion and orogenic belts [Klimetz, 1987 #22984]
Journal Article 1986 Gatinsky, Yuri G. Geodynamics of Southeast Asia in relation to the evolution of ocean basins Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Gatinsky, 1986 #28439]
Journal Article 1987 Barr, Sandra M. Nan River suture zone, northern Thailand Geology [Barr, 1987 #28449]
Book Section 1978 Wen-Kuei, Kuo General aspects of the geological evoultion of China Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia [Wen-Kuei, 1978 #23031]
Book Section 1978 Prasad, K. N. Studies on quaternary geological formations of peninsular India Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia [Prasad, 1978 #23054]
Book Section 1978 Koesoemadinata, T. R. Preliminary framework of the tertiary basin of Indonesia Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia [Koesoemadinata, 1978 #23049]
Book Section 1978 Tjokrosapoetro, S. Opholites in eastern Indonesia Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia [Tjokrosapoetro, 1978 #23048]
Book Section 1978 Ramam, P. K. Genesis and geomorphic significance of the east coast bauxite deposits of India Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia [Ramam, 1978 #23064]
Book Section 1996 Linthout, K. 40Ar/39Ar constraints on obduction of the Seran ultramafic complex: consequences for the evolution of the southern Banda Sea Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia [Linthout, 1996 #23117]
Book Section 1996 Wopfner, H. Gondwana origin of the Baoshan and Tengchong terranes of west Yunnan Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia [Wopfner, 1996 #23111]
Book Section 1978 Burton, C. K. The Matsi formation (Permian) of peninsular Thailand Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia [Burton, 1978 #23107]
Book Section 1996 Metcalfe, I. Pre-Cretaceous evolution of SE Asian terranes Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia [Metcalfe, 1996 #23136]
Book Section 1996 Packham, G. Cenozoic SE Asia: reconstructing its aggregation and reorganization Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia [Packham, 1996 #23135]