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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2017 Wang, Yuan The early Pleistocene <i>Gigantopithecus-Sinomastodon</i> fauna from Juyuan karst cave in Boyue Mountain, Guangxi, South China Quaternary International [Wang, 2017 #27366]
Journal Article 2017 Zhu, Min The new carnivore remains from the early Pleistocene Yanliang <i>Gigantopothecus</i> fauna, Guangxi, South China Quaternary International [Zhu, 2017 #27365]
Journal Article 2017 Pang, Libo Palaeoenvironmental and chronological analysis of the mammalian fauna from Migong Cave in the Three Gorges Area, China Quaternary International [Pang, 2017 #27364]
Journal Article 2017 Shao, Qingfeng U-series and ESR/U-series dating of the <i>Stegodon-Ailuropoda</i> fauna at Black Cave, Guangxi, southern China with implications for the timing of the extinction of <i>Gigantopithecus blacki</i> Quaternary International [Shao, 2017 #27360]
Journal Article 2016 Hawkins, Stuart Late quaternary hominin-bat (Chiroptera) interactions in the Asia-Pacific Papers in Oceanic Zooarchaeology [Hawkins, 2016 #27582]
Journal Article 1986 Cranbrook, Earl of A review of fossil and prehistoric remains of rhinoceroses in Borneo Sabah Museum Archives Journal [Cranbrook, 1986 #27704]
Journal Article 2013 Storm, P. U-series and radiocarbon analyses of human and faunal remains from Wajak, Indonesia Journal of Human Evolution [Storm, 2013 #27711]
Journal Article Westaway, K. E. Age and biostratigraphic significance of the Punung rainforest fauna, East Java, Indonesia, and implications for Pongo and Homo [Westaway, #27710]
Journal Article 2004 Bacon, Anne-Marie The Pleistocene Ma U'Oi cave, northern Vietnam: palaeontology, sedimentology, and palaeoenvironments (La grotte Pléistocène de Ma U'Oi, au nord du Viêt-Nam: paléontologie, sédimentologie et paléoenvironnement) Geobios [Bacon, 2004 #27747]
Journal Article 2015 Bacon, Anne-Marie Late Pleistocene mammalian assemblages of Southeast Asia: new dating, mortality profiles and evolution of the predator–prey relationships in an environmental context Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Bacon, 2015 #27758]
Journal Article 2008 Bacon, Anne-Marie The Late Pleistocene Duoi U'Oi cave in northern Vietnam: palaeontology, sedimentology, taphonomy and palaeoenvironments Quaternary Science Reviews [Bacon, 2008 #27753]
Journal Article 2009 van den Bergh, G. D. The Liang Bua faunal remains: a 95 k.yr. sequence from Flores, East Indonesia Journal of Human Evolution [van 2009 #27799]
Thesis 2004 Prasit Auetrakulvit, Faunes du pléistocène final à l'holocène de Thaïlande: approche archéozoologique Préhistoire. Archéologie. Histoire et civilisation de l'Antiquité et du Moyen-Âge [Prasit 2004 #36306]
Book Section 2014 Morwood, M. J. Faunal biogeography in island Southeast Asia: implications for early hominin and modern human dispersals Southern Asia, Australia, and the search for human origins [Morwood, 2014 #22528]
Book (Edited) 1983 Poplin, François La faune et l'homme prehistoriques: dix études en hommage à Jean Bouchard Mémoires Société Préhistorique Française [Poplin, 1983 #21343]
Journal Article 1965 Minchen M. Chow, Mammalian fossils associated with the Hominid skull cap of Lantian, Shensi Scientia Sinica [Minchen 1965 #27887]
Journal Article 1968 Carbonnel, Jean-Pierre. Guth, Christian Le gisement pléistocène inférieur du Phnom Loang (Cambodge), stratigraphie, et faune Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Série D [Carbonnel, 1968 #27886]
Journal Article 1968 Carbonnel, Jean-Pierre Industrie osseuse et prèsence humaine dans le gisement pléistocène inférieur du Phnom Loang (Cambodge) Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Série D [Carbonnel, 1968 #27885]
Journal Article 1938 Colbert, Edwin H. Fossil mammals from Burma in the American Museum of Natural History Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History [Colbert, 1938 #27889]
Journal Article 1940 Wetmore, Alexander Avian remains from the Pleistocene of central Java Journal of Paleontology [Wetmore, 1940 #27894]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1991 Crabtree, Pam J. Animal use and culture change [Crabtree, 1991 #22030]
Journal Article 2013 Conrad, Cyler Summary of vertebrate and molluscan assemblages excavated from late-Pleistocene and Holocene deposits at Khao Toh Chong Rockshelter, Krabi, Thailand Thailand Natural History Museum Journal [Conrad, 2013 #27950]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Aplin, Ken Mammals and other vertebrates from late quaternary archaeological sites on Pulau Kobroor, Aru Islands, eastern Indonesia The archaeology of the Aru Islands, eastern Indonesia [Aplin, 2007 #25400]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Piper, Philip J. The terrestrial vertebrate remains 4000 years of migration and cultural exchange: the archaeology of the Batanes Islands, northern Philippines [Piper, 2013 #25432]
Book Section in a Series 2011 Junmei Sawada, Faunal remains at Man Bac Man Bac: the excavation of a neolithic site in northern Vietnam [Junmei 2011 #25418]
Book Section in a Series 2011 Takeji Toizumi, Fish remains at Man Bac Man Bac: the excavation of a neolithic site in northern Vietnam [Takeji 2011 #25417]
Book Section in a Series 2012 Higham, C. F. W. The animal bones from D8-9 4:2 feature 1 The origins of the civilization of Angkor, vol. 6: the excavation of Ban Non Wat, part four: the iron age, summary and conclusions [Higham, 2012 #25450]
Book Section in a Series 2007 McCaw, M. The faunal remains: major variables The origins of the civilization of Angkor, vol. 2: the excavation of Noen U-Loke and Non Muang Kao [McCaw, 2007 #25451]
Book Section in a Series 2012 Thosarat, Rachanie Appendix 4 fish bones from bronze age occupations from square Y The origins of the civilization of Angkor, vol. 5: the excavation of Ban Non Wat, part three: the bronze age [Thosarat, 2012 #25457]
Thesis 2011 Amano, Noel The faunal remains of Nagsabaran in Cagayan, northern Philippines: subsistence stratagies in the late Holocene Archaeological Studies [Amano, 2011 #36317]