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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1992 Wilson, Allan C. The recent African genesis of humans Scientific American [Wilson, 1992 #29253]
Journal Article 1981 Whitcomb, Donald Egypt and the spice trade Archaeology [Whitcomb, 1981 #29269]
Book 1979 Lee, Richard B. The !Kung San: men, women, and work in a foraging society [Lee, 1979 #20445]
Book 1996 Horton, Mark Shanga: the archaeology of a Muslim trading community on the coast of East Africa [Horton, 1996 #20509]
Journal Article 1993 Hitchcock, M. Research report on Indonesian and Tanzanian maritime links Indonesia Circle [Hitchcock, 1993 #29542]
Journal Article 1986 Hart, T. The ecological basis of hunter-gatherer subsistence in African rain forests: the Mbuti of eastern Zaire Human Ecology [Hart, 1986 #29580]
Journal Article 1983 Gorelick, L Ancient Egyptian stone-drilling: an experimental perspective on a scholarly disagreement Expedition [Gorelick, 1983 #29639]
Book (Edited) 2001 Shortland, Andrew J. The social context of technological change: Egypt and the Near East, 1650-1550 B.C. [Shortland, 2001 #21490]
Journal Article 1984 Garlake, P. S. Ken Mufaka and Great Zimbabwe Antiquity [Garlake, 1984 #29671]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Wade, J. A. The context of adoption of brass technology in northeastern Nigeria and its effects on the elaboration of culture What's new?: a closer look at the process of innovation [Wade, 1989 #25754]
Magazine Article 1980 Francis, Peter, Jr. Bead report III: beads in Egypt Ornament [Francis, 1980 #36063]
Book Section in a Series 1993 Rowlands, Michael J. The magical production of iron in the Cameroon grassfields The archaeology of Africa: food, metals, and towns [Rowlands, 1993 #25763]
Book (Edited) 1996 Schmidt, Peter R. The culture and technology of African iron production [Schmidt, 1996 #21496]
Journal Article 1995 Reid, Andrew Symbolism and the social contexts of iron production in Karagwe World Archaeology [Reid, 1995 #29730]
Book 1970 Fergusson, J. Archéologie des hautes terres et de l'Afrique orientale: anthropologie [Fergusson, 1970 #20595]
Book 1972 Filesi, Teobaldi China and Africa in the Middle Ages [Filesi, 1972 #20593]
Book Section 2003 Miller, D. Indigenous copper mining and smelting in pre-colonial southern Africa Mining and metal production through the ages [Miller, 2003 #23824]
Book Section 1949 Duyvendak, J. J. L. China's discovery of Africa Lectures given at the University of London on January 22nd and 23rd, 1947 [Duyvendak, 1949 #23830]
Book Section 1987 Rigby, Peter Class formation among east African pastoralists: Maasai of Tanzania and Kenya Power relations and state formation [Rigby, 1987 #23829]
Book Section in a Series 1994 Kusimba, C. M. Indigenous and imported metals at Swahili sites on the coast of Kenya Society, culture, and technology in Africa [Kusimba, 1994 #25786]
Book Section 1996 Killick, David On claims for "advanced" ironworking technology in precolonial Africa The culture and technology of African iron production [Killick, 1996 #23837]
Book in a Series 1993 Herbert, Eugenia W. Iron, gender, and power: rituals of transformation in African societies [Herbert, 1993 #21759]
Book Section 1996 Goucher, Candice L. The blooms of Banjeli: technology and gender in West African iron making The culture and technology of African iron production [Goucher, 1996 #23842]
Book 1971 Goody, Jack Technology, tradition, and the state in Africa [Goody, 1971 #20630]
Book Section in a Series 1993 Collet, D. P. Metaphors and representations associated with precolonial iron-smelting in eastern and southern Africa The archaeology of Africa: food, metals, and towns [Collet, 1993 #25801]
Book Section 1996 Childs, S. Terry Forging symbolic meaning in Zaire and Zimbabwe The culture and technology of African iron production [Childs, 1996 #23851]
Book 1960 Deschamps, H. Histoire de Madagascar [Deschamps, 1960 #20641]
Book Section in a Series 1991 Childs, S. Terry Iron as utility or expression: reforging function in Africa Metals in society: theory beyond analysis [Childs, 1991 #25804]
Book Section in a Series 1998 Childs, S. Terry Social identity and craft specialization among Toro ironworkers in western Uganda Craft and social identity [Childs, 1998 #25803]
Thesis-PhD 1972 Davison, C. C. Glass beads in African archaeology: results of neutron activation analysis, supplemented by results of X-ray fluorescence analysis [Davison, 1972 #36502]