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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section in a Series 1992 Nassaney, Michael S. Communal Societies and the Emergence of Elites in the Prehistoric American Southeast Lords of the Southeast: Social Inequality and the Native Elites of Southeastern North America [Nassaney, 1992 #25252]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Hruby, Zachary X. On "rethinking" craft specialization: responses by the authors Rethinking craft specialization in complex societies: archaeological analyses of the social meaning of production [Hruby, 2007 #25371]
Book Section in a Series 1992 Hall, Kenneth R. Economic history of early Southeast Asia Cambridge history of Southeast Asia, volume 1: from early times to c. 1800 [Hall, 1992 #25385]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Voeun, Vuthy Zooarchaeology at Phum Snay, a prehistoric cemetery in northwestern Cambodia Water civilization: from Yangtze to Khmer civilizations [Voeun, 2013 #25471]
Book Section in a Series 2011 Selvaraj, Christopher Asian hauntings: horror cinema, global capitalism and the reconciliation of alterity Alterities in Asia: reflections on identity and regionalism [Selvaraj, 2011 #25536]
Book Section in a Series 1982 Alden, John R. Marketplace exchange as indirect distribution: an Iranian example Contexts for prehistoric exchange [Alden, 1982 #25819]
Book Section in a Series 1966 Benedict, Burton Sociological characteristics of small territories and their implications for economic development The social anthropology of complex societies [Benedict, 1966 #25826]
Journal Article 1984 Endicott, Kirk The economy of the Batek of Malaysia: annual and historical perspectives Research in Economic Anthropology [Endicott, 1984 #26604]
Journal Article 2018 Hou, Yanfeng The Guandimiao bone assemblage (and what it says about the Shang economy) Asian Perspectives [Hou, 2018 #26712]
Journal Article 2003 Sand, Christophe Prehistory and its perception in a Melanesian archipelago: the New Caledonia example Antiquity [Sand, 2003 #26773]
Journal Article 2017 Leroy, S. The ties that bind: archaeometallurgical typology of architectural crampons as a method for reconstructing the iron economy of Angkor, Cambodia (tenth to thirteenth c.) Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Leroy, 2017 #26929]
Journal Article 2014 Lorrillard, Michel Économie et réseaux dans l'espace lao au XVIIe siècle Péninsule [Lorrillard, 2014 #26938]
Journal Article 2012 Porr, Martin North of the Southern Arc - the Mindoro Archaeological Research Program: a summary of the 2010 and 2011 fieldwork activities Australian Archaeology [Porr, 2012 #27968]
Journal Article 1963 Sedov, L. A. On the problem of the economic system in Angkor, Cambodia in the IX-XII centuries Narody Asiil Afriki, Istoria, Ekonomika, Kultura [Sedov, 1963 #28027]
Journal Article 2004 Smith, Michael E. The archaeology of ancient state economies Annual Review of Anthropology [Smith, 2004 #28074]
Journal Article 2013 Hayden, Brian Traditional corporate group economics in Southeast Asia: an ethnographic study with archaeological implications Asian Perspectives (2011) [Hayden, 2013 #28160]
Journal Article 2011 Singh, Sarinda Bureaucratic migrants and the potential of prosperity in upland Laos Journal of Southeast Asian Studies [Singh, 2011 #28662]
Journal Article 1998 Christie, Jan Wisseman Javanese markets and the Asian sea trade boom of the tenth to thirteenth centuries A.D. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient [Christie, 1998 #29250]
Journal Article 2006 O'Reilly, Dougald J. W. Archaeology and archaeozoology of Phum Snay: a late prehistoric cemetery in northwestern Cambodia Asian Perspectives (2006) [O'Reilly, 2006 #30206]
Journal Article 1969 Mulder, J. A. N. Merit Social Compass [Mulder, 1969 #30376]
Journal Article 1947 Miller, E. Willard Industrial Resources of Indochina Far Eastern Quarterly [Miller, 1947 #30377]
Journal Article 1955 Moréchand, Guy Caractères économiques et sociaux d'une région de pêche maritime du Centre Viêtnam (Nha-trang) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Moréchand, 1955 #32162]
Journal Article 1975 Pearson, Richard Prehistoric subsistence and economy in Korea: an initial sketch Asian Perspectives (1974) [Pearson, 1975 #33194]
Journal Article 1973 Foster, Brian L. Ethnic identity of the Mons in Thailand Journal of the Siam Society [Foster, 1973 #34216]
Journal Article 1991 McNeill, Judith R. Regional and interregional interaction on the Khorat Plateau Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [McNeill, 1991 #34591]
Journal Article 1983 Loofs-Wissowa, H. H. E. The development and spread of metallurgy in Southeast Asia: a review of present evidence Journal of Southeast Asian Studies [Loofs-Wissowa, 1983 #34601]
Journal Article 1992 Florentino, Rodolfo F. Nutrition and socio-economic development in Southeast Asia Proceedings of the Nutrition Society [Florentino, 1992 #34711]
Journal Article 1922 Barton, Roy F. Ifugao economics University of California Publication in American Archaeology and Ethnology [Barton, 1922 #34815]
Thesis 1971 Bayard, Donn Thomas A course toward what? Evolution, development and change at Non Nok Tha, Northeastern Thailand Anthropology [Bayard, 1971 #36275]
Thesis 1971 Gardner, Stephen Louis Thailand's mineral resources and economic development Economics [Gardner, 1971 #36348]