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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1904 Pelliot, P. Notes additionnelles sur la secte du Lotus Blanc et la secte du Nuage Blanc Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Pelliot, 1904 #27480]
Journal Article 2016 Xueping Ji, The oldest Hoabinhian technocomplex in Asia (43.5 ka) at Xiaodong rockshelter, Yunnan Province, southwest China Quaternary International [Xueping 2016 #27839]
Journal Article 2015 Allard, Francis China's early impact on eastern Yunnan: incorporation, acculturation, and the convergence of evidence Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Allard, 2015 #28039]
Journal Article 2001 Murowchick, Robert E. The political and ritual significance of bronze production and use in Ancient Yunnan Journal of East Asian Archaeology [Murowchick, 2001 #28229]
Journal Article 2012 Takahiro Kojima Tai Buddhist practices in Dehong prefecture, Yunnan, China Southeast Asian Studies [Takahiro 2012 #28287]
Journal Article 2012 Yao, Alice Rediscovering the settlement system of the 'Dian' kingdom, in bronze age southern China Antiquity [Yao, 2012 #28301]
Journal Article 2011 Lustig, Terry Varying levels of the Dian lakes and the Dian lakes culture Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Lustig, 2011 #28307]
Journal Article 1995 Yunnansheng Bowugun, Yunnan Jianchuan Haimenkou Qingtongqi shidai zaoqi yizhi (the early bronze age site at Haimenkou in Jianchuan county) Kaogu [Yunnansheng 1995 #28322]
Journal Article 2000 Zhang, Z. Yunnan Midu Hejiashan chutu gudai shi, tao fan he qingtong qi (Ancient bronze artifacts and stone/ceramic moulds excavated at Hejiashan in Midu, Yunnan) Wenwu [Zhang, 2000 #28345]
Journal Article 2002 Yunnan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology Dali Prefectural CPAMand Yongping County CPAM, Yunnan Yongping Xinguang yizhi fajue baogao (excavation of the Xinguang site in Yongping, Yunnan Kaogu Xuebao [Yunnan 2002 #28346]
Journal Article 1977 The Yunnan Provincial Museum Yuanmou Dadunzi Xinshiqi shidai yizhi (the neolithic site at Ta-Tun-Tzu in Yuan-Mou county, Yunnan province) Kaogu Xuebao [The 1977 #28347]
Journal Article 1994 Yang, Kaihui Tectono-volcanic belts and late Paleozoic-early Mesozoic evolution of southwestern Yunnan, China Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences [Yang, 1994 #28384]
Journal Article 2011 Ma, Jianxiong Marriage and land property: bilateral non-lineal kinship and communal authority of the Lahu on the southwest Yunnan frontier, China South East Asia Research [Ma, 2011 #28569]
Journal Article 2010 Moore, Elizabeth Myanmar bronzes and the Dian cultures of Yunnan Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Moore, 2010 #28677]
Journal Article 2010 Cremin, Aedeen Seeing Dian through barbarian eyes Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Cremin, 2010 #28678]
Journal Article 2010 Chiang, Po-yi The ge of the Shizhaishan cultural complex Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Chiang, 2010 #28679]
Journal Article 1993 Vogel, Hans Ulrich Cowry trade and its role in the economy of Yunnan: from the ninth to the mid-seventeenth century. Part II Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient [Vogel, 1993 #28719]
Journal Article 2008 Yao, Alice Precipitating change or sustaining traditions: social patterns of a Bronze Age community from the Upper Pearl River drainage in Yunnan before the Han imperial period Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Yao, 2008 #29489]
Journal Article 2006 Ji Shen, The Holocene vegetation history of Lake Erhai, Yunnan province southwestern China: the role of climate and human forcings Holocene [Ji 2006 #29493]
Journal Article 1914 Coggin Brown, J. Further descriptions of stone implements from Yunnan Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal [Coggin 1914 #29856]
Journal Article 1961 Pei, Wen-chung Discovery of Palaeolithes in Yunnan Vertebrata Palasiatica [Pei, 1961 #30344]
Journal Article 1962 Li, Yen-hsien Preliminary report on the investigation of the Palaeolithic artefacts from Yiliang District, Yunnan Province Vertebrata Palasiatica [Li, 1962 #30416]
Journal Article 1999 Trinh Nang Chung, Giai doan hau ky da moi o Van Nam - Trung Quoc va moi quan he voi Bac Viêt Nam [ Late Neolithic in Yunnan (China) and its relationship to the north of Vietnam] Khao Co Hoc [Trinh 1999 #30741]
Journal Article 1961 Wen-chung, Pei Discovery of palaeolithes in Yunnan Vertebrata Palasiatica [Wen-chung, 1961 #31190]
Journal Article 1982 Nguyen Duy Hinh, Do dong vung tay nam Trung Quoc [ Bronze of South-West China ] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1982 #31280]
Journal Article 1957 Woo Ju-Kang, Dryopithecus teeth from Keiyuan, Yunnan Province Vertebrata Palasiatica [Woo 1957 #31372]
Journal Article 2002 Wu, Liu The diet of the Yuanmou hominoid, Yunnan Province, China: an analysis from tooth size and morphology Anthropological Science [Wu, 2002 #31978]
Journal Article 1986 Lin Shaomeng, Late Pleistocene and Holocene vegetation history at Xi Hu, Er Yuan, Yunnan province, southwest China Journal of Biogeography [Lin 1986 #33680]
Journal Article 1938 Bian, M. N. Cave and rock-shelter deposits in Yunnan Bulletin of the Geological Society of China [Bian, 1938 #34070]
Journal Article 1940 Colbert, Edwin H. Pleistocene mammals from the Ma Kai Valley of northern Yunnan, China American Museum Novitates [Colbert, 1940 #35190]