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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Thesis-PhD 1999 Morrison, Lynn Changing sexual behaviour and women's risk for HIV/AIDS in Chiang Mai, Thailand: the fourth wave [Morrison, 1999 #36561]
Thesis-PhD 1961 Judd, Laurence C. Chao Rai: dry rice farmers in northern Thailand [Judd, 1961 #36628]
Thesis-PhD 1980 Holmgren, J. Chinese colonisation of Northern Vietnam: administrative geography and political development in the Tongking Delta, first to sixth centuries A.D. [Holmgren, 1980 #36494]
Thesis-PhD 2001 Peres, Tanya Michelle Coastal subsistence and settlement in the early Ceramic: a zooarchaeological study from Central Pacific Panama [Peres, 2001 #36572]
Thesis-PhD 2007 Rizvi, Uzma Z. Configuring the space in between: redefining the Ganeshwar Jodhpura cultural complex in northeastern Rajasthan, India [Rizvi, 2007 #36496]
Thesis-PhD 2003 Thianthai, Chulanee Cosmopolitan food beliefs and changing eating habits in Bangkok (Thailand) [Thianthai, 2003 #36513]
Thesis-PhD 2000 Ross, Ann H. Cranial and post-cranial metric variation: Regional isolation in Eastern Europe [Ross, 2000 #36567]
Thesis-PhD 2000 Stefan, Vincent Hart Craniometric variation and biological affinity of the prehistoric Rapanui (Easter Islanders): their origin, evolution, and place in Polynesian prehistory [Stefan, 2000 #36573]
Thesis-PhD 1975 Kirch, Patrick Vinton Cultural adaptation and ecology in western Polynesia: an ethnoarchaeological study [Kirch, 1975 #36527]
Thesis-PhD 1975 Kirch, Patrick V. Cultural adaptation and ecology in western Polynesia: an ethnoarchaeological study [Kirch, 1975 #36621]
Thesis-PhD 1993 Epstein, Stephen M. Cultural choice and technological consequences: constraint of innovation in the late prehistoric copper smelting industry of Cerro Huaringa, Peru [Epstein, 1993 #36500]
Thesis-PhD 2001 Leake, David W. Cultural models relevant to the problem of anger for youngsters perceived as troubled and troubling in a "tough" community in Hawai`i [Leake, 2001 #36578]
Thesis-PhD 1997 Aswani, Shankar Customary sea tenure and artisanal fishing in the Roviana and Vonavona lagoons, Solomon Islands: The evolutionary ecology of marine resource utilization [Aswani, 1997 #36594]
Thesis-PhD 1998 Kirkendall, Mellissa Ann Demographic change on Matuku Island, Fiji in response to infectious diseases introduced at European contact [Kirkendall, 1998 #36599]
Thesis-PhD 2006 Kanjanajuntorn, Podjanok Developing social complexity in Metal Age West-Central Thailand ca. 500 BC – AD 500 [Kanjanajuntorn, 2006 #36538]
Thesis-PhD 2002 Pechenkina, Ekaterina Alexandrovna Diet and health changes among the millet-growing farmers of northern China in prehistory [Pechenkina, 2002 #36550]
Thesis-PhD 2005 Smith, Barbara Li Diet, health, and lifestyle in Neolithic North China [Smith, 2005 #36515]
Thesis-PhD 1972 Kotani, Yoshinobu Economic bases during the later Jomon periods in Kyushu, Japan: a reconsideration. [Kotani, 1972 #36491]
Thesis-PhD 1989 Leth, Anna Lindebo En analyse af Ban Kao kulturens bopladskeramik på basis af materiale fra Bang og Lüe pladserne med en vurdering af keramikkens relationer til samtidige kulturer i Sydøstasien i almindelighed og Thailand i særdeleshed [Leth, 1989 #36490]
Thesis-PhD 1976 Bronson, Bennet Excavations at Chansen and the cultural chronology of protohistoric central Thailand [Bronson, 1976 #36629]
Thesis-PhD 1972 Glover, I. Excavations in Timor: a study of economic change and cultural continuity in prehistory [Glover, 1972 #36495]
Thesis-PhD 2000 Gao, Xing Explanations of typological variability in paleolithic remains from Zhoukoudian Locality 15, China [Gao, 2000 #36603]
Thesis-PhD 2002 Von Nelson, Sherry Faunal and environmental change surrounding the extinction of Sivapithecus, a Miocene hominoid, in the Siwaliks of Pakistan [Von 2002 #36546]
Thesis-PhD 1998 Belcher, William Raymond Fish exploitation of the Baluchistan and Indus Valley traditions: An ethnoarchaeological approach to the study of fish remains [Belcher, 1998 #36606]
Thesis-PhD 2005 Haapanen, Minna H. From a community to communities of practice: The Late Shang Dynasty site of Miaopu Locus North at Anyang, Henan Province, China [Haapanen, 2005 #36529]
Thesis-PhD 1972 Davison, C. C. Glass beads in African archaeology: results of neutron activation analysis, supplemented by results of X-ray fluorescence analysis [Davison, 1972 #36502]
Thesis-PhD 2000 Oxenham, Marc Fredrick Health and behaviour during the mid-Holocene and metal period of northern Viêt Nam [Oxenham, 2000 #36612]
Thesis-PhD 1999 Domett, Kathryn M. Health in late prehistoric Thailand [Domett, 1999 #36613]
Thesis-PhD 1982 Pope, Geoffrey Grant Hominid evolution in East and Southeast Asia [Pope, 1982 #36518]
Thesis-PhD 1984 Bumsted, Mary Pamela Human variation: delta<sup>13</sup>C in adult bone collagen and the relation to diet in an isochronous C<sub>4</sub> (maize) archaeological population [Bumsted, 1984 #36563]