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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 2017 Carter, Alison Kyra Globalization at the dawn of history: the emergence of global cultures in the Mekong and Red River Deltas The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization [Carter, 2017 #22324]
Book Section 2017 Stark, Miriam T. Globalizing early Southeast Asia The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization [Stark, 2017 #22327]
Book Section in a Series 1996 Zettler, Richard L. Gordon Childe and the socioeconomic position of craft specialists in early Mesopotamia Craft specialization and social evolution: in memory of V. Gordon Childe [Zettler, 1996 #25778]
Book Section 2011 Romain, Julie Indian architecture in the 'Sanskrit Cosmopolis': the temples of the Dieng Plateau Early interactions between South and Southeast Asia: reflections on cross-cultural exchange [Romain, 2011 #23013]
Book Section in a Series 2004 Legrand, Sophie Karasuk metallurgy: technological development and regional influence Metallurgy in ancient eastern Eurasia from the Urals to the Yellow River [Legrand, 2004 #25717]
Book Section in a Series 2008 Choron-Baix, Catherine La danse, objet patrimonial: à propos des Laos de France Recherches nouvelles sur le Laos [Choron-Baix, 2008 #25651]
Book 2000 Bulbeck, David Land of iron: the historical archaeology of Luwu and the Cenrana Valley. Results of the Origin of Complex Society in South Sulawesi Project (OXIS) [Bulbeck, 2000 #20720]
Journal Article 2016 Hein, Anke Local developments on the eastern rim of the Tibetan Plateau: the prehistoric Anning River Valley Archaeological Research in Asia [Hein, 2016 #27012]
Book Section in a Series 1991 Hutterer, Karl L. Losing track of the tribes: evolutionary sequences in Southeast Asia Profiles in Cultural Evolution: Papers from a Conference in Honor of Elman R. Service [Hutterer, 1991 #26370]
Book 2010 Hales, Shelley Material culture and social identities in the ancient world [Hales, 2010 #20276]
Book Section 1997 Neff, Hector Methodology of comparison in evolutionary archeology Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation [Neff, 1997 #22152]
Book 1975 Service, Elman Rogers Origins of the state and civilization : the process of cultural evolution [Service, 1975 #20823]
Journal Article 2010 Li, Yiyin Palaeoecological records of environmental change and cultural development from the Liangzhu and Qujialing archaeological sites in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Quaternary International [Li, 2010 #29009]
Journal Article 1983 Bray, Francesca Patterns of evolution in rice-growing societies Journal of Peasant Studies [Bray, 1983 #29932]
Journal Article 1996 Hirth, Kenneth G. Political economy and archaeology: perspectives on exchange and production Journal of Archaeological Research [Hirth, 1996 #28083]
Journal Article 2004 Haas, Jonathan Power and the Emergence of Complex Polities in the Peruvian Preceramic Foundations of Power in the Prehispanic Andes [Haas, 2004 #19040]
Journal Article 2004 Stanish, Charles Power, Fairness, and Architecture: Modeling early Chiefdom Development in the Central Andes Foundations of Power in the Prehispanic Andes [Stanish, 2004 #19041]
Book in a Series 1962 Service, Elman R. Primitive social organization: an evolutionary perspective [Service, 1962 #21753]
Book Section 1997 Diehl, Michael W. Rational behavior, the adoption of agriculture, and the organization of subsistence during the Late Archaic period in the Greater Tucson Basin Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation [Diehl, 1997 #22143]
Book Section 1997 Barton, C, Michael Rediscovering Darwin Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation [Barton, 1997 #22140]
Book (Edited) 1997 Barton, C. Michael Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation Archeological papers of the American Anthropological Association [Barton, 1997 #21323]
Book Section 1997 Wiessner, Polly Seeking guidelines through an evolutionary approach: style revisited Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation [Wiessner, 1997 #22148]
Book Section 1990 Braun, David P. Selection and evolution in nonhierarchical organization The evolution of political systems: sociopolitics in small-scale sedentary societies [Braun, 1990 #23852]
Book Section 1997 Barton, C. Michael Stone tools, style, and social identity: an evolutionary perspective on the archeological record Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation [Barton, 1997 #22149]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1993 Lemonnier, Pierre Technological choices: transformation in material cultures since the Neolithic [Lemonnier, 1993 #22066]
Book 1991 Bintliff, J. L. The Annales school and archaeology [Bintliff, 1991 #20747]
Journal Article 1940 Bishop, Carl Whiting The beginnings of civilization in Eastern Asia Antiquity [Bishop, 1940 #29948]
Book 1999 Loewe, Michael The Cambridge history of ancient China: from the origins of civilization to 221 B. C. [Loewe, 1999 #20435]
Book Section 1997 Lyman, R. Lee The concept of evolution in early twentieth century Americanist archeology Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation [Lyman, 1997 #22155]
Book Section in a Series 2011 Baird, Ian G. The construction of 'indigenous peoples' in Cambodia Alterities in Asia: reflections on identity and regionalism [Baird, 2011 #25537]