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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book 1996 Karetzky, Patricia Eichenbaum Arts of the Tang court Images of Asia [Karetzky, 1996 #19917]
Book 1985 Labbé, Armand J. Ban Chiang: art and prehistory of northeast Thailand [Labbé, 1985 #20005]
Book Section in a Series 1976 Haagensen, Hans Ban Mae Mai, a northern Thai village - a socio-architectural case study The Lampang Field Station: a Scandinavian research center in Thailand. 1969-1974 reports [Haagensen, 1976 #25573]
Book 1927 Stern, Philippe Bayon d'Angkor et l'évolution de l'art khmer: étude et discussion de la chronologie des monuments khmers Annales du Musée Guimet. Bibliothèque de vulgarisation [Stern, 1927 #19757]
Book (Edited) 2014 Revire, Nicolas Before Siam: essays in art and archaeology [Revire, 2014 #21404]
Book 1977 Misra, Virendra N. Bhimbetka : prehistoric man and his art in Central India [Misra, 1977 #20366]
Book Section 2013 Fontein, Jan Borobudur: a monument of Avataṃsaka Buddhism Materializing Southeast Asia's past: selected papers from the 12th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Fontein, 2013 #22805]
Journal Article 2014 Murphy, Stephen A. Buddhism and its relationship to Dvaravati period settlement patterns and material culture in northeast Thailand and central Laos c. sixth-eleventh centuries A.D.: a historical ecology approach to the landscape of the Khorat Plateau Asian Perspectives (2013) [Murphy, 2014 #28032]
Book (Edited) 2015 Fraser-Lu, Sylvia Buddhist art of Myanmar [Fraser-Lu, 2015 #21339]
Book 2004 Stratton, Carol Buddhist sculpture of northern Thailand [Stratton, 2004 #19994]
Book 1990 von Schroeder, Ulrich Buddhist sculptures of Sri Lanka [von 1990 #20186]
Book 1994 Fraser-Lu, Sylvia Burmese crafts: past and present [Fraser-Lu, 1994 #20269]
Book 1992 Singer, Noel F. Burmese puppets Images of Asia [Singer, 1992 #19961]
Book 2000 Frape, Christopher J. Burnished beauty: the art of stone in early Southeast Asia [Frape, 2000 #20012]
Journal Article 1901 Parmentier, M. Henri Caractères généraux de l'architecture chame Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Parmentier, 1901 #27556]
Book (Edited) 1934 Dupont, Pierre Catalogue des collections indochinoises [Dupont, 1934 #21342]
Book Section in a Series 2020 Sinha, Ishani Changing concepts of Buddhist stupa architecture with special reference to recent excavations in east India Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2019: selected papers from the Third SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology, Bangkok, Thailand 2019 [Sinha, 2020 #36949]
Journal Article 1931 Renondeau, G. Choix de pièces de théâtre lyrique japonais Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Renondeau, 1931 #27125]
Journal Article 1929 Renondeau, G. Choix de pièces du théâtre lyrique japonais, transcrites, traduites et annotées Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Renondeau, 1929 #27140]
Journal Article 1926 Renondeau Choix de pièces du théâtre lyrique japonais, transcrites, traduites et annotées Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Renondeau 1926 #27159]
Journal Article 1927 Renondeau, G. Choix de pièces du théâtre lyrique japonais, transcrites, traduites et annotées. IV, Tsurukame (ou Gekkyuden).V, Yôrô. VI, Kagekiyo. VII, Içutsu. VIII, Fujito Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Renondeau, 1927 #27156]
Journal Article 1932 Renondeau, G. Choix de pièces du théâtre lyrique japonais. XIV, Yamauba Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Renondeau, 1932 #27120]
Book in a Series 1928 Cœdès, George Collections archéologiques du Musée national de Bangkok [Cœdès, 1928 #21651]
Book 1931 Groslier, George Collections khmères du Musée Albert Sarraut à Phnom-Penh [Groslier, 1931 #19754]
Journal Article 2020 Oo, Aye Aye Comparing the Parinirvāṇa scene in Buddhist murals of Myanmar SPAFA Journal [Oo, 2020 #36913]
Journal Article 1935 Parmentier, Henri Complément à <em>L'Art khmèr primitif</em> Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Parmentier, 1935 #32216]
Book Section in a Series 2020 Aung, Tharaphy Conservation practices of colonial architectural heritage through comprehensive planning: a case in Yangon Central Business District Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2019: selected papers from the Third SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology, Bangkok, Thailand 2019 [Aung, 2020 #36943]
Book Section in a Series 1998 Cameron, Catherine Coursed adobe architecture, style, and social boundaries in the American Southwest The archaeology of social boundaries [Cameron, 1998 #25583]
Thesis Cunin, Olivier De Ta Prohm au Bayon, Analyse comparative de l'histoire architecturale des principaux monuments du style du Bayon [Cunin, #36326]
Book Section 1995 Glover, Ian C. Decorated roof tiles from ancient Simhapura, an early Cham city in central Vietnam Studies and reflections on Asian art history and archaeology, essays in Honour of H.S.H. Professor Suphadradis Diskul [Glover, 1995 #24840]