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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section in a Series 2016 Flexner, James L. Erromango: archaeology and the Martyr Isle An Archaeology of Early Christianity in Vanuatu [Flexner, 2016 #25309]
Journal Article 1967 White, J. Peter Ethno-archaeology in New Guinea: two examples The Australian Journal of Anthropology [White, 1967 #35924]
Book Section in a Series 1972 Flenley, John R. Evidence of Quaternary vegetational change in New Guinea Transactions of the Second Aberdeen-Hull Symposium on Malesian Ecology [Flenley, 1972 #26255]
Book Section in a Series 2016 Flexner, James L. Expanding the Tanna mission, 1868-1920 An Archaeology of Early Christianity in Vanuatu [Flexner, 2016 #25307]
Journal Article 2001 Summerhayes, Glenn R. Far Western, Western, and Eastern Lapita: a re-evaluation Asian Perspectives (2000) [Summerhayes, 2001 #32750]
Journal Article 2001 Terrell, John Edward Foregone conclusions? In search of "Papuans" and "Austronesians" Current Anthropology [Terrell, 2001 #32471]
Journal Article 1996 Cole, J. David Function and development in the Eastern New Guinea highlands Archaeology in Oceania [Cole, 1996 #32361]
Journal Article 1983 Damon, Frederick H. Further notes on Woodlark megaliths and trenches Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Damon, 1983 #35756]
Journal Article 1988 Flannery, T. F. Holocene mammal faunas from archaeological sites in island Melanesia Archaeology in Oceania [Flannery, 1988 #32371]
Report 2004 Spriggs, M. Investigations on the initial human colonisation of Vanuatu and its later transformations Report to the Pacific Biological Foundation for 2003 and final report [Spriggs, 2004 #36192]
Book Section in a Series 1982 Spriggs, Matthew Irrigation in Melanesia: formative adaptation and intensification Melanesia: beyond diversity [Spriggs, 1982 #25630]
Book Section 2004 Spriggs, Matthew Is there life after Lapita, and do you remember the 60s? The Post-Lapita sequences of the western Pacific A Pacific odyssey: archaeology and anthropology in the Western Pacific : papers in honour of Jim Specht [Spriggs, 2004 #23591]
Book Section in a Series 1993 Spriggs, M. Island Melanesia: the last 10,000 years A community of culture: the people and prehistory of the Pacific [Spriggs, 1993 #25937]
Journal Article 2017 Kinaston, Rebecca L. Isotopic insights into diet and health at the site of Namu, Taumako Island, Southeast Solomon Islands Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Kinaston, 2017 #26807]
Journal Article 2002 Yanagihara, Richard JC virus genotypes in the Western Pacific suggest Asian mainland relationships and virus association with early population movements Human Biology [Yanagihara, 2002 #33722]
Journal Article 1991 Mountain, Mary-Jane Landscape use and environmental management of tropical rainforest by pre-agricultural hunter-gatherers in northern Sahulland Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Mountain, 1991 #35596]
Book Section 1986 Spriggs, Matthew Landscape, land use and political transformation in southern Melanesia Island societies: archaeological approaches to evolution and transformation [Spriggs, 1986 #23621]
Book Section 1995 Dutton, Tom Language contact and change in Melanesia The Austronesians: historical and comparative perspectives [Dutton, 1995 #24078]
Journal Article 1991 Sharp, Nancy Lapita as text: the meaning of pottery in Melanesian prehistory Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Sharp, 1991 #29127]
Journal Article 1989 Gosden, C Lapita sites of the Bismarck Archipelago Antiquity [Gosden, 1989 #29324]
Journal Article 1990 Pietrusewsky, Michael Lapita-associated skeletons from Watom Island, Papua New Guinea, and the origins of the Polynesians Asian Perspectives (1988-1989) [Pietrusewsky, 1990 #32982]
Book Section 1998 Newton, Douglas Les Papous et les Mélanésiens primitifs Arts des mers du Sud : Insulinde, Mélanésie, Polynésie, Micronésie : Collections du musée Barbier-Muelle [Newton, 1998 #24089]
Journal Article 1994 Gosden, Chris Lolmo Cave: a mid- to late Holocene site, the Arawe Islands, west New Britain province, Papua New Guinea Asian Perspectives (1994) [Gosden, 1994 #32890]
Journal Article 1990 Turner, Christy G., II Major features of Sundadonty and Sinodonty, including suggestions about East Asian microevolution, population history and late Pleistocene relationships with Australian aboriginals American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Turner, 1990 #35355]
Book Section 1977 Jones, Rhys Man as an element of the continental fauna: the case of the sundering of the Bassian bridge Sunda and Sahul: prehistoric studies in Southeast Asia, Melanesia and Australia [Jones, 1977 #25129]
Journal Article 1982 Kirch, Patrick V. Mangaasi-style ceramics from Tikopia and Vanikoro and their implications for east Melanesian prehistory Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Kirch, 1982 #35779]
Journal Article 2015 Flexner, James L. Mapping local perspectives in the historical archaeology of Vanuatu mission landscapes Asian Perspectives (2014) [Flexner, 2015 #27929]
Book Section in a Series 2016 Flexner, James L. Material patterns and colonial religious change An Archaeology of Early Christianity in Vanuatu [Flexner, 2016 #25305]
Journal Article 1973 Shutler, Richard, Jr. Melanesia Asian Perspectives (1971) [Shutler, 1973 #33290]
Journal Article 1964 Shulter, Richard, Jr. Melanesia Asian Perspectives (1963) [Shulter, 1964 #33479]