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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1994 Shigehara, Nobuo Human skeletal remains of the middle to late Jomon period excavated from the inland Kitamura site, Nagano Prefecture Anthropological Science [Shigehara, 1994 #31991]
Journal Article 1995 Fujita, Hisashi Geographical and chronological differences in dental caries in the Neolithic Jomon Period of Japan Anthropological Science [Fujita, 1995 #31993]
Journal Article 1996 Oyamada, Joichi Dental morbid condition of hunter-gatherers on Okinawa Island during the Middle Period of the prehistoric shell midden culture and of agriculturalists in Northern Kyushu during the Yayoi Period Anthropological Science [Oyamada, 1996 #32001]
Thesis 2012 Chin-hsin Liu, Human skeletal health and dietary assessment of metal age central Thailand: the impact of changing social complexity and regional variation Anthropology [Chin-hsin 2012 #36330]
Thesis 1996 Douglas, Michele Toomay Paleopathology in human skeletal remains from the Pre-Metal, Bronze, and Iron ages, northeastern Thailand Anthropology [Douglas, 1996 #36419]
Journal Article 2018 Oxenham, Marc F. Between foraging and farming: strategic responses to the Holocene Thermal Maximum in Southeast Asia Antiquity [Oxenham, 2018 #37281]
Journal Article 2016 Pietrusewsky, Michael Sex and geographic differences in health of the early inhabitants of the Mariana Islands Asian Perspectives [Pietrusewsky, 2016 #27586]
Journal Article 1989 Pietrusewsky, Michael Review of "Paleopathology at the origins of agriculture," Mark N. Cohen and George J. Armelagos, editors Asian Perspectives (1986-1987) [Pietrusewsky, 1989 #33024]
Journal Article 2002 Pietrusewsky, Michael Intensification of agriculture at Ban Chiang: Is there evidence from the skeletons? Asian Perspectives (2001) [Pietrusewsky, 2002 #32725]
Journal Article 2003 Lukacs, John R. Skeletal variations among Mesolithic people of the Ganga plains: new evidence of habitual activity and adaptation to climate Asian Perspectives (2003) [Lukacs, 2003 #30648]
Journal Article 2003 Douglas, Michele T. Review of "Health in Late Prehistoric Thailand" by Kathryn M. Domett Asian Perspectives (2003) [Douglas, 2003 #31881]
Journal Article 2008 Smith, Barbara Li Mortuary treatment, pathology, and social relations of the Jiahu community Asian Perspectives (2008) [Smith, 2008 #29238]
Book Section 2006 Oxenham, M. and Tayles, N. Conclusions: synthesizing Southeast Asian population history and palaeohealth Bioarchaeology of Southeast Asia [Oxenham, 2006 #23625]
Journal Article 2002 Oxenham, Marc F. Oral health in northen Viêt Nam: neolithic through metal periods Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Oxenham, 2002 #30085]
Journal Article 1997 Douglas, Michele Toomay A preliminary discussion of trauma in the human skeletons from Ban Chiang, northeast Thailand Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Douglas, 1997 #31750]
Journal Article 1983 Owsley, Douglas W. Caries frequency in deciduous dentitions of protohistoric Easter Islanders Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Owsley, 1983 #35752]
Book Section in a Series 1999 Miksic, John N. Water, urbanization, and disease in ancient Indonesia Complex polities in the ancient tropical world [Miksic, 1999 #26153]
Journal Article 1994 Cohen, Mark Nathan The osteological paradox reconsidered Current Anthropology [Cohen, 1994 #34751]
Journal Article 1992 Cohen, Mark Nathan Comments on the "The Osteological Paradox": problems in inferring prehistoric health from skeletal samples Current Anthropology [Cohen, 1992 #34752]
Thesis 1994 Lambert, Joseph B. War and peace on the Western Front: a study of violent conflict and its correlates in prehistoric hunter-gatherer societies of coastal Southern California Department of Anthropology [Lambert, 1994 #36413]
Journal Article 1999 Cordain, L. Scant evidence of periodic starvation among hunter-gatherers Diabetologia [Cordain, 1999 #34746]
Book Section 1992 Stuart-Macadam, P. L. Anemia in past populations Diet, demography, and diseases [Stuart-Macadam, 1992 #24693]
Book Section 1990 Armelagos, George J. Health and disease in prehistoric populations in transition Disease in populations in transition [Armelagos, 1990 #24640]
Book Section 1967 Angel, J. Lawrence Porotic Hyperostosis or Osteoporosis Symmetrica Diseases in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diseases, Injuries and Surgery of Early Populations [Angel, 1967 #37139]
Journal Article 2002 Steckel, Richard H. Skeletal health in the western hemisphere from 4000 B.C. to the present Evolutionary Anthropology [Steckel, 2002 #31849]
Book Section 1991 Goodman, Alan H. Stress, adaptation and enamel delvelopmental defects Human paleopathology: current synthesis and future options [Goodman, 1991 #24650]
Book Section 1997 Cohen, Mark Nathan Does paleopathology measure community health? A rebuttal of "the osteological paradox" and its implication for world history Integrating archaeological demography: multidisciplinary approaches to prehistoric population [Cohen, 1997 #24629]
Journal Article 2005 Law, A. A simple method for calculating the prevalence of disease in a past human population International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Law, 2005 #30107]
Journal Article 2003 Buckley, Hallie R. Review of "Backbone of history: health and nutrition in the western hemisphere," Richard H. Steckel and Jerome C Rose, editors International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Buckley, 2003 #31840]
Journal Article 2002 Buckley, Hallie R. A possible fatal wounding in the prehistoric Pacific Islands International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Buckley, 2002 #32515]