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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1961 Peacock, B. A. V. Union of Burma Asian Perspectives (1960) [Peacock, 1961 #33598]
Journal Article 1962 Thaw, U Aung Union of Burma Asian Perspectives (1961) [Thaw, 1962 #33545]
Journal Article 1973 Aung Thaw, U. The "neolithic" culture of the Padah-lin caves Asian Perspectives (1971) [Aung 1973 #26865]
Journal Article 1987 Aung-Thwin, Michael Burma before Pagan: the status of archaeology today Asian Perspectives (1982-1983) [Aung-Thwin, 1987 #31959]
Journal Article 2002 Pranke, Patrick A. Review of "Myth and history in the historiography of Early Burma: paradigms, primary sources, and prejudices" by Michael Aung-Thwin Asian Perspectives (2001) [Pranke, 2002 #32718]
Journal Article 2002 Gutman, Pamela The Martaban trade: an examination of the literature from the seventh century until the eighteenth century Asian Perspectives (2001) [Gutman, 2002 #32720]
Journal Article 2002 Hudson, Bob The origins of Bagan: new dates and old inhabitants Asian Perspectives (2001) [Hudson, 2002 #32722]
Journal Article 2002 Moore, Elizabeth Nyaung-gan: a preliminary note on a Bronze Age cemetery near Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma) Asian Perspectives (2001) [Moore, 2002 #32723]
Journal Article 2002 Glover, Ian G. The past, present, and future of prehistoric archaeology in Burma Asian Perspectives (2001) [Glover, 2002 #32724]
Journal Article 2002 Aung-Thwin, Michael Origins and development of the field of prehistory in Burma Asian Perspectives (2001) [Aung-Thwin, 2002 #32726]
Journal Article 2002 Aung-Thwin, Michael Recent developments in the archaeology of Myanma Pyay (Burma): an introduction Asian Perspectives (2001) [Aung-Thwin, 2002 #32727]
Journal Article 2002 Grave, Peter Dating the city wall, fortifications, and the palace site at Pagan Asian Perspectives (2001) [Grave, 2002 #32728]
Journal Article 2003 Charney, Michael W. Review of "Burma's Lost Kingdoms: Splendors of Arakan," Pamela Gutman Asian Perspectives (2003) [Charney, 2003 #31883]
Journal Article 2007 Moore, Elizabeth The Gold Coast: Suvannabhumi?: lower Myanmar walled sites of the first millennium A.D. Asian Perspectives (2007) [Moore, 2007 #29993]
Journal Article 2008 Campbell Cole, Barbie Heirloom beads of the Kachin and Naga BEADS: Journal of the Society of Bead Researchers [Campbell 2008 #28129]
Book Section 2014 Murphy, Stephen A. <i>Sema</i> stones in lower Myanmar and northeast Thailand: a comparison Before Siam: essays in art and archaeology [Murphy, 2014 #22635]
Book Section 2014 Moore, Elizabeth Sampanago: "City of Serpants" and Muttama (Martaban) Before Siam: essays in art and archaeology [Moore, 2014 #22640]
Journal Article 2010 Coupey, A.-S. Second fieldwork season at Ywa Gon Gyi burial site (Upper Burma) Bioarchaeology in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Newsletter [Coupey, 2010 #27662]
Report 2010 Hudson, Bob Completing the sequence: excavation in 2009 confirm neolithic, bronze and iron age burials at Halin, Myanmar (Burma) Bioarchaeology in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Newsletter [Hudson, 2010 #36153]
Journal Article 1940 Marchal, Henri Notes d'architecture birmane Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Marchal, 1940 #26916]
Journal Article 1921 Birmanie Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [ 1921 #27202]
Journal Article 1912 Duroiselle, Charles Inventaire des inscriptions pālies, sanskrites, mōn et pyū de Birmanie Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Duroiselle, 1912 #27281]
Journal Article 1909 Huber, Edouard Études indochinoises: la fin de la dynastie de Pagan Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Huber, 1909 #27331]
Journal Article 1938 Colbert, Edwin H. Fossil mammals from Burma in the American Museum of Natural History Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History [Colbert, 1938 #27889]
Journal Article 2012 Hudson, Bob Earthenware from a firing site in Myanmar (Burma) dates to more than 4,500 years ago Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Hudson, 2012 #28273]
Journal Article 2010 Moore, Elizabeth Myanmar bronzes and the Dian cultures of Yunnan Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Moore, 2010 #28677]
Journal Article 2006 Kanungo, Alok Kumar Naga ornaments and the Indian Ocean Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Kanungo, 2006 #30026]
Book Section 1956 Brant, Charles S. The Shans Burma [Brant, 1956 #24550]
Book Section 1983 Aung-Thwin, Michael Divinity, spirit, and human: conceptions of classical Burmese kingship Centers, symbols, and hierarchies: essays on the classical states of Southeast Asia [Aung-Thwin, 1983 #22536]
Conference Paper 2003 Myo Thant Tyn East and Middle East, the convergence of East and Middle East glazed ceramic traditions in Myanmar Ceramic Traditions in Myanmar Seminar [Myo 2003 #26435]