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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1984 Zeist, W., van The prospects of palynology for the study of prehistoric man in Southeast Asia Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Zeist, 1984 #35905]
Book Section 1985 Flenley, John R. Man's impact on the vegetation of Southeast Asia: the pollen evidence Recent Advances in Indo-Pacific Prehistory: Proceedings of the International Symposium Held at Poona, December 19-21, 1978 [Flenley, 1985 #25161]
Journal Article 1985 Maloney, Bernard K. Man's impact on the rainforests of West Malesia: the palynological record Journal of Biogeography [Maloney, 1985 #33864]
Journal Article 1985 Maloney, Bernard K. Ulmus pollen at Sibisa Swamp, north Sumatra (Ulmaceae) Blumea [Maloney, 1985 #33866]
Journal Article 1985 Newsome, J. Late Quaternary vegetational history of the central highlands of Sumatra, II: palaeopalynology and vegetational history Journal of Biogeography [Newsome, 1985 #35664]
Journal Article 1985 Maloney, Bernard K. Palaeoenvironments of Khok Phanom Di British Institute in Southeast Asia Newsletter [Maloney, 1985 #35702]
Journal Article 1985 Flenley, John R. Quaternary vegetational and climatic history of island Southeast Asia Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Flenley, 1985 #35988]
Journal Article 1986 Sun Xiangjun, Late Pleistocene and Holocene vegetation history at Kunming, Yunnan province, southwest China Journal of Biogeography [Sun 1986 #33679]
Journal Article 1986 Lin Shaomeng, Late Pleistocene and Holocene vegetation history at Xi Hu, Er Yuan, Yunnan province, southwest China Journal of Biogeography [Lin 1986 #33680]
Journal Article 1986 Walker, D. Late Pleistocene-early Holocene vegetational and climatic changes in Yunnan Province, southwest China Journal of Biogeography [Walker, 1986 #35656]
Journal Article 1986 van Campo, E. Monsoon fluctuations in two 20,000 year BP oxygen-isotope/pollen records off southwest India Quaternary Research [van 1986 #35657]
Book Section 1987 Sangsuwan C. A palynological study of the Bangkok clay at Senanivate pit, Bangkok, Thailand Proceedings of the CCOP Symposium on Developments in Quaternary Geological Research in East and Southeast Asia During the Last Decade [Sangsuwan 1987 #24443]
Book Section 1987 Maloney, Bernard K. The pollen and spore record Report of the 1982-1983 Bukit Raya Expedition [Maloney, 1987 #24946]
Journal Article 1987 Tran Dat, Nhin lai cac ket qua phan tich bao tu phan hoa trong nghien cuu khao co hoc Viêt Nam [ Reassessment at the results of analysis of palynology in archaeological research] Khao Co Hoc [Tran 1987 #31090]
Journal Article 1987 Ferguson, I. K. The pollen morphology of the tribe Borasseae (Palmae: Coryphoideae) Kew Bulletin [Ferguson, 1987 #33875]
Journal Article 1987 Maloney, Bernard K. Two pollen diagrams from Khok Phanom Di, Thailand: a preliminary report Indian Ocean Newsletter [Maloney, 1987 #35669]
Journal Article 1987 Maloney, Bernard K. Environmental archaeology at Khok Phanom Di, central Thailand: an update Circaea [Maloney, 1987 #35676]
Journal Article 1988 Flenley, J. R. Palynological evidence for land-use changes in South-East Asia Journal of Biogeography [Flenley, 1988 #29740]
Journal Article 1988 Maloney, Bernard K. The environmental setting of Khok Phanom Di, central Thailand Geoarchaeology [Maloney, 1988 #35674]
Journal Article 1988 Maloney, Bernard K. Another pollen diagram from Khok Phanom Di, Thailand Indian Ocean Newsletter [Maloney, 1988 #35675]
Journal Article 1988 Bush, M. A 7000 year vegetational history from lowland Amazon, Ecuador Vegetation [Bush, 1988 #35695]
Journal Article 1988 Flenley, John R. Palynological evidence for land use changes in South-East Asia Journal of Biogeography [Flenley, 1988 #35989]
Journal Article 1989 Kamaruddin bin Hassan, Palynological study of samples from the archaeological site at Kota Tampan, Perak, peninsular Malaysia Jurnal Arkeologi Malaysia [Kamaruddin 1989 #31537]
Journal Article 1989 Maloney, B. K. Early rice cultivation in Southeast Asia: archaeological and palynological evidence from the Bang Pakong Valley, Thailand Antiquity [Maloney, 1989 #33862]
Journal Article 1989 Hedges, R. E. M. Radiocarbon dates from the Oxford AMS system: Archaeometry datelist 9 Archaeometry [Hedges, 1989 #35285]
Journal Article 1989 Maloney, Bernard K. Early rice cultivation in Southeast Asia: archaeological and palynological evidence from the Bang Pakong Valley, Thailand Antiquity [Maloney, 1989 #35856]
BAR Section 1990 Maloney, Bernard K. Changing environments and agricultural origins at Khok Phanom Di, Thailand: the pollen evidence Southeast Asian Archaeology 1986: Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe [Maloney, 1990 #19699]
Journal Article 1990 Tran Dat, Ve cac phuong phap gia cong mau trong phan tich bao tu phan hoa [ About the methodas of making samples in pollen analysis] Khao Co Hoc [Tran 1990 #31050]
Journal Article 1990 Maloney, B. K. Khok Phanom Di, central Thailand: chemical analysis of pollen core KL2 and AMS radiocarbon dates from cores KL2 and BMR 2 Geoarchaeology [Maloney, 1990 #33854]
Journal Article 1990 Maloney, Bernard K. Grass pollen and the origins of rice agriculture in north Sumatra Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Maloney, 1990 #33867]