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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book (Edited) 1977 Megaw, J. V. S. Hunters, gatherers and first farmers beyond Europe: an archaeological survey [Megaw, 1977 #21554]
Book (Edited) 1977 Reed, Charles A. Origins of agriculture [Reed, 1977 #21633]
Book Section 1977 Wright, Henry Environmental change and the origin of agriculture in the Old and New Worlds Origins of agriculture [Wright, 1977 #24945]
Book Section 1977 Gorman, Chester Francis A priori models and Thai prehistory: a reconsideration of agriculture in southeastern Asia Origins of agriculture [Gorman, 1977 #25080]
Book Section 1977 Harris, David R. Subsistence strategies across Torres Strait Sunda and Sahul: prehistoric studies in Southeast Asia, Melanesia and Australia [Harris, 1977 #25127]
Book Section 1977 Reed, Charles A. Origins of agriculture: discussion and some conclusions Origins of agriculture [Reed, 1977 #25146]
Book Section 1977 Harris, David R. Alternative pathways toward agriculture Origins of agriculture [Harris, 1977 #25156]
Book Section 1977 Ho, Ping Ti The indigenous origins of Chinese agriculture Origins of agriculture [Ho, 1977 #25163]
Journal Article 1977 Chang, Kwang-chih The continuing quest for China's origins. I. Early farmers in China Archaeology [Chang, 1977 #35304]
Book Section 1978 Chang, Te-Tzu The origins and early cultures of the cereal grains and food legumes The origins of Chinese civilization [Chang, 1978 #25070]
Book Section in a Series 1978 Watabe, Tadayo The development of rice cultivation Thailand: a rice-growing society [Watabe, 1978 #26301]
Book Section in a Series 1978 Ishii, Yoneo History and rice-growing Thailand: a rice-growing society [Ishii, 1978 #26316]
Book Section 1979 Glover, Ian C. Prehistoric plant remains from Southeast Asia, with special reference to rice South Asian Archaeology 1977. Papers from the Fourth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, Held in the Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples [Glover, 1979 #25090]
Book Section 1980 Glover, Ian C. Agricultural origins in East Asia Cambridge encyclopedia of archaeology [Glover, 1980 #24923]
Journal Article 1980 Ha Van Tan, Ve mo hinh Tre-xto Gooc-man va nien dai xuat hien nong nghiep trong lua o Dong Nam A [ On the Chester gorman's models and the appearance date of rice-cultivation in Southeast Asia ] Khao Co Hoc [Ha 1980 #31328]
Journal Article 1980 Dang Nghiem Van, Cac hinh thuc trong lua: tr lieu dan toc hoc [ Various forms of rice - cultivation: ethnographical data] Khao Co Hoc [Dang 1980 #31613]
Journal Article 1980 Yen, Douglas E. The Southeast Asian foundations of oceanic agriculture: a re-assessment Journal de la Société des Océanistes [Yen, 1980 #35654]
Journal Article 1980 Sherratt, Andrew Water, soil and seasonality in early cereal cultivation World Archaeology [Sherratt, 1980 #35887]
BAR Section 1981 van Liere, W. J. Early agricultural intensification in mainland Southeast Asia Prehistoric intensive agriculture in the tropics [van 1981 #19666]
Journal Article 1982 White, Joyce C. Prehistoric environment and subsistence in northeast Thailand South-East Asian Studies Newsletter [White, 1982 #35811]
Journal Article 1983 Hutterer, Karl L. The natural and cultural history of Southeast Asian agriculture Anthropos [Hutterer, 1983 #35558]
Conference Proceeding 1984 Southeast Asian archaeology at the XV Pacific Science Congress The origins of agriculture, metallurgy, and the state in mainland Southeast Asia [ 1984 #26582]
Journal Article 1984 Higham, Charles F. W. Prehistoric rice cultivation in Southeast Asia Scientific American [Higham, 1984 #35583]
Journal Article 1984 Rodwell, Sally China's earliest farmers: the evidence from Chishan Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Rodwell, 1984 #35750]
Book Section 1985 Golson, Jack Agricultural origins in Southeast Asia: a view from the east Recent Advances in Indo-Pacific Prehistory: Proceedings of the International Symposium Held at Poona, December 19-21, 1978 [Golson, 1985 #25081]
Book Section in a Series 1986 Sørensen, Per On the problem of early rice in Southeast Asia Rice societies: Asian problems and prospects [Sørensen, 1986 #26330]
Journal Article 1986 Higham, Charles F. W. Of rice and men: early agriculture in Thailand Geographical Magazine [Higham, 1986 #35687]
BAR Section 1987 Higham, Charles F. W. Rice cultivation and its place in Southeast Asian prehistory: some first indications Studies in the Neolithic and Urban Revolutions: The V. Gordon Childe Colloquium, Mexico, 1986 [Higham, 1987 #19690]
Journal Article 1987 Crawford, G. W. Ainu ancestors and prehistoric Asian agriculture Journal of Archaeological Science [Crawford, 1987 #29818]
Thesis-PhD 1987 Wilen, Richard N. The context of prehistoric food production in the Khorat Plateau piedmont, northeast Thailand [Wilen, 1987 #36648]