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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1937 Mauger, Henri Le Phnom Bàyàn Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Mauger, 1937 #27064]
Journal Article 1938 Laubie, Y. Tablette divinatoire et idéogrammes à Nghïa-lô Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Laubie, 1938 #27052]
Journal Article 1939 Hutchinson, E. W. Megaliths in Thailand Journal of the Siam Society [Hutchinson, 1939 #35369]
Journal Article 1943 Andrews, J. M. Evolutionary trends in body build: data from Thailand (Siam) Harvard University Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology [Andrews, 1943 #35425]
Journal Article 1945 Briggs, Lawrence Palmer Dvaravati, the most ancient kingdom of Siam Journal of the American Oriental Society [Briggs, 1945 #35195]
Journal Article 1947 van Heekeren, H. R. Stone Age discoveries in Siam Chronica Naturae [van 1947 #29561]
Newspaper Article 1947 van Heekeren, H. R. Romance of archaeology: stone axes from the "railroad of death" Illustrated London News [van 1947 #36119]
Book 1948 Royal Forest Department (Siam) Siamese plant names [Royal 1948 #20825]
Book 1948 Royal Forest Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Thailand Siamese plant names. Part 1: botanical names - local names [Royal 1948 #21247]
Journal Article 1948 van Heekeren, Hendrik Robert Prehistoric discoveries in Siam, 1943-44 Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society (New Series) [van 1948 #35384]
Book in a Series 1950 Suwatabandhu, Kasin Weeds in paddy field in Thailand [Suwatabandhu, 1950 #21777]
Journal Article 1950 Suvarnakich, K. The Thai Diet Nutrition Reviews [Suvarnakich, 1950 #34481]
Journal Article 1950 Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre Le Paleolithique du Siam L'Anthropologie [Teilhard 1950 #35385]
Journal Article 1951 Seidenfaden, Major Erik Kanôk Nakhon, an ancient Mon settlement in northeast Siam (Thailand) and its treasures of art Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Seidenfaden, 1951 #26888]
Thesis-PhD 1951 Tien, Uttayanang The study of cranial volume, cranial module, size, and indices of Thai and Chinese skulls [Tien, 1951 #36615]
Book 1952 Benedict, Ruth Thai culture and behavior: an unpublished war-time study dated September, 1943 [Benedict, 1952 #21094]
Journal Article 1952 Coughlin, Richard J. The status of the Chinese minority in Thailand Pacific Affairs [Coughlin, 1952 #27899]
Journal Article 1952 Seidenfaden, Erik The Kui people of Cambodia and Siam Journal of the Siam Society [Seidenfaden, 1952 #29208]
Journal Article 1952 Rajadhon, Phya Anuman The ceremony of Tham Khwan of a month old child Journal of the Siam Society [Rajadhon, 1952 #34083]
Journal Article 1952 Feroci, C. Traditional Thai painting Journal of the Siam Society [Feroci, 1952 #34105]
Journal Article 1952 Bidyalabh, Prince Dhani Nivat Kromamun Traditional dresses in the classic dance of Siam Journal of the Siam Society [Bidyalabh, 1952 #34106]
Book 1953 Brown, Glen F. Geological reconnaissance of the mineral deposits in Thailand [Brown, 1953 #21073]
Book in a Series 1953 Sharp, Lauriston Siamese rice village: a preliminary study of Bang Chan, 1948-1949 [Sharp, 1953 #21772]
Book in a Series 1954 Smitinand, T. Identification keys to genera and species of the Dipterocarpaceae of Thailand [Smitinand, 1954 #21785]
Journal Article 1954 Griswold, A. B. Bronze casting in Siam Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Griswold, 1954 #32165]
Journal Article 1955 Picard, C. La lampe alexandrine de P'ong Tuk (Siam) Artibus Asiae [Picard, 1955 #28941]
Journal Article 1956 Harrison, Tom Siamese Ceramic Sculpture Far Eastern Ceramic Bulletin [Harrison, 1956 #30367]
Journal Article 1956 Hanks, Lucien M. Crisis in Bang Chan Saturday Review of Literature [Hanks, 1956 #32540]
Journal Article 1956 Nimmanahaeminda, Kraisri Sangampaeng glazed potteries Journal of the Siam Society [Nimmanahaeminda, 1956 #35273]
Journal Article 1956 Spinks, Charles Nelson Siam and the pottery trade of Asia Journal of the Siam Society [Spinks, 1956 #35489]