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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 2005 Aldenderfer, Mark Statistics for Archaeology Handbook of Archaeological Methods [Aldenderfer, 2005 #22191]
Book Section 1969 Alexander, J. Origins of yam cultivation Domestication and exploitation of plants and animals [Alexander, 1969 #24561]
Book Section 1970 Alexander, John The domestication of yams: a multi-disciplinary approach Science in Archeology: A Survey of Progress and Research [Alexander, 1970 #37138]
Book Section 1982 Alexander, Ralph E. Xeroradiography of ancient objects: a new imaging modality Archaeological Ceramics [Alexander, 1982 #25074]
Book Section 2011 Ali, Daud The early inscriptions of Indonesia and the problem of the Sanskrit Cosmopolis Early interactions between South and Southeast Asia: reflections on cross-cultural exchange [Ali, 2011 #23014]
Book Section 1996 Ali, J. R. SE Sundaland accretion: palaeomagnetic evidence of large Plio-Pleistocene thin-skin rotations in Buton Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia [Ali, 1996 #23119]
Book Section 1904 Allard, Ernest Famille des Chrysomelides (suite) Recherches sur l'Histoire Naturelle de l'Indo-Chine Orientale [Allard, 1904 #22679]
Book Section 1904 Allard, Ernest Famille des Tenebrionides Recherches sur l'Histoire Naturelle de l'Indo-Chine Orientale [Allard, 1904 #22686]
Book Section 1904 Allard, Ernest Familles des Dermestides, des Érotylides, des Endomychides et des Coccinellides Recherches sur l'Histoire Naturelle de l'Indo-Chine Orientale [Allard, 1904 #22696]
Book Section 2017 Allard, Francis Globalization at the crossroads: the case of southeast China during the pre- and early imperial period The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization [Allard, 2017 #22328]
Book Section 1992 Allchin, Bridget Middle Palaeolithic culture History of civilizations of Central Asia [Allchin, 1992 #23954]
Book Section 1977 Allchin, Bridget Hunters, pastoralists and early agriculturalists in South Asia Hunters, gatherers and first farmers beyond Europe: an archaeological survey [Allchin, 1977 #23955]
Book Section 1975 Allchin, Bridget The agate and carnelian industry of western India and Pakistan South Asian Archaeology 1975. Papers from the Third International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Paris [Allchin, 1975 #23956]
Book Section 1973 Allchin, Bridget Blade and burin industries of west Pakistan and western India South Asian Archaeology 1975. Papers from the Third International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Paris [Allchin, 1973 #23957]
Book Section 1969 Allchin, F. Raymond Early domestic animals in India and Pakistan The domestication and exploitation of plants and animals [Allchin, 1969 #23952]
Book Section 1969 Allchin, F. Raymond Early cultivated plants in India and Pakistan The domestication and exploitation of plants and animals [Allchin, 1969 #23953]
Book Section 2004 Allen, Jane Sema stones and a small brick structure: results of the 1965 excavations at Ban Makha (site Lam Pao 7), Changswat Kalasin, northeast Thailand Southeast Asian archaeology: Wilhelm G. Solheim II Festschrift [Allen, 2004 #24239]
Book Section 1977 Allen, Jim Sea traffic, trade and expanding horizons Sunda and Sahul: prehistoric studies in Southeast Asia, Melanesia and Australia [Allen, 1977 #25174]
Book Section 1998 Allibert, Claude The archaeology of knowledge: about Austronesian influences in the Western Indian Ocean Southeast Asian Archaeology 1994: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archeologists [Allibert, 1998 #23558]
Book Section 1955 Almeida, A. Preliminary notice of a Paleolithic station in the eastern Malaysian archipelago (Portuguese Timor) Abstracts of papers, Eighth Pacific Science Congress [Almeida, 1955 #23575]
Book Section 2011 Alt, Susan M. Histories of mound building Ideologies in archaeology [Alt, 2011 #22434]
Book Section Altenburg, Kirsty Hand-making earthenware cooking pots in Kompong Chhnang, Cambodia Sharing cultures: the proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intangible Heritage [Altenburg, #22746]
Book Section 2000 Alvard, Michael The impact of traditional subsistence hunting and trapping on prey populations: data from Wana horticulturalists of upland central Sulawesi, Indonesia Hunting for sustainability in tropical rainforests [Alvard, 2000 #23148]
Book Section 1984 Ambary, Hasan M. Country report of Indonesia: archaeological research in Indonesia related to commodity products and maritime trade Consultative workshop on research on maritime shipping and trade networks in Southeast Asia [Ambary, 1984 #23169]
Book Section 1987 Ambrose, Stanley H. Chemical and isotopic techniques of diet reconstruction in eastern North America Emergent horticultural economies of the eastern woodlands [Ambrose, 1987 #24600]
Book Section 1993 Ambrose, Stanley H. Experimental evidence for the relationship of the carbon isotope ratios of whole diet and dietary protein to those of bone collagen and carbonate Prehistoric human bone: archaeology at the molecular level [Ambrose, 1993 #24643]
Book Section 1993 Ambrose, Stanley H. Isotopic analysis of paleodiets: methodological and interpretive considerations Investigations of ancient human tissue: chemical analyses in anthropology [Ambrose, 1993 #24644]
Book Section 1996 Ambrose, W. R. Metals and the Melanesian connection Ancient Chinese and Southeast Asian bronze age cultures [Ambrose, 1996 #23717]
Book Section 1999 Ambrose, Wal Curves, tines, scutes and Lapita ware Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent [Ambrose, 1999 #24008]
Book Section 1991 An Jiayao, Early glass of China Scientific research in early Chinese glass : proceedings of the Archaeometry of Glass Sessions of the 1984 International Symposium on Glass, Beijing, September 7, 1984, with supplementary papers [An 1991 #23948]