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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 2011 van Driem, George Rice and the Austroasiatic and Hmong-Mien homelands Dynamics of human diversity [van 2011 #22985]
Book Section 1974 Vishnu-Mittre Palaeobotanical evidence in India Evolutionary studies in world crops [Vishnu-Mittre 1974 #23324]
Book Section 1997 Waselkov, Gregory A. Changing strategies of Indian field location in the early historic southeast People, plants, and landscape: studies in paleoethnobotany [Waselkov, 1997 #24589]
Book Section 1997 Watson, Patty Jo The archaeological record of plant domestication and utilization People, plants, and landscape: studies in paleoethnobotany [Watson, 1997 #24591]
Journal Article 2015 Weisskopf, Alison The interplay of millets and rice in Neolithic central China: integrating phytoliths into the archaeobotany of Baligang Archaeological Research in Asia [Weisskopf, 2015 #27011]
Journal Article 1973 Whyte, Robert Orr The Gramineae, wild and cultivated, of monsoonal and equatorial Asia. I. Southeast Asia Asian Perspectives (1972) [Whyte, 1973 #33264]
Book Section 1997 Winterhalder, Bruce An evolutionary ecology perspective on diet choice, risk, and plant domestication People, plants, and landscape: studies in paleoethnobotany [Winterhalder, 1997 #24587]
Journal Article 2022 Xue, Yining Post-Neolithic broadening of agriculture in Yunnan, China: Archaeobotanical evidence from Haimenkou Archaeological Research in Asia [Xue, 2022 #37079]
Journal Article 1991 Yan Wenming, China's earliest rice agriculture remains Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Yan 1991 #35606]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Yano, Azusa Application of chloroplast PS-ID sequences to identification of ancient rice Environmental changes and rise and fall of civilizations [Yano, 2001 #26029]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Yonenobu, Hitoshi Identification of wood samples from Chengtoushan, China Environmental changes and rise and fall of civilizations [Yonenobu, 2001 #26027]