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Daily Pennsylvanian | 34th Street | Admin Publications | Non-Penn Publications


Daily Pennsylvanian

April 9, 2021

Brandon Anaya | "Students, West Philadelphias call on Penn to 'return the remains' of Morton Collection"


March 3, 2021

Jack Starobin | "Penn & Slavery Project releases virtual campus tour app illustrating Penn's ties to slavery"

July 15, 2020

Zoey Weisman | "Penn & Slavery Project urges U. to further address racism after removing Whitefield statue"

July 2, 2020

Zoey Weisman | "Penn announces plan to remove statue of slave owner George Whitefield from the Quad"


October 6, 2019

Jessica Gooding | "Critically examining George Whitefield's statue in the Quad"

August 29, 2019

Abdul-Aliy Muhammad, "Guest Column by Abdul-Aliy Muhammad | Penn, complicit in slavery and displacement must engage in reparative action"

April 17, 2019

The DP Editorial Board, "Editorial | Georgetown reparations highlight importance of studying Penn's ties to slavery."

April 08, 2019

Ashley Ahn, "Penn & Slavery symposium reveals U. was funded by donations from owners of enslaved people"

December 10, 2018

Amy Liu, "Penn used bodies of enslaved people for teaching purposes after death, student research reveals" 

August 24, 2018

Madeleine Ngo, "Penn has acknowledged its ties to slavery, but student researchers say their work is far from over" 

June 29, 2018

Manlu Liu, "Penn unveils new findings on history with slavery: over 75 former trustees owned slaves" 

April 24, 2018

Giovanna Paz, "New findings from Penn Slavery Project show how U. benefited financially from enslaved labor" 

March 14, 2018

Max Cohen, "Penn Slavery Project student researchers express concern over role of faculty working group" 

February 18, 2018

Giovanna Paz, "Penn formed a group to research its historical ties to slavery. Here's what it aims to do."

January 24, 2018

Carson Kahoe, "Penn forms group to address new research tying its founding trustees to the slave trade" 

January 13, 2018

Rahul Chopra & Giovanna Paz, "Penn student researchers dig into the University's unaddressed ties to the slave trade"




34th Street

December 5, 2018 (Mentioned)

Meerabelle Jesuthasan, "A Permanent Legacy: The Naming Process at Penn"

February 28, 2018

VanJessica Gladney, "We Challenged Penn to Reexamine Its History of Slavery- And Our Project Isn't Over"