Huichol Yarn Paintings

Dublin Core


Huichol Yarn Paintings


A selection of yarn mixed-media "paintings" documenting Huichol spiritual visions.


University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology


University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Collection Items

Grandmother Earth gives birth to a fertile earth, and creates a place for the sacred gods to occupy when they go to the land of the Huichol.

The prominent deer head refers to the act of blood sacrifice done by Huichol shamans to placate the Eagle Goddess. The scene depicts the deer, Huicholes, and Eagle Goddess below receiving the gift.

Illustrates the story of how the 5 points of the Huichol world came into existence.

Grandmother Earth is giving birth to

Multicolored painting with deer, deer heads, and humanoid figures.

Blue dog and crow; pink dog; white three-armed object; pink and pink and blue triangular objects.

Nuestros antepasados viajan sobre el rio- 85-38-13
Four figures, three of whom are crossing a river.

Antes de la Inudacion- 85-38-23
Two birds, one maroon, one light blue; black figure with arms outstretched towards light blue and black object; four yellow figures, one seated; one light blue figure, one blue and red figure; one yellow and black figure; central light blue circular…

Huichol Yarn Paintings
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