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Ref ID: 34566
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Parkington, John
Title: Approaches to dietary reconstruction in the Western Cape: are you what you have eaten?
Date: 1991
Source: Journal of Archaeological Science
Abstract: Debate has arisen over the extent of marine food consumption and by implication coastal residence among Holocene hunter-gatherers in the Cape Province of South Africa. Whereas bioarchaeological methods have been assumed to imply short-term probably seasonal coastal visits, stable carbon isotope results are held to demonstrate heavy marine food intake and almost permanent coastal dwelling. Here a metabolic critique of the isotope interpretation is offered, in which the suggestion is made that marine food signals are exaggerated in skeletons because of protein induced high turnover rates. In a second critique, the palaeoenvironmental implications of isotope readings are shown to demonstrate a higher inland C4 component than has hitherto been recognized. Some enrichment of skeletons may-well result from terrestrial rather than marine food consumption.
Date Created: 7/5/2001
Volume: 18
Number: 3
Page Start: 331
Page End: 342