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Ref ID: 33841
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Buckley, Brendan M.
Barbetti, Mike
Watanasak, Manas
D'Arrigo, Rosanne
Boonchirdchoo, Saran
Sarutanon, Sakunyut
Title: Dendrochronological investigations in Thailand
Date: 1995
Source: IAWA Journal
Abstract: Some of the first tree-ring chronologies from mainland Southeast Asia have been developed from Thailand, and a significant link betwen climate and tree growth has been suggested. Four chronologies from two species of pine (Pinus kesiya Royle ex Gordon and Pinus merkusii Jungh. & de Vriese) from northeastern, lower northern and northwestern Thailand have been constructed: three from P. kesiya and one from P. merkusii. A second P. merkusii chronology is being developed from samples from northwestern Thailand. Preliminary climate modelling demonstrates significant relationships for tree growth with both temperature and precipitation for both species. A significant, direct relationship is revealed with temperature at the beginning of the wet season for Pinus merkusii from Thung Salaeng Luang National Park, along with an inverse relationship with precipitation for the same period. It is also suggested that the month of November (the transitional month from wet to dry season) during the year of growth is most important for Pinus kesiya from Nam Nao National Park, based on significant, direct relationships with both temperature and precipitation. The dendrochronological potential of another species, the long-lived Podocarpus neriifolius, is also discussed.
Date Created: 6/12/2002
Volume: 16
Number: 4
Page Start: 393
Page End: 409
