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Ref ID: 31009
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Department of Historical Archaeology ,
Hai Hung Museum,
Title: Khai quat di chi gom su Hop Le ( Hai Hung ) lan thu ba (bao cao so bo) [ The third excavation of the ceramic site in Hop Le ( Hai Hung prov.)]
Date: 1991
Source: Khao Co Hoc
Language: Vietnamese
Notes: Diacriticals from original publication not included
Abstract: English summary on page 36 as follows: The site has been excavated for 3 times. The third excavation consited of 3 pits on the area of 61m² and a rather intact kilns, the excavators present some remarks: 1) thick cultural layer proves that ceramics here existed during 3 centuries (from the 15th to the 18th centuries). 2) Hop Le ceramics have similarities and differences with ceramics from the sites in the neighbourhood like Cay, Ngoi, Lao. 3) Hop Le ceramics are of daily use mainly satisfied the needs inside the country.
Date Created: 5/28/2004
Page Start: 31
Page End: 36