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Ref ID: 27919
Ref Type: Journal Article
Authors: Barbour, G. B.
Title: Analysis of Lushan glaciation problem
Date: 1934
Source: Bulletin of the Geological Society of China
DOI: 10.1111/j.1755-6724.1934.mp13001034.x
Abstract: The problem of the "boulder-clay" deposits discovered by Dr. J.S. Lee at Lushan is one of the most baffling I have ever encountered. Part of the evidence seems at first sight to necessitate a glacial explanation, yet the remainder points equally definitely in another direction. If glaciation was actually responsible for the great "boulder-clay" deposits, it was followed by a most abnormal and unusual set of conditions capable of destroying the remainder of the evidence. To explain the facts on any non-glacial basis seems to call for an equally unusual sequence of events. Either way, no simple explanation seems possible. An attempt may be made to evaluate the various lines of evidence, starting with those that seem most significant.
Date Created: 6/3/2015
Volume: 13
Number: 1
Page Start: 647
Page End: 656