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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section in a Series 1925 Mansuy, Henri Alphonse Complément à l'étude des crânes recueillis dans la caverne sépulcrale de Lang-Cuon, massif de Bac-Son Contribution à l'étude de la prehistoire de l'Indochine, vol. 8 [Mansuy, 1925 #25967]
Book Section in a Series 1925 Mansuy, Henri Alphonse Description d'un crâne indonésien ancien de Cho-Ganh (Tonkin) Contribution à l'étude de la prehistoire de l'Indochine, vol. 8 [Mansuy, 1925 #25968]
Book Section in a Series 1925 Mansuy, Henri Alphonse La caverne sépulcrale néolithique de Ham-Rong, près Thanh-Hoa (Annam) Contribution à l'étude de la prehistoire de l'Indochine, vol. 8 [Mansuy, 1925 #25969]
Book Section in a Series 1926 Li, Chi Archeological survey of the Fêng River Valley, Southern Shansi, China Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections [Li, 1926 #25973]
Book Section in a Series 1932 Oppenoorth, Willem Frederik Florus Homo (Javanthropus) soloensis, een Plistoceene mensch van Java Dienst van den mijnbouw in Nederlandsch-Indië: Wetenschappelijke mededeelingen [Oppenoorth, 1932 #25972]
Book Section in a Series 1932 Colani, Madeleine Champs de jarres monolithiques et de pierres funéraires du Tran-ninh (Haut-Laos) Premier congrès des préhistoriens d'Extrême-Orient, Hanoi (1932) [Colani, 1932 #26006]
Book Section in a Series 1932 Colani, Madeleine Divers modes de sépultures néolithiques et protohistoriques en Indochine Premier congrès des préhistoriens d'Extrême-Orient, Hanoi (1932) [Colani, 1932 #26007]
Book Section in a Series 1932 Colani, Madeleine Différents aspects du néolithique Indochinois Premier congrès des préhistoriens d'Extrême-Orient, Hanoi (1932) [Colani, 1932 #26008]
Book Section in a Series 1934 Tokunaga, Shigeyasu Fossil remains excavated at Ku-hsiang-tung near Harbin Geology [Tokunaga, 1934 #25689]
Book Section in a Series 1935 Heine-Geldern, Robert The archaeology and art of Sumatra Sumatra: its history and its people [Heine-Geldern, 1935 #25739]
Book Section in a Series 1938 Beck, Horace C. Beads from slab graves in Malaya Recent finds of iron-age sites in southern Perak and Selangor [Beck, 1938 #26083]
Book Section in a Series 1943 Beyer, H. Otley Philippine tektites and the tektite problem in general [Beyer, 1943 #26014]
Book Section in a Series 1943 Movius, Hallam L. Jr. The stone age of Burma Research on early man in Burma [Movius, 1943 #26341]
Book Section in a Series 1949 de Terra, Helmut Geology and climate as factors of human evolution in Asia Early man in the Far East: a symposium of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists and the American Anthropological Association, December 28, 1946 [de 1949 #26002]
Book Section in a Series 1951 Voce, E. Examination of specimens from the Pitt Rivers Museum Notes on the prehistoric metallurgy of copper and bronze in the Old World [Voce, 1951 #25756]
Book Section in a Series 1951 Levin, M. G. древнее расселение человечества в восто& Proiskhozhdenie cheloveka i drevnee rasselenie chelovechestva [Levin, 1951 #25965]
Book Section in a Series 1960 McArthur, Margaret Food consumption and dietary levels of groups of aborigines living on naturally occurring foods Anthropology and nutrition [McArthur, 1960 #25962]
Book Section in a Series 1963 Heine-Geldern, Robert Archaeology and legend in the Andaman Islands Festschrift Paul Schebesta zum 75 Geburtstag [Heine-Geldern, 1963 #25738]
Book Section in a Series 1963 Miles, A. E. W. The dentition in the assessment of individual age in skeletal material Dental Anthropology [Miles, 1963 #25990]
Book Section in a Series 1966 Benedict, Burton Sociological characteristics of small territories and their implications for economic development The social anthropology of complex societies [Benedict, 1966 #25826]
Book Section in a Series 1966 Li, Fang-Kuei The relationship between tones and intials in Tai Studies in comparative Austroasiatic linguistics [Li, 1966 #25966]
Book Section in a Series 1966 Nash, June C. Living with Nats: an analysis of animism in Burman village social relations Anthropological studies in Theravada Buddhism [Nash, 1966 #25974]
Book Section in a Series 1966 Fox, Robert B. Ancient Filipino communities Filipino cultural heritage [Fox, 1966 #26109]
Book Section in a Series 1967 Shutler, Richard, Jr. Radiocarbon dating and man in Southeast Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Archaeology at the 11th Pacific Science Congress: papers presented at the XI Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, August-September 1966 [Shutler, 1967 #26009]
Book Section in a Series 1967 Boriskovsky, P. I. Problems of the Paleolithic and of the Mesolithic of Southeast Asia Archaeology at the 11th Pacific Science Congress: papers presented at the XI Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, August-September 1966 [Boriskovsky, 1967 #26208]
Book Section in a Series 1968 Verhoeven, T. Vorgeschichtliche Forschungen auf Flores, Timor und Sumba Anthropica: Gedenkschrift zum 100. Geburtstag von P. W. Schmidt [Verhoeven, 1968 #25562]
Book Section in a Series 1968 Merrill, Robert S. The study of technology International encyclopedia of the social sciences [Merrill, 1968 #25771]
Book Section in a Series 1968 Saurin, Edmond Station préhistorique à ciel ouvert dans le massif du Pah Xieng Tong (Laos) Anthropology at the Eighth Pacific Science Congress [Saurin, 1968 #26066]
Book Section in a Series 1968 Saurin, Edmond La géologie du Quaternaire et les industries préhistoriques en Indochine Anthropology at the Eighth Pacific Science Congress [Saurin, 1968 #26067]
Book Section in a Series 1969 Jacob, Teuku The Mesolithic skeletal remains from Sai-Yok Archaeological excavations in Thailand. Vol. III: Ban-Kao, part 2. The prehistoric Thai skeletons [Jacob, 1969 #26199]