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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1998 Supapoj, N. Using organic material to improve soil productivity in rainfed lowland rice in northeast Thailand Rainfed Lowland Rice: Advances in Nutrient Management Research [Supapoj, 1998 #22317]
Journal Article 2017 Kanthilatha, Nelum Multi-element characterization of archaeological floors at the prehistoric archaeological sites at Ban Non Wat and Nong Hua Raet in northeast Thailand Quaternary International [Kanthilatha, 2017 #27003]
Journal Article 2005 Hunt, C. Cultivation and human impact at 6000 cal yr B.P. in tropical lowland forest at Niah, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo Quarternary Research [Hunt, 2005 #27664]
Book Section 1978 Brenner, R. P. Physical and mineralogical characteristics of Bangkok subsoil from a deep borehole in Klong Luang district Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia [Brenner, 1978 #23085]
Journal Article 2010 Zhang, Pu A test of stable carbon isotope record characteristics of phreatic and outcrop profiles Quaternary International [Zhang, 2010 #29003]
Book Section in a Series 2004 Alexandrovskiy, A. L. Changes in palaeoenvironment and human migrations in the centre of the Russian plain Impact of the environment on human migration in Eurasia [Alexandrovskiy, 2004 #25698]
Journal Article 2007 Macphail, Richard I. Soil micromorphology, chemistry and magnetic susceptibility studies at Huizui (Yiluo region, Henan province, northern China), with special focus on a typical Yangshao floor sequence Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Macphail, 2007 #29566]
Book in a Series (Edited) 2005 Gupta, Avijit The physical geography of Southeast Asia [Gupta, 2005 #22055]
Book 1974 Andriesse, J. P. Tropical lowland peat deposits in Southeast Asia [Andriesse, 1974 #20773]
Report 2005 Lewis, H. To see the world in a grain of sand: soil micromorphology studies of landscape and occupation history at Tabon Cave, Palawan, the Philippines [Lewis, 2005 #36237]
Report 2004 Lewis, H. The soil micromorphological potential of cultural sediments from cave sites in Island Southeast Asia: progress report on work at Niah, Ille and Tabon Caves [Lewis, 2004 #36236]
Report 2004 Lewis, H. Preliminary report on the analysis of soil micromorphological samples from Tabon Cave, Quezon, Palawan, Philippines. Report on Palawan Island Palaeohistoric Research Project for 2004 [Lewis, 2004 #36235]
Report 2003 Lewis, H. The soil micromorphological potential of cultural deposits from cave sites in Island Southeast Asia: progress report on sampling at Tabon Cave, the Philippines, March 2003 [Lewis, 2003 #36234]
Report 2003 Lewis, H. The soil micromorphological potential of cultural deposits from cave sites in Island Southeast Asia: the second season of sampling at Niah [Lewis, 2003 #36233]
Report 2002 Lewis, H. Report on fieldwork and soil micromorphology sampling conducted in 2002 at Niah Cave, Sarawak, Malaysia and Ille Cave, Palawan, the Philippines [Lewis, 2002 #36232]
Report 2005 Lewis, H. Soil micromorphology and pollen sampling Early occupation at Ille Cave, New Ibaja, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines: report on the 2005 excavation season [Lewis, 2005 #36245]
Book Section 1960 Pendleton, Robert L. The soils of Thailand Proceedings of the Ninth Pacific Science Congress of the Pacific Science Association, held at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, November 18th to December 9th, 1957 [Pendleton, 1960 #24134]
Journal Article 1982 Nguyen Dich Di, Phan tich vi hinh thai hat cat thach anh trong tram tich ki Thu tu [ Micromorphological analysis of quartz grains in the Quarternary ] Khao Co Hoc [Nguyen 1982 #31270]
Journal Article 2002 Parnell, J. Jacob Soil chemical analysis applied as an interpretive tool for ancient human activities in Piedras Negras, Guatemala Journal of Archaeological Science [Parnell, 2002 #31666]
Journal Article 1998 Farrimond, Paul Bacterial sources of Hopanoids in recent sediments: improving our understanding of ancient Hopane biomarkers Ancient Biomolecules [Farrimond, 1998 #32428]
Journal Article 1996 Sibrava, V. Quaternary loessic sediments in the humid tropical zone of Southeast Asia. Vestnik Ceskeho geologickeho ustavu [Sibrava, 1996 #32593]
Journal Article 1968 Chang, Jen-Hu The agricultural potential of the humid tropics Geographical Review [Chang, 1968 #33744]
Book 1979 Motomura, S. Field observations and laboratory analyses of paddy soils in Thailand [Motomura, 1979 #20991]
Book Section 1983 Hattori, Tomoo Soils on high terraces in the Chiangmai and Lampang Basins Proceedings of the First Symposium on Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology of Thailand, 28-29 October 1983 [Hattori, 1983 #24493]
Journal Article 2000 Wells, E. Christian Chemical analyses of ancient anthrosols in residential areas at Piedras Negras, Guatemala Journal of Archaeological Science [Wells, 2000 #34316]
Journal Article 1969 Takaya, Y. Topographical analysis of the southern basin of the Central Plain, Thailand Tonan Ajia Kenkyu [Takaya, 1969 #34480]
Book Section 1992 Stein, Julie K. Organic matter in archaeological contexts Soils in archaeology: landscape evolution and human occupation [Stein, 1992 #24691]
Book Section 1992 Ferring, C. Reid Alluvial pedology and geoarchaeological research Soils in archaeology: landscape evolution and human occupation [Ferring, 1992 #24655]
Book Section 1992 Goldberg, Paul Micromorphology, soils, and archaeological sites Soils in archaeology: landscape evolution and human occupation [Goldberg, 1992 #24651]
Book Section 1992 Holliday, Vance T. Soil formation, time, and archaeology Soils in archaeology: landscape evolution and human occupation [Holliday, 1992 #24624]