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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2018 Acabado, Stephen Status differentiation, agricultural intensification, and pottery production in precapitalist Kiyyangan, Ifugao, Philippines Archaeological Research in Asia [Acabado, 2018 #26695]
Journal Article 2017 Acabado, Stephen Status differentiation, agricultural intensificiation, and pottery production in precapitalist Kiyyangn, Ifugao, Philippines Archaeological Research in Asia [Acabado, 2017 #26812]
Thesis-Bachelor 2007 Ross, Kenneth Sub-adult identity: attitudes towards childhood viewed from mortuary settings in Neolithic and Bronze Age Thailand [Ross, 2007 #36428]
Book 1998 Friedman, Jonathan System, structure, and contradiction: the evolution of "Asiatic" social formations [Friedman, 1998 #20097]
Book Section 1989 Mellars, Paul Technological changes across the middle-upper paleolithic transition: economic, social and cognitive perspectives The human revolution: behavioural and biological perspectives on the origins of modern humans [Mellars, 1989 #23027]
Book 1965 Phillips, Herbert P. Thai peasant personality: the patterning of interpersonal behavior in the village of Bang Chan [Phillips, 1965 #20838]
Book Section in a Series 2011 Yew, Leong The Asian as other Alterities in Asia: reflections on identity and regionalism [Yew, 2011 #25545]
Journal Article 2023 Higham, C. F. W. The Bronze Age and Southeast Asia Old World: Journal of Ancient Africa and Eurasia [Higham, 2023 #37260]
Book in a Series 1953 T'ien, Ju-k'ang The Chinese of Sarawak [T'ien, 1953 #21771]
Book Section 2000 Renard, Ronald D. The differential integration of hill people into the Thai state Civility and Savagery [Renard, 2000 #23259]
Journal Article 1990 Sherratt, Andrew The genesis of megaliths: monumentality, ethnicity, and social complexity in neolithic North-West Europe World Archaeology [Sherratt, 1990 #28789]
Book Section 2022 Ciarla, Roberto The origins of the Bronze Age in Mainland Southeast Asia The Oxford Handbook of Early Southeast Asia [Ciarla, 2022 #37030]
Book Section 2000 Winichakul, Thongchai The others within: travel and ethno-spatial differentiation of Siamese subjects Civility and Savagery [Winichakul, 2000 #23260]
Book Section in a Series 1992 Pauketat, Timothy R. The Reign and Ruin of the Lords of Cahokia: A Dialectic of Dominance Lords of the Southeast: Social Inequality and the Native Elites of Southeastern North America [Pauketat, 1992 #25257]
Thesis 2009 Hauman, Cathleen The Social Organisation of Bronze Age Thailand: A Comparative Study of Mortuary Ceramics from Ban Non Wat and Ban Lum Khao Department of Anthropology and Archaeology [Hauman, 2009 #36342]
Book Section in a Series 1984 Higham, Charles F. W. The social structure of the Ban Na Di prehistoric population Southeast Asian Archaeology at the XV Pacific Science Congress: The Origins of Agriculture, Metallurgy, and the State in Mainland Southeast Asia [Higham, 1984 #26358]