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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1977 Tanabe, Shigeharu Historical geography of the canal system in the Chao Phraya river delta Journal of the Siam Society [Tanabe, 1977 #36803]
Journal Article 1995 Harris, David Early agriculture in New Guinea and the Torres Strait divide Antiquity [Harris, 1995 #26780]
Journal Article 1995 Hope, Geoff Late Quaternary change in the mountains of New Guinea Antiquity [Hope, 1995 #26779]
Book Section 2018 Schweyer, Anne-Valérie Exploitation of a historical geographic information system (GIS) in Thua Thiên-Hue and Quang Tri provinces, central Vietnam Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2016 [Schweyer, 2018 #22241]
Journal Article 1902 Cadière, R. P. Géographie historique du Quãng Bình d'apres les annales impériales Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Cadière, 1902 #27547]
Journal Article 1901 Foucher, M. A. Notes sur la géographie ancienne du Gandhâra Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Foucher, 1901 #27551]
Journal Article 2016 Penny, Dan 'Here be dragons': integrating scientific data and place-based observation for environmental management Applied Geography [Penny, 2016 #27630]
Book 1935 Barbour, George B. Physiographic history of the Yangtze Geological Memoirs (Chung yang ti chih tiao ch'a so), Series A [Barbour, 1935 #19875]
Journal Article 2015 Flexner, James L. Mapping local perspectives in the historical archaeology of Vanuatu mission landscapes Asian Perspectives (2014) [Flexner, 2015 #27929]
Book 1985 Dutt, Ashok K. Southeast Asia: realm of contrasts [Dutt, 1985 #19981]
Book Section 2009 Scott, James C. Hills, valleys, and states: an introduction to Zomia The art of not being governed: an anarchist history of Upland Southeast Asia [Scott, 2009 #22627]
Book 2004 Asian Development Bank Greater Mekong Subregion: Atlas of the Environment [Asian 2004 #20041]
Map 1999 Steinshouer, Douglas W. Maps showing geology, oil and gas fields, and geological provinces of the Asia Pacific region World Energy Project [Steinshouer, 1999 #36112]
Book Section 1978 Gangopadhyay, S. Engineering geological mapping of the project sites with reference to eastern India Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia [Gangopadhyay, 1978 #23084]
Book Section 1978 Kanehira, K. Compilation of the metallogenic map of South and East Asia, present state and future plan Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia [Kanehira, 1978 #23067]
Map 1975 Academy of Geological Sciences of China Geological map of Asia [Academy 1975 #36113]
Book Section 1984 Chamoraman, Chusiri Country report of Thailand: notes on some of the place-names in peninsular Thailand during the 12th-14th centuries A.D. Consultative workshop on research on maritime shipping and trade networks in Southeast Asia [Chamoraman, 1984 #23167]
Book Section 1983 Ten Cate, J. A. M. Geomorphological map and some of its applications Proceedings of the First Symposium on Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology of Thailand, 28-29 October 1983 [Ten 1983 #23185]
Map 1975 Angkatavanich, Ngarmpis Mineral resources of Thailand [Angkatavanich, 1975 #36114]
Journal Article 1894 Louis, Henry On the River Telubin Geographical Journal [Louis, 1894 #28557]
Book 1915 Abendanon, E. C. Midden Celebes expeditie: geologische en geographische doorkruisingen van Midden-Celebes (1909-1910) [Abendanon, 1915 #20074]
Book 1961 Wheatley, Paul The Golden Khersonese: studies in the historical geography of the Malay Peninsula before A.D. 1500 [Wheatley, 1961 #20116]
Book 1963 Trewartha, Glenn Thomas Japan: a physical, cultural and regional geography [Trewartha, 1963 #20137]
Book 1978 Schwartzberg, Joseph E. A historical atlas of South Asia [Schwartzberg, 1978 #20183]
Journal Article 1997 O'Connor, Richard Review of Thongchai Winichakul, Siam mapped: a history of the geo-body of a nation'. Journal of Asian Studies [O'Connor, 1997 #28908]
Journal Article 1995 Keogh, Warren J. Historic aerial photographs of Maluku Cakalele: Journal of Maluku Studies [Keogh, 1995 #28915]
Book in a Series (Edited) 2005 Gupta, Avijit The physical geography of Southeast Asia [Gupta, 2005 #22055]
Book 1974 Gerini, Gerolamo Emilio Researches on Ptolemy's geography of Eastern Asia (Further India and Indo-Malay archipelago) [Gerini, 1974 #20830]
Book in a Series 1956 Pelzer, Karl Josef Selected bibliography on the geography of Southeast Asia, part 3, Malaya [Pelzer, 1956 #21800]
Book Section 2002 Ngaosrivathana, Mayoury Early European impressions of the Lao Breaking new ground in Lao history: essays on the seventh to twentieth centuries [Ngaosrivathana, 2002 #24323]