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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book 1982 Baillie, M. G. L. Tree-ring dating and archaeology [Baillie, 1982 #20763]
Book Section 2004 Zhou Weijian, Radiocarbon dating of an ancient bridge near Xianyang, Shaangxi Province, China, and implications for palaeoclimate studies Monsoon and civilization [Zhou 2004 #24305]
Book Section in a Series 2004 Hajdas, I. Chronology of Pazyryk 2 and Ulandryk 4 Kurgans based on high resolution radiocarbon dating and dendrochronology - a step towards more precise dating of Scythian burials Impact of the environment on human migration in Eurasia [Hajdas, 2004 #25705]
Journal Article 2005 Baker, Patrick J. Disturbance history and historical stand dynamics of a seasonal tropical forest in western Thailand Ecological Monographs [Baker, 2005 #28277]
Journal Article 2010 Buckley, Brendan M. Climate as a contributing factor in the demise of Angkor, Cambodia PNAS [Buckley, 2010 #28646]
Journal Article 2009 Sano, Masaki Tree-ring based hydroclimate reconstruction over northern Vietnam from Fokienia hodginsii: eighteenth century mega-drought and tropical Pacific influence Climate Dynamics [Sano, 2009 #28957]
Journal Article 2007 Wannasri, Sineenart Teak log coffin head styles in northern Thailand: time sequencing with dendrochronology ScienceAsia [Wannasri, 2007 #28958]
Journal Article 2007 Buckley, Brendan M. Decadal scale droughts over northwestern Thailand over the past 448 years: links to the tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean sectors Climate dynamics [Buckley, 2007 #28959]
Journal Article 2007 Buckley, Brendan M. Analyses of growth rings of Pinus merkusii from Lao PDR Forest Ecology and Management [Buckley, 2007 #28960]
Journal Article 2006 Poussart, P. M. Tropical dendrochemistry: a novel approach to estimate age and growth from ringless trees Geophysical Research Letters [Poussart, 2006 #28962]
Journal Article 2008 Helama, Samuli X-ray microdensitometry applied to subfossil tree-rings: growth characteristics of ancient pines from the southern boreal forest zone in Finland at intra-annual to centennial time-scales Vegetation History and Archaeobotany [Helama, 2008 #28964]
Journal Article 2007 Balouet, Jean-Christophe Applied dendroecology and environmental forensics. Characterizing and age dating environmental releases: fundamentals and case studies Environmental Forensics [Balouet, 2007 #28965]
Journal Article 1995 Worbes, Martin How to measure growth dynamics in tropical trees: a review IAWA Journal [Worbes, 1995 #33839]
Journal Article 1995 Killmann, Wulf The periodicity of growth in tropical trees with special reference to Dipterocarpaceae - a review IAWA Journal [Killmann, 1995 #33840]
Journal Article 1995 Buckley, Brendan M. Dendrochronological investigations in Thailand IAWA Journal [Buckley, 1995 #33841]
Journal Article 1995 Pumijumnong, Nathsuda Tree-ring research on Tectona grandis in northern Thailand IAWA Journal [Pumijumnong, 1995 #33842]