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2019 |
Kaifu, Yousuke |
Palaeolithic seafaring in East Asia: testing the bamboo raft hypothesis |
Antiquity |
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2017 |
Xhauflair, Hermine |
What plants might potentially have been used in the forests of prehistoric Southeast Asia? An insight from the resources used nowadays by local communities in the forested highlands of Palawan Island |
Quaternary International |
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Journal Article |
2016 |
Xhauflair, Hermine |
Characterisation of the use-wear resulting from bamboo working and its importance to address the hypothesis of the existence of a bamboo industry in prehistoric Southeast Asia |
Quaternary International |
[Xhauflair, 2016 #27827] |
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2011 |
Bar-Yosef, Ofer |
Were bamboo tools made in prehistoric Southeast Asia? An experimental view from South China |
Quaternary International |
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2001 |
Saha, Sonali |
The bamboo fire cycle hypothesis: a comment |
American Naturalist |
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2007 |
West, Jolee A. |
Differentiating bamboo from stone tool cut marks in the zooarchaeological record, with a discussion on the use of bamboo knives |
Journal of Archaeological Science |
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1997 |
Christanty, L. |
‘Without bamboo, the land dies’: A conceptual model of the biogeochemical role of bamboo in an Indonesian agroforestry system |
Forest Ecology and Management |
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Book in a Series |
1995 |
Dransfield, S. |
Plant resources of South-East Asia. No. 7: bamboos |
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1976 |
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Why bamboos wait so long to flower |
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics |
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1989 |
Pope, Geoffrey G. |
Bamboo and human evolution |
Natural History |
[Pope, 1989 #34551] |