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Type | Year | Authors | Title | Source | ID |
Journal Article | 2004 | Hung, Hsiao-Chun | A sourcing study of Taiwan stone adzes | Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association | [Hung, 2004 #30548] |
Journal Article | 1998 | Nguyen Kim Dung, | Truyen thong che tao do ngoc o Viêt Nam thoi tien su [ Nephrite and Jadeite manufacturing tradition in prehistoric Vietnam] | Khao Co Hoc | [Nguyen 1998 #30758] |
Journal Article | 1999 | Vo Quy, | Ve hau ky da moi Tay Bac [ Late Neolithic of Tay Bac] | Khao Co Hoc | [Vo 1999 #30743] |
Journal Article | 1999 | Tran Quy Thinh, | Hau ky da moi -so ky kim khi Tay Nguyen: Dac trung di tich va di vat [ Late neolithic - Early Metal Age in Central Highlands - Characteristics of sites and artifacts] | Khao Co Hoc | [Tran 1999 #30719] |
Journal Article | 1997 | Ha Huu Nga, | Suu tap riu bon mai khong co vai tai di chi Mai Pha [ Collection of polished axes and adzes without shoulders at Mai Pha site] | Khao Co Hoc | [Ha 1997 #30810] |
Book Section | 1904 | Lefèvre-Pontalis, M. | Note de M. Lefèvre-Pontalis | Recherches sur l'Histoire Naturelle de l'Indo-Chine Orientale | [Lefèvre-Pontalis, 1904 #24312] |
Book Section | 1904 | Massie, M. | Catalogue des objets des âges de la pierre et du bronze recueillis dans la région de Luang-Prabang | Recherches sur l'Histoire Naturelle de l'Indo-Chine Orientale | [Massie, 1904 #24313] |
Journal Article | 1992 | Nguyen Van Binh, | Riu mai luoi Hoa Binh [ The edge of ground in Hoa Binh culture] | Khao Co Hoc | [Nguyen 1992 #30983] |
Journal Article | 1980 | Diep Dinh Hoa, | Tinh doc dao cua nguoi Viet co qua viec khao sat nhung luoi riu Dong Son [ The originality of the ancient Viet through studies on the Dongsonian axes] | Khao Co Hoc | [Diep 1980 #31325] |
Journal Article | 1931 | Evans, Ivor H. N. | A note on beaked stone adzes | Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums | [Evans, 1931 #31369] |
Journal Article | 1941 | Noone, H. D. | A proposed classification of Malayan polished stone implements | Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society | [Noone, 1941 #31597] |
Journal Article | 1928 | Heanley, C. M. | Hong Kong celts | Bulletin of the Geological Society of China | [Heanley, 1928 #31648] |
Journal Article | 1996 | Allen, Melinda S. | Patterns of interaction in southern Cook Island prehistory | Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association | [Allen, 1996 #31740] |
Journal Article | 1973 | Ghosh, Asok K. | Hand adzes in the Paleolithic culture | Asian Perspectives (1972) | [Ghosh, 1973 #33272] |
Journal Article | 1973 | Kellum-Ottino, Marimari | Discovery of a Neolithic adze in Madagascar | Asian Perspectives (1972) | [Kellum-Ottino, 1973 #33270] |
Journal Article | 1974 | Scheans, Daniel J. | Review of "Stone adzes of Southeast Asia" by Roger Duff | Asian Perspectives (1974) | [Scheans, 1974 #33203] |
Journal Article | 1979 | Oakley, Kenneth P. | Fossil coral artifact from Niah Cave | Asian Perspectives (1977) | [Oakley, 1979 #33133] |
Journal Article | 1984 | Oda, Shizuo | Stone adzes of the Black current region - polished stone adzes of Hachijo Island | Asian Perspectives (1981) | [Oda, 1984 #33077] |
Journal Article | 1984 | Athens, J. Stephen | A stone adze from Ponape, Eastern Caroline Islands | Asian Perspectives (1981) | [Athens, 1984 #33075] |
Journal Article | 1991 | Withrow, Barbara M. | Prehistoric distribution of stone adzes on Hawai'i Island: implications for the development of Hawaiian chiefdoms | Asian Perspectives (1990) | [Withrow, 1991 #32957] |
Journal Article | 1993 | Weisler, Marshall I. | Provenance studies of Polynesian basalt adze material: a review and suggestions for improving regional data bases | Asian Perspectives (1993) | [Weisler, 1993 #32911] |
Journal Article | 1996 | Latinis, D. Kyle | Prehistoric lithic technology, workshops, and chipping stations in the Philippines | Asian Perspectives (1996) | [Latinis, 1996 #32830] |
Conference Paper | 1967 | Duff, Roger | Neolithic adzes with differentiated butt in South China, South-East Asia and Polynesia | Symposium on Historical, Archaeological and Linguistic Studies on Southern China, South-East Asia and the Hong Kong Region, University of Hong Kong, 1961 | [Duff, 1967 #26478] |
Book in a Series - VN | 1970 | Duff, Roger | Stone adzes of Southeast Asia: an illustrated typology | [Duff, 1970 #22138] | |
Book Section | 1970 | Strathern, Marilyn | Stone axes and flake tools: evaluations from two New Guinea highlands societies | Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society (New Series) | [Strathern, 1970 #24517] |
Book Section in a Series | 1988 | Bronson, Bennet | Don Noi: a new flaked tool industry of the middle Holocene in western Thailand | Prehistoric studies: the stone and metal ages in Thailand | [Bronson, 1988 #26388] |
Book Section | 1980 | Duff, Roger | Stone adzes of South East Asia | The Diffusion of Material Culture: 28th International Congress of Orientalists, proceedings of Seminar E, Canberra, January 1971 | [Duff, 1980 #25176] |