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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2011 Reich, D. Denisova admixture and the first modern human dispersals into Southeast Asia and Oceania American Journal of Human Genetics [Reich, 2011 #27773]
Journal Article 2011 Hsiao-chun Hung, The first settlement of remote Oceania: the Philippines to the Marianas Antiquity [Hsiao-chun 2011 #27862]
Book 1961 Bodrogi, Tibor L'art de l'Océanie [Bodrogi, 1961 #19871]
Book (Edited) 1989 Weiner, Annette B. Cloth and human experience Smithsonian Series in Ethnographic Inquiry [Weiner, 1989 #21367]
Book Section 1988 Guidieri, Remo Two millenaristic responses in Oceania Ethnicities and nations: processes of interethnic relations in Latin America, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific [Guidieri, 1988 #22567]
Book Section 1988 Babadzan, Alain <i>Kastom</i> and nation-building in the South Pacific Ethnicities and nations: processes of interethnic relations in Latin America, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific [Babadzan, 1988 #22566]
Book (Edited) 1988 Gledhill, John State and society: the emergence and development of social hierarchy and political centralization One World Archaeology [Gledhill, 1988 #21380]
Book (Edited) 1987 Lindstrom, Lamont Drugs in Western Pacific societies: relations of substance Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania monographs [Lindstrom, 1987 #21388]
Book (Edited) 2013 Summerhayes, Glenn Pacific archaeology: documenting the past 50,000 years : papers from the 2011 Lapita Pacific Archaeology Conference [Summerhayes, 2013 #21403]
Journal Article 2007 Lape, Peter V. Rock art: a potential source of information about past maritime technology in the South-East Asia-Pacific region International Journal of Nautical Archaeology [Lape, 2007 #28182]
Journal Article 2010 Field, Julie S. Paleoclimates and the emergence of fortifications in the tropical Pacific islands Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Field, 2010 #28184]
Journal Article 2013 Dixon, Boyd The archaeology of World War II Japanese stragglers on the island of Guam and the Bushido code Asian Perspectives (2012) [Dixon, 2013 #28243]
Journal Article 2011 Bellwood, Peter The checkered prehistory of rice movement southwards as a domesticated cereal- from the Yangzi to the equator Rice [Bellwood, 2011 #28430]
Map 1999 Steinshouer, Douglas W. Maps showing geology, oil and gas fields, and geological provinces of the Asia Pacific region World Energy Project [Steinshouer, 1999 #36112]
Journal Article 2011 Spriggs, Matthew Archaeology and the Austronesian expansion: where are we now? Antiquity [Spriggs, 2011 #28472]
Journal Article 2011 Kirch, Patrick Anything but a backwater Antiquity [Kirch, 2011 #28469]
Book 1973 Howells, W. W. The Pacific Islanders [Howells, 1973 #20058]
Book 2002 Floris, Peter Peter Floris: his voyage to the East Indies in the Globe, 1611-1615: Siam, Pattani, Bantam: the contemporary translation of his journal [Floris, 2002 #20071]
Journal Article 2008 Prebble, M. The late Quaternary decline and extinction of palms on oceanic Pacific islands Quaternary Science Reviews [Prebble, 2008 #28583]
Journal Article 2007 Partin, Judson W. Millennial-scale trends in west Pacific warm pool hydrology since the Last Glacial Maximum Nature [Partin, 2007 #28584]
Book Section 1994 Harrison, S. P. Linguistic evidence for Polynesian influence in the Gilbert Islands Language contact and change in the Austronesian world [Harrison, 1994 #23201]
Book Section 1994 Nothofer, Bernd The relationship between the languages of the Barrier Islands and the Sulawesi-Philippine languages Language contact and change in the Austronesian world [Nothofer, 1994 #23198]
Book Section 1994 Rivierre, Jean-Claude Contact-induced phonological complexification in New Caledonia Language contact and change in the Austronesian world [Rivierre, 1994 #23194]
Book Section 1994 Ozanne-Rivierre, Françoise Iaai loanwords and phonemic changes in Fagauvea Language contact and change in the Austronesian world [Ozanne-Rivierre, 1994 #23193]
Journal Article 1961 Schmitz, A. Carl Gibt es eine "Megalith-Kultur" in Ozeanien ? Zeitschrift für Ethnologie [Schmitz, 1961 #28820]
Journal Article 1982 Spriggs, M. Review of "Early Tahiti as the explorers saw it" by E. Ferdon Archaeology in Oceania [Spriggs, 1982 #29041]
Journal Article 1993 Parke, Aubrey Investigations of Vatanitawake: a ceremonial mound on the island of Bau, Fiji Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Parke, 1993 #29114]
Journal Article 1993 Craib, John L. Early occupation at Unai Chulu, Tinian, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Craib, 1993 #29113]
Journal Article 1991 di Piazza, Anne A thousand years of gardening: a history of subsistence on Futuna Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [di 1991 #29138]
Journal Article 1991 Beardsley, Felicis R. Characterization of Easter Island obsidian sources Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Beardsley, 1991 #29135]