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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1997 Bar-Yosef Mayer, D. E. Neolithic shell bead production in Sinai Journal of Archaeological Science [Bar-Yosef 1997 #29967]
Book Section in a Series 2020 Pereira, Clifford J. New interpretations on the African presence in Southeast Asia 700-1700 CE Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2019: selected papers from the Third SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology, Bangkok, Thailand 2019 [Pereira, 2020 #36933]
Journal Article 1992 Sealy, Judith C. On "approaches to dietary reconstruction in the Western Cape: are you what you have eaten?" - A reply to Parkington Journal of Archaeological Science [Sealy, 1992 #34509]
Book Section 1996 Killick, David On claims for "advanced" ironworking technology in precolonial Africa The culture and technology of African iron production [Killick, 1996 #23837]
Journal Article 2004 Wu, Xinzhi On the origin of modern humans in China Quaternary International [Wu, 2004 #30693]
Journal Article 1997 White, Christine D. Osteopenia and stable isotope ratios in bone collagen of Nubian female mummies American Journal of Physical Anthropology [White, 1997 #34440]
Journal Article 2001 Kramer, Andrew Out of Africa and into the Levant: replacement or admixture in Western Asia Quaternary International [Kramer, 2001 #31795]
Book 1996 Delarozière, Marie-Françoise Perles d'Afrique [Delarozière, 1996 #20648]
Book 1971 Bloch, Maurice Placing the dead: tombs, ancestral villages and kinship organization in Madagascar [Bloch, 1971 #20742]
Journal Article 2010 Haidle, Miriam N. Pleistocene modernity: an exclusively Afro-European issue? An introduction to Session A1 Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Haidle, 2010 #28688]
Journal Article 1986 Ambrose, Stanley H. Reconstruction of African human diet using bone collagen carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios Nature [Ambrose, 1986 #34806]
Journal Article 1993 Hitchcock, M. Research report on Indonesian and Tanzanian maritime links Indonesia Circle [Hitchcock, 1993 #29542]
Journal Article 1963 Vérin, Pierre Michel Rétrospective et problèmes de l’archéologie à Madagascar Asian Perspectives (1962) [Vérin, 1963 #31196]
Journal Article 2004 Pietrusewsky, Michael Review of "Genetic, linguistic, and archaeological perspectives on human diversity in Southeast Asia," by Li Jin, Mark Seielstad, and Chunjie Xiao, eds. Asian Perspectives (2004) [Pietrusewsky, 2004 #31157]
Journal Article 1980 Casson, Lionel Rome's trade with the east: the sea voyage to Africa and India Transactions of the American Philological Society [Casson, 1980 #29905]
Book Section in a Series 1998 Maceachern, Scott Scale, style, and cultural variation: technological traditions in the Northern Mandara Mountains The archaeology of social boundaries [Maceachern, 1998 #25585]
Book Section 1997 Wiessner, Polly Seeking guidelines through an evolutionary approach: style revisited Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation [Wiessner, 1997 #22148]
Book 1996 Horton, Mark Shanga: the archaeology of a Muslim trading community on the coast of East Africa [Horton, 1996 #20509]
Journal Article 2002 Ambrose, Stanley H. Small Things Remembered: Origins of Early Microlithic Industries in Sub-Saharan Africa Thinking Small: Global Perspectives on Microlithization [Ambrose, 2002 #19025]
Book Section in a Series 1998 Hitchcock, Robert K. Social boundaries, technical systems, and the use of space and technology in the Kalahari The archaeology of social boundaries [Hitchcock, 1998 #25588]
Journal Article 2001 Vander Linden, M. M. Social dynamics and pottery distribution in the Faro Department, Northern Cameroon African Archaeological Review [Vander 2001 #29014]
Book Section in a Series 1998 Childs, S. Terry Social identity and craft specialization among Toro ironworkers in western Uganda Craft and social identity [Childs, 1998 #25803]
Journal Article 1991 Sillen, Andrew Solubility profiles of synthetic apatites and of modern and fossil bones Journal of Archaeological Science [Sillen, 1991 #34502]
Journal Article 1997 Sealy, Judith C. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios and coastal diets in the later stone age of South Africa: a comparison and critical analysis of two data sets Ancient Biomolecules [Sealy, 1997 #34511]
Journal Article 1998 Iacumin, P. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes as dietary indicators of ancient Nubian populations (Northern Sudan) Journal of Archaeological Science [Iacumin, 1998 #34364]
Journal Article 1998 Iacumin, P. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes as dietary indicators of ancient Nubian populations (Northern Sudan) Journal of Archaeological Science [Iacumin, 1998 #34654]
Journal Article 1992 Sillen, Andrew Strontium-calcium ratios (Sr/Ca) of <i>Australopithecus robustus</i> and associated fauna from Swartkrans Journal of Human Evolution [Sillen, 1992 #34503]
Journal Article 1995 Reid, Andrew Symbolism and the social contexts of iron production in Karagwe World Archaeology [Reid, 1995 #29730]
Book 1971 Goody, Jack Technology, tradition, and the state in Africa [Goody, 1971 #20630]
Book Section 1971 Batistini, R. Temoine archéologique sur la côte Vezo Civilisation de Madagascar: art et archéologie, anthropologie sociale [Batistini, 1971 #23941]