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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 2005 McGill, Forrest Introduction to the history and culture of the kingdom of Siam The kingdom of Siam: the art of Central Thailand, 1350-1800 [McGill, 2005 #24211]
Book Section 2005 Pombejra, Dhiravat na Siam's trade and foreign contacts in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries The kingdom of Siam: the art of Central Thailand, 1350-1800 [Pombejra, 2005 #24210]
Book Section 2005 Woodward, Hiram The Buddha images of Ayutthaya The kingdom of Siam: the art of Central Thailand, 1350-1800 [Woodward, 2005 #24209]
Book Section 2005 Leksukhum, Santi The evolution of the memorial towers of Siamese temples The kingdom of Siam: the art of Central Thailand, 1350-1800 [Leksukhum, 2005 #24208]
Book Section 2005 Chirapravati, M. L. Pattaratorn Wat Ratchaburana: deposits of history, art, and culture of the Early Ayutthaya Period The kingdom of Siam: the art of Central Thailand, 1350-1800 [Chirapravati, 2005 #24207]
Book Section 2005 Ginsburg, Henry Ayutthaya painting The kingdom of Siam: the art of Central Thailand, 1350-1800 [Ginsburg, 2005 #24206]
Book Section 2005 McGill, Forrest Objects in the exhibition The kingdom of Siam: the art of Central Thailand, 1350-1800 [McGill, 2005 #24205]