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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2007 Arnold, Jeanne E. Credit where credit is due: the history of the Chumash oceangoing plank canoe American Antiquity [Arnold, 2007 #28355]
Journal Article 2001 Eerkens, J. W. Techniques for assessing standardization in artifact assemblages: can we scale material variability? American Antiquity [Eerkens, 2001 #28552]
Journal Article 1992 Moore, A. M. T. The Pleistocene to Holocene transition and human economy in Southwest Asia: the impact of the Younger Dryas American Antiquity [Moore, 1992 #28585]
Journal Article 1954 Spaulding, A. C. Reply to Ford American Antiquity [Spaulding, 1954 #28979]
Journal Article 1993 Blackman, M. James The standardization hypothesis and ceramic mass production: technological, compositional, and metric indexes of craft specialization at Tell Leilan, Syria American Antiquity [Blackman, 1993 #29022]
Journal Article 1995 Costin, C. L. Standardization, labor investment, skills, and the organization of ceramic production in late Prehispanic Highland Peru American Antiquity [Costin, 1995 #29018]
Journal Article 2007 Bentley, R. Alexander Lapita migrants in the Pacific’s oldest cemetery: isotopic analysis at Teouma, Vanuatu American Antiquity [Bentley, 2007 #29277]
Journal Article 1970 Tamers, M. A. Validity of radiocarbon dates on terrestrial snail shells American Antiquity [Tamers, 1970 #29358]
Journal Article 2008 Kealhofer, Lisa Land use, political complexity, and urbanism in mainland Southeast Asia American Antiquity [Kealhofer, 2008 #29424]
Journal Article 1995 Fowler, Don Uses of the state: archaeology in the service of the state American Antiquity [Fowler, 1995 #29430]
Journal Article 1960 Forster, George M. Life expectancy of utilitarian pottery in Tzintzuntzan, Michoácan, Mexico American Antiquity [Forster, 1960 #29726]
Journal Article 2005 Schiffer, Michael Brian The devil is in the details: the cascade model of invention processes American Antiquity [Schiffer, 2005 #29716]
Journal Article 1997 Schiffer, Michael Brian The explanation of artifact variability American Antiquity [Schiffer, 1997 #29715]
Journal Article 1953 Spaulding, Albert C. Statistical techniques for the discovery of artifact types American Antiquity [Spaulding, 1953 #29704]
Journal Article 1995 Nelson, Ben A. Complexity, hierarchy, and scale: a controlled comparison between Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, and La Quemada, Zacatecas American Antiquity [Nelson, 1995 #29830]
Journal Article 1996 McGuire, Randall Although they have petty captains, they obey them badly: the dialectics of prehispanic western Pueblo social organization American Antiquity [McGuire, 1996 #29829]
Journal Article 1962 Binford, Lewis R. Archeology as anthropology American Antiquity [Binford, 1962 #29952]
Journal Article 2006 Beck, Margaret E. Midden ceramic assemblage formation: a case study from Kalinga, Philippines American Antiquity [Beck, 2006 #30340]
Journal Article 2004 Hodder, Ian Daily practice and social memory at Çatalhöyük American Antiquity [Hodder, 2004 #31197]
Journal Article 1999 Tani, M. On methods of measuring ceramic use-life: a revision of the use-life estimates of cooking vessels among the Kalinga, Philippines American Antiquity [Tani, 1999 #31557]
Journal Article 2002 Coltrain, Joan Brenner Climate and diet in Fremont prehistory: Economic variability and abandonment of maize agriculture in the Great Salt Lake Basin American Antiquity [Coltrain, 2002 #33736]
Journal Article 1998 Hutchinson, Dale L. Regional variation in the pattern of maize adoption and use in Florida and Georgia American Antiquity [Hutchinson, 1998 #33734]
Journal Article 1995 Little, Elizabeth A. The Late Woodland diet on Nantucket Island and the problem of maize in coastal New England American Antiquity [Little, 1995 #33733]
Journal Article 1994 Tuross, Noreen Subsistence in the Florida archaic: the stable-isotope and archaeobotanical evidence from the Windover site American Antiquity [Tuross, 1994 #33729]
Journal Article 1968 Wilmsen, Edwin M. Functional analysis of flaked stone artifacts American Antiquity [Wilmsen, 1968 #33834]
Journal Article 1971 Gould, Richard A. The lithic assemblage of the western desert Aborigines of Australia American Antiquity [Gould, 1971 #33832]
Journal Article 1967 Witthoft, John Glazed polish on flint tools American Antiquity [Witthoft, 1967 #33831]
Journal Article 2001 Richerson, Peter J. Was agriculture impossible during the Pleistocene but mandatory during the Holocene? A climate change hypothesis American Antiquity [Richerson, 2001 #34400]
Journal Article 1981 Bender, Margaret M. Further light on stable carbon isotopes and Hopewell agriculture American Antiquity [Bender, 1981 #34789]
Journal Article 1986 Buikstra, Jane E. Fertility and the development of agriculture in the prehistoric Midwest American Antiquity [Buikstra, 1986 #34773]