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Type | Year | Authors | Title | Source | ID |
Book | 1977 | Eberhard, W. | A history of China. 4th edition. | [Eberhard, 1977 #20614] | |
Book Section | 1988 | Ashton, Peter S. | A question of sustainable use | People of the tropical rain forest | [Ashton, 1988 #24993] |
Book (Edited) | 1989 | Hart, Gillian | Agrarian transformations: local processes and the state in Southeast Asia | [Hart, 1989 #21362] | |
Book (Edited) | 1989 | Hart, Gillian | Agrarian transformations: local processes and the state in Southeast Asia | [Hart, 1989 #21369] | |
Book in a Series | 1963 | Geertz, Clifford | Agricultural involution: the process of ecological change in Indonesia | [Geertz, 1963 #21970] | |
Book | 1968 | Moerman, Michael | Agriculture change and peasant choice in a Thai village | [Moerman, 1968 #21297] | |
Book | 2015 | Levitt, Peggy | Artifacts and Allegiances: How Museums Put the Nation and the World on Display | [Levitt, 2015 #18947] | |
Book | 1997 | Trautmann, Thomas R. | Aryans and British India | [Trautmann, 1997 #20111] | |
Book Section in a Series | 2007 | Miller, Heather M. - L. | Associations and ideologies in the locations of urban craft production at Harappa, Pakistan (Indus civilization) | Rethinking craft specialization in complex societies: archaeological analyses of the social meaning of production | [Miller, 2007 #25805] |
Book Section | 1988 | Vayda, Andrew P. | Bugis migration to Kalimantan forests | People of the tropical rain forest | [Vayda, 1988 #24973] |
Book | 1967 | Lieban, Richard Warren | Cebuano sorcery: malign magic in the Philippines | [Lieban, 1967 #19870] | |
Book Section in a Series | 2007 | Bennett, Gwen P. | Context and meaning in late neolithic lithic production in China: the Longshan period in southeastern Shandong Province | Rethinking craft specialization in complex societies: archaeological analyses of the social meaning of production | [Bennett, 2007 #25373] |
Book Section | 1995 | Meacham, William | Deep-level reconstructions of linguistic prehistory and the return to the nuclear arena | The ancestry of the Chinese language | [Meacham, 1995 #23579] |
Book (Edited) | 2006 | Zeder, Melinda A. | Documenting domestication: new genetic and archaeological paradigms | [Zeder, 2006 #21423] | |
Book Section | 1983 | Barnard, Noel | Further evidence to support the hypothesis of indigenous origins of metallurgy in China | The origins of Chinese civilization | [Barnard, 1983 #23943] |
Book | 1991 | Roseman, Marina | Healing sounds from the Malaysian rainforest: Teminar music and medicine | Comparative Studies of Health Systems and Medical Care | [Roseman, 1991 #19881] |
Book Section | 1988 | Kunstadter, Peter | Hill people of northern Thailand | People of the tropical rain forest | [Kunstadter, 1988 #24982] |
Book Section in a Series | 2007 | Clark, John E. | In craft specialization's penumbra: things, persons, action, value, and surplus | Rethinking craft specialization in complex societies: archaeological analyses of the social meaning of production | [Clark, 2007 #25812] |
Book | 2009 | Brocheux, Pierre | Indochina: an ambiguous colonization, 1858-1954 | [Brocheux, 2009 #20055] | |
Book Section in a Series | 2007 | Inomata, Takeshi | Knowledge and belief in artistic production by classic Maya elites | Rethinking craft specialization in complex societies: archaeological analyses of the social meaning of production | [Inomata, 2007 #25808] |
Book | 1988 | Thomason, Sarah Grey | Language contact, creolization, and genetic linguistics | [Thomason, 1988 #20080] | |
Book Section | 1989 | Turton, Andrew | Local powers and rural differentiation | Agrarian Transformations: Local Processes and the State in Southeast Asia | [Turton, 1989 #25134] |
Book (Edited) | 1991 | Watson, Rubie S. | Marriage and inequality in Chinese society | Studies on China | [Watson, 1991 #21368] |
Book Section in a Series | 2007 | Hruby, Zachary X. | On "rethinking" craft specialization: responses by the authors | Rethinking craft specialization in complex societies: archaeological analyses of the social meaning of production | [Hruby, 2007 #25371] |
Book Section | 1983 | Franklin, U. M. | On bronze and other metals in China | The origins of Chinese civilization | [Franklin, 1983 #23803] |
Book Section in a Series | 1983 | Franklin, Ursula M. | On bronze and other metals in early China | Origins of Chinese civilization | [Franklin, 1983 #25791] |
Book | 1987 | Eder, James F. | On the road to tribal extinction: depopulation, deculturation, and maladaption among the Batak of the Philippines | [Eder, 1987 #19958] | |
Book Section | 1983 | Meacham, William | Origins and development of the Yueh coastal Neolithic: a microcosm of culture change on the mainland of east Asia | The origins of Chinese civilization | [Meacham, 1983 #25109] |
Book Section | 1983 | Howells, W. W. | Origins of the Chinese people: interpretations of the recent evidence | The origins of Chinese civilization | [Howells, 1983 #24836] |
Book | 2008 | Frachetti, Michael D | Pastoral landscapes and social interacion in bronze age Eurasia | [Frachetti, 2008 #20040] |