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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1973 Allchin, Bridget Blade and burin industries of west Pakistan and western India South Asian Archaeology 1975. Papers from the Third International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Paris [Allchin, 1973 #23957]
Book Section 1969 Allchin, F. Raymond Early domestic animals in India and Pakistan The domestication and exploitation of plants and animals [Allchin, 1969 #23952]
Book Section 1969 Allchin, F. Raymond Early cultivated plants in India and Pakistan The domestication and exploitation of plants and animals [Allchin, 1969 #23953]
Book Section 1977 Bellwood, Peter Prehistoric plant and animal domestication in Austronesia Problems in economic and social archaeology [Bellwood, 1977 #23937]
Book Section 1973 Binford, L. K. Interassemblage variability- the Mousterian and the 'functional' argument The explanation of culture change: models in prehistory [Binford, 1973 #24552]
Book Section 1973 Biscione, R. Dynamics of an early South Asian urbanization: First Period of Sahr-i Sokhta and its connections with Southern Turkmenia South Asian Archaeology [Biscione, 1973 #23931]
Book Section 1973 Glover, Ian C. Late Stone Age traditions in South-East Asia South Asian Archaeology 1971. Papers from the First International Conference of South Asian Archaeologists Held in the University of Cambridge [Glover, 1973 #25045]
Book in a Series 2003 Liu, Li State formation in early China [Liu, 2003 #21754]
Book Section 1971 Piperno, M. Microdrilling at Shahr-i Sokhta: the making and use of lithic drill heads South Asian Archaeology 1971. Papers from the First International Conference of South Asian Archaeologists Held in the University of Cambridge [Piperno, 1971 #23470]
Conference Proceeding 1969 Ucko, Peter J. The domestication and exploitation of plants and animals Meeting of the Research Seminar in Archaeology and Related Subjects [Ucko, 1969 #26544]