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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book 1989 Hutchison, Charles S. Geological Evolution of South-East Asia Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics [Hutchison, 1989 #20049]
Book 1906 Pitt-Rivers, Augustus Henry Lane-Fox The evolution of culture, and other essays [Pitt-Rivers, 1906 #20601]
Book Section 1989 Kirk, R. L. Population genetic studies in the Pacific: red cell antigen, serum protein, and enzyme systems The colonization of the Pacific, a genetic trail [Kirk, 1989 #23987]
Book Section 1989 Serjeantson, S. W. HLA genes and antigens The colonization of the Pacific, a genetic trail [Serjeantson, 1989 #23986]
Book Section 1989 Ranford, P. R. Genetic variants of the serum complement components The colonization of the Pacific, a genetic trail [Ranford, 1989 #23985]
Book Section 1989 Propert, D. Immunoglobulin allotypes The colonization of the Pacific, a genetic trail [Propert, 1989 #23984]
Book Section 1989 Stoneking, M. Mitochondrial DNA The colonization of the Pacific, a genetic trail [Stoneking, 1989 #23983]
Book Section 1989 Hill, A. V. S. Haemoglobin and globin gene variants in the Pacific The colonization of the Pacific, a genetic trail [Hill, 1989 #23982]
Book Section 1989 Serjeantson, S. W. The colonization of the Pacific: the genetic evidence The colonization of the Pacific, a genetic trail [Serjeantson, 1989 #23981]
Book (Edited) 1989 Hill, A. V. S. The colonization of the Pacific: a genetic trail [Hill, 1989 #21533]
Book Section 1972 Weiner, Joseph S. Tropical ecology and population structure The structure of human populations [Weiner, 1972 #24467]
Journal Article 1964 Lamb, Alastair Takuapa: the probable site of a pre-Malaccan entrepot in the Malay Peninsula Malayan and Indonesian Studies [Lamb, 1964 #35337]
Book Section 1989 Bellwood, Peter S. The colonization of the Pacific: some current hypotheses The colonization of the Pacific, a genetic trail [Bellwood, 1989 #24837]
Book Section 1966 Dunn, Frederick L. The current status of ethnographic, genetic, and other biomedical research among the primitive ethnic groups of South-East Asia The biology of human adaptability [Dunn, 1966 #24807]
Book 1976 Ruthenberg, Hans Farming systems in the tropics [Ruthenberg, 1976 #21315]
Book 1979 Fleming, Stuart J. Thermoluminescence techniques in archaeology [Fleming, 1979 #21282]