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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1971 Semenov, S. A. A contribution to the question of certain stone age implements of Southeast Asia Soviet Anthropology and Archaeology [Semenov, 1971 #33928]
Thesis 1971 Bayard, Donn Thomas A course toward what? Evolution, development and change at Non Nok Tha, Northeastern Thailand Anthropology [Bayard, 1971 #36275]
Journal Article 1971 Court, Christopher A fleeting encounter with the Moken (the Sea Gypsies) in southern Thailand: some linguistic and general notes Journal of the Siam Society [Court, 1971 #34235]
Book (Edited) 1971 Soepadmo, E. A guide to Batu caves [Soepadmo, 1971 #21586]
Journal Article 1971 Yen-ho Wu, David A short history of archaeological studies in Taiwan from 1895 to 1949: with a bibliography Asian Perspectives (1969) [Yen-ho 1971 #33320]
Journal Article 1971 Penth, Hans A stone inscription from Wat Dong Bunnak (Phan) Journal of the Siam Society [Penth, 1971 #34240]
Journal Article 1971 Barnes, Virgil E. Age of Asian tektites Geological Society of America Bulletin [Barnes, 1971 #34093]
Journal Article 1971 Harlan, Jack R. Agricultural origins: centers and non-centers Science Magazine [Harlan, 1971 #29587]
Journal Article 1971 Harlan, Jack R. Agriculture origins: centers and noncenters Science [Harlan, 1971 #35241]
Journal Article 1971 Higham, Charles F. W. An early center of bovine husbandry in Southeast Asia Science [Higham, 1971 #33960]
Conference Paper 1971 Bayard, Donn T. An early indigenous bronze technology in North-East Thailand 28th International Congress of Orientalists [Bayard, 1971 #26479]
Journal Article 1971 Chandler, David P. An eighteenth century inscription from Angkor Wat Journal of the Siam Society [Chandler, 1971 #34242]
Book Section 1971 Caley, Earle R. Analyses of some metal artifacts from ancient Afghanistan Science and archaeology [Caley, 1971 #23861]
Book 1971 Fox, Robert B. Ancient man and Pleistocene fauna in Cagayan Valley, northern Luzon, Philippines: a progress report [Fox, 1971 #21168]
Journal Article 1971 Thurnham, D. I. Angular stomatitis and biochemical ariboflavinosis in village pre-school children in northeast Thailand Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health [Thurnham, 1971 #30248]
Report 1971 Chung, S. K. Annual Report of the Geological Survey Malaysia 1971 [Chung, 1971 #36264]
Book 1971 Brown, James Allison Approaches to the social dimensions of mortuary practices [Brown, 1971 #20725]
Journal Article 1971 Soekmono, R. Archaeological research in Indonesia: a historical survey Asian Perspectives (1969) [Soekmono, 1971 #33324]
Journal Article 1971 Mulvaney, D. J. Archaeology in Sulawesi, Indonesia Antiquity [Mulvaney, 1971 #34005]
Book 1971 Spencer, J. E. Asia East by South [Spencer, 1971 #20981]
Book 1971 Spencer, J. E. Asia, East by South: a cultural geography [Spencer, 1971 #21137]
Book Section in a Series 1971 Douglas, Ian Aspects of the water balance of catchments in the main range near Kuala Lumpur [and discussion] The Water Relations of Malesian Forests. Transactions of the First Aberdeen-Hull Symposium on Malesian Ecology, Hull, 1970 [Douglas, 1971 #26323]
Book 1971 Greenhill, Basil Boats and boatmen in Pakistan [Greenhill, 1971 #20550]
Journal Article 1971 Golson, Jack Both sides of the Wallace Line: Australia, New Guinea, and Asian prehistory Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania [Golson, 1971 #33902]
Journal Article 1971 Suri, K. Carcinogenic effect of a dimethyl sulphoxide extract of betel nut on the mucosa of the hamster buccal pouch Nature [Suri, 1971 #35023]
Book 1971 Willetts, William Ceramic art of Southeast Asia [Willetts, 1971 #20258]
Journal Article 1971 Vu The Long, Con nguoi, anh la ai? [ Homme, qui es-tu?] Khao Co Hoc [Vu 1971 #31140]
Journal Article 1971 Hengen, O. P. Cribra orbitalia: pathogenesis and probable etiology HOMO [Hengen, 1971 #30587]
Book 1971 Watson, William Cultural frontiers in ancient East Asia [Watson, 1971 #20489]
Journal Article 1971 Loofs, H. H. E. Découverte de signes d'une sidérurgie ancienne à U-Thông, Thaïlande centrale Revue d'Histoire des Mines et de la Métallurgie [Loofs, 1971 #35601]